Does life get better?


New member
Oct 11, 2010
well if you idea of perfection is the scenario you just described then yes it gets better. infact your current idea is very quaint


New member
Sep 19, 2010
I sincerely hope so, short of irritible bowel syndrome or losing my thumbs life can't sink a hell of a lot more.............for me

fortunately we live in beautiful, if fading natural world and a universe where anything beyond our imagination is possible, where worlds are created and destroyed over eons, life's pretty good

too bad i'm not in a position to enjoy the human aspect such as you are my young friend


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Dunno. I turned 18 not long ago. I'm lonely and depressed, life is crap. Worried about family members' and my own health, am doing shit in school, no money, probably end up on the street or with some fucked-up shitty job and a shittier apartment. No friends to talk to about problems, or even just talk to about anything. Every day is the same dreary bullshit when I look back at them before I fall asleep. I know life always changes, but I don't seem to recall a significant change in my life that ever made it better. So, there it is.
Also, the realization that I am nowhere near as smart or unique as I was always told I am by teachers/older relatives/family is kinda painful.
/blah whiny blah whocares blah


New member
Jan 27, 2009
thaluikhain said:
I...was expecting a very different tone to this thread, given the title, TBH.
Me too! xD

Hmm, well, as some people say: "Life has it's ups and downs".

You're at what a lot of people consider to be the peak of life, but I also find a lot of people have an oddly dark view of life. I think as long as you try to have a good view of life and try to get the things in life that you want while adhering to your personal beliefs, you should probably live a pretty swell life. Will you occasionally come across some speed bumps or problems? Sure, but you can deal with them.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
OP - you sound very happy, I'm sure it's the first time you got laid.

Life really is what you make of it; it could keep getting better and better (with sucky stuff on the way) or, it could end up a pile of wank and you really will die miserable like pp.

Don't worry about it though, enjoy what you have now instead.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
priestswearseatbelts said:
The more money you have the happier you will be. Anyone who tells you differently isn't being realistic.
Earning anything above a certain "threshold wage" (ie. enough to meet basic needs of human life) with not affect your level of happiness or life-satisfaction in any significant way. Anyone who tells you differently hasn't read any psychological studies blatantly showing otherwise.

Just gotta learn to be happy with yourself. Then life will be good :)


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
Dude, honestly, life is only what you make of it.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
I believe that life will have it's horrendous dark patches that make you wish you weren't born and euphoric up cycles that will feel like a constant high, and there's nothing you can really do about that. I'm also glad life is like this because sometimes a good tragedy is just as enjoyable as a comedy, and it makes you appreciate the brighter times that much better.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
pizzapicante27 said:
Collegue is better, but get ready to spend 2 days without sleeping while working
I'm with this, college for me is better but I haven't gotten a proper rest in ages.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Count Igor said:
I was wondering.
Because my life is fantastic now (I'm in high school, year 10).
I just spent the last few hours kissing (and more) my dream girl in a field, and god it was perfect in every way.
And I'm pretty worried that it will only go down from here.
So my question is to all those who had a good teenager-time. Does it get better after high school? Or is this the best part of my life, and it all goes down hill from here?
Yes. My mind is working over time from the happiness. Sorry. I'm just slightly worried.
Wow you are in your tenth year of high school (lol) but seriously it does get better you are just gonna have to work harder than you do now to get that happiness.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
Life doesn't get better or worse with time; it changes (that sounds so much like discount philosophy...). At a younger age, you have a particular kind of freedom, in that the younger you are, the less burden you carry, the less consequences your actions have. You may not realize it yet, but with age, your decisions start to affect your life more and more, eventually they will affect other people's lives, your wife, your kids, and possibly your entire family's. But with those responsibilities comes another kind of freedom: your independence. As you grow older, you rely on less and less people for your survival or well-being. Now, there are good and bad sides to both of those... lifestyles, and how you decide to look at it is how good your life is. Wealth, fame, physical appearance, those things change, come and go with age, but they don't matter. And growing older has this wonderful particularity: the age at which you start balding, growing fat and losing teeth is around the age at which you realize you should stop caring. Or so I've seen, I'm not that old.

Reflect on, and enjoy, what you have. You have a beautiful outlook on life. Keep it, and life will always be exactly as good as it is right now.

Alternatively, pleasure is just chemicals in the brain, so you should do drugs. Hard, addictive drugs.
Mar 28, 2011
lynnfire said:
priestswearseatbelts said:
The more money you have the happier you will be. Anyone who tells you differently isn't being realistic.
Earning anything above a certain "threshold wage" (ie. enough to meet basic needs of human life) with not affect your level of happiness or life-satisfaction in any significant way. Anyone who tells you differently hasn't read any psychological studies blatantly showing otherwise.

Just gotta learn to be happy with yourself. Then life will be good :)
People lie. Especially to strangers and when the binary states of happy or not happy are the means by which they are being assessed. One implies success as a person, generally. The other suggests fault, mental anguish and a series of mistakes / unfortunate events / bad decision which led to you being unhappy.

Bill Gates isn't crying him self to sleep with debt worries. Oil Tycoons aren't developing tumors through the stress of supporting their family; with a breadline salary.

If you're a MALE, financially responsible for yourself and not rich. Life's not going to be easy for you.

Happiness is immeasurable, intangible and unquantifiable. Subsequently it cannot be gauged scientifically. Said tests would only be, scientifically, accurate if the test subject were incapable of deceit, exaggeration or dishonesty.

Hell psychology shouldn't even be labeled as a science. Given the subjective and insubstantial nature of that which it deals with.

If these were Psychiatric reports. They would probably hold more weight.

Bottom line. Opportunities for a better quality of life, and thus less stress and unhappiness, are gained through wealth. In a money centric economy..... and we live in one.

If you were to inherit this wealth or marry into it, or simply not have to work for a living; for whatever reasons. I can imagine the stress would be even less.

It's not nice. Most of us don't like it. It's just how the world is. Trying to pretend that having millions of dollars secured in your bank account wouldn't effect your general perspective, life, social opportunities, sexual opportunities and emotional well being. Won't change that.

Get a solid education in a field which has a good future-scope. Be careful with your finances. Avoid debt whenever possible. Plan for the future. Don't be left short.

You will be the head of a household before you know it. The measures you take now to ensure you have the knowledge, means and finances to achieve and maintain this. If not a family provider, you will still have your own decrepit ass, to look after in your old age.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
How I figure, life is like a roller coaster, there are highs and lows. I suppose it could get better but what do I know? I'm often depressed...


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Well, if your life is great as a teenager, yeah it's probably gonna seriously suck as an adult. That's how the world goes, only the moody and misanthropic teenagers end up leading good lives.

Seriously, meh... Life has its ups and downs. I live comfortably with the knowledge that I haven't lived through my best or worst days yet. You just take it one day at a time, knowing that life will always change.