Recent content by llewgriff

  1. llewgriff

    Poll: You get reincarnated into the 40k universe...

    *Nerd hat on* They don't have rail guns they have gauss guns that dissolve the flesh from your bone. Now me personally I'd be a human.. not a space marine just a guy, good retirement plan.
  2. llewgriff

    Why is there so much stigma attached to Pokemon?

    I have no idea what you are talking about. I'll tell anyone I play pokemon.. y'know if I went around telling people random facts..
  3. llewgriff

    Poll: We just doomed ourselves

    Is this sarcasm? If not, you may remember lots of people thought the world would end at the start of 2000. I don't think millions were killed by looting and pillaging then...
  4. llewgriff

    What is the cutest thing you have EVER seen on the internet?

    Isn't that the dog you're meant to see every time you close your eyes, and then you die? Well thanks for signing my death sentence... douche
  5. llewgriff

    If you were your Escapist Avatar...

    Then I'd be a pasty fool.. yeah me..
  6. llewgriff

    Worst Military Loss in History

    those germans lost two world wars.. poor bastards
  7. llewgriff

    Dollhouse has been cancelled

    Hey maybe FOX can fill the space with Firefly! yaaaay *blocks out the real world*
  8. llewgriff

    So I was about to lose my virgin.......

    Don't worry you'll never lose your virgin........ ity, anywho uhh I lost my car once.
  9. llewgriff

    Too all who said bombing the Moon was a waste of time....

    Yeah you're right I mean why aren't the rocket scientists curing cancer, I mean it's not rocket science right who cares if they have no skills in the field?
  10. llewgriff

    I have Swine Flu

    My 86 year old gran had it. Trust me you'll be fine.
  11. llewgriff

    Modern Warfare Veteran Ease

    I 100%ed the story mode already... soo easy
  12. llewgriff

    what would your last words be before you die?

    I hid the gold near the....
  13. llewgriff

    Everything is ruined!

    That sucks beacuse Borderlands is good. Nothing happened to me I got it the day it came out which was the 23rd for us brits. Maybe rent a game to tide you over or something. I hardly think your entire birthday was ruined though. Well good happy haps then
  14. llewgriff

    What does English sound like? the video has your answer, quite amusing.
  15. llewgriff

    I think I have the Swine

    I had the flu a while a go, couldn't sleep as I was hallucinating that the guys from top gear were having a car auction in my room. anywho good luck with swine flu, if you hallucinate just ignore them. Stops alot of fires...