Recent content by lynnfire

  1. L

    Lucasfilm Makes It Official: Star Wars: Expanded Universe Is Dead

    What a sad day for fiction! I believe the better choice would be to build off of the fan fiction, ie. the EU, and play with the space that was left for them. As a creative choice, this is fantastic - it challenges the creators and the watchers to invest in a rich world made richer by a gallery...
  2. L

    No Right Answer: Best Candy Ever

    I vote Candy Kong edit** double vote!
  3. L

    No Right Answer: Best Candy Ever

    I vote Candy Kong
  4. L

    Researchers Bring the Touchscreen Off the Screen

    Look - it's the next wii!
  5. L

    Nintendo Records First-Ever Full Year Loss in 2011

    I grew up with Nintendo, and I gotta say, they just don't make em like they used to.
  6. L

    BBC Debate: Games Aren't Art ... Yet

    This is exactly what I was going to say. Nicely put :)
  7. L

    Trailers: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Strike Packages

    This is a kind of convolution between rpg's and straight up army fps. But Call-of-Duty style! Part of me says, part of my says no. :)
  8. L

    Sexsim: have the tables actually turned?

    Is there really any other kind of thread?
  9. L

    Poll: You are now an evil genius.

    You can do anything you want. What do you do.
  10. L

    Does life get better?

    Woah. I don't even wanna talk about it if that's what you think.
  11. L

    Does life get better?

    Earning anything above a certain "threshold wage" (ie. enough to meet basic needs of human life) with not affect your level of happiness or life-satisfaction in any significant way. Anyone who tells you differently hasn't read any psychological studies blatantly showing otherwise. Just gotta...
  12. L

    10 Word Movie Pitch

    Explosions explosions explosions explosions explosions explosions tits explosions explosions explosions!!!
  13. L

    Odd little fun fact about yourself

    Styrofoam makes me CRINGE
  14. L

    Any good tips on how to be more open to talking about sex?

    I had a similar situation when I was growing up. I found talking about sex kind of embarrassing, even around those I trusted and felt close to. Then I had one night out on the town with a really good buddy of mine, where we got really drunk and ended up having a really really long drunk walk...