Recent content by MetaKnight670

  1. MetaKnight670

    What are your best bad jokes?

    A horse walks into a bar, and orders a drink. The bartender asks why the horse has such a long face. Turns out the horse has cancer. Are we going for that kind of bad?
  2. MetaKnight670

    the ^ < V game

    ^ My basement *AHEM* "bachelor pad" is pretty SUPER SWEET! < Has taken up drawing. V Is an accomplished artist.
  3. MetaKnight670

    Excuse me...

    Excuse me, but is the code I94C34T76?
  4. MetaKnight670

    the ^ < V game

    ^ Meh it could have been worse. < Doesn't know if that's true. V Always expects the worst.
  5. MetaKnight670

    The Escapist Advice Thread

    Sanic is the love child of Satan and Sonic the Hedgehog. Dear Escapist, why are the moon and the sun mad at each other?
  6. MetaKnight670

    Use the last letter

  7. MetaKnight670

    Excuse me...

    Excuse me, but I have stepped forth from the shadows and require sacrifices.
  8. MetaKnight670

    the ^ < V game

    ^ The smelliest Taco. < Recently started watching Brickleberry. V Laughs to themselves seemingly out of nowhere quite often.
  9. MetaKnight670

    Poll: ok time to predict the super bowl!

    I'm pulling for the Seahawks to win this one. Mostly because I have a bet with the boss that they will, but I also just like Russel Wilson as a quarterback. Doesn't really matter that much though, both teams are great and I would (almost) be just as happy if the Broncos won to give Peyton...
  10. MetaKnight670

    the ^ < V game

    ^ Oh yes, extremely! < Not really. V Is expecting something in the mail.
  11. MetaKnight670

    How well do you know the Escapist above you?

    I know I am jealous of their awesome Fluffle Puff avatar. Edit: Errr, I mean I know that I know not a whole lot about them.
  12. MetaKnight670

    If you were a Pokémon...

    I choose Pichu. Small, quick, adorable & it can get to Raichu in the end if I so choose.
  13. MetaKnight670

    The person above me secretly wishes for....

    Secret X-ray specs.
  14. MetaKnight670

    Who is the above Escapist... In real life?

    The Armoured Titan.
  15. MetaKnight670

    Excuse me...

    Excuse me, but I believe it is your turn to foot the bill this time because I paid last time.