Recent content by Naraku578

  1. N

    Youtube Policy is changing the rules for monetize again! Chaos! PANIC! UPDATED AGAIN!!!!

    Why would they do this they already have Youtube for kids. How much do you guys wana bet that CNN, FOX, CBS, BBC do not get demonetized.
  2. N

    The worst video game ending ever

    Bravely default, seriously the ending is the bad guys are terrorizing everyone everywhere because a really big bad is going to destroy all the universes, and all of this could have been avoided if there was a little bit of communication. ALso you have to refight bosses twice at which point...
  3. N

    Tokyo Mirage Sessons getting good reviews for being a niche JRPG.

    From the demos I have seen, it plays exactly like Persona and probably has a more pg story/characters. Which is kinda dissappointing, fire emblem has good gameplay but terrible story and persona had good story but boring gameplay. This seems to be the worst of both worlds.
  4. N

    Is Doom 2016 has best FPS level design since Half life or even 90s old shooters?

    Too many levels in doom were linear, and the fact that at many points the game would hold you lock you in place until you kill all the demons is a bad idea from modern games.
  5. N

    Poll: Has the Wii U scared you off buying an NX console?

    I bought the wii u because I was falsely promised a new zelda and 3d mario, as well as some other games. Honestly once kh3 comes out I will get the ps4, so I have like another 2 years. Honestly, if the nx has a semi-decent controller and kicks back on the gimicks I may try it out.
  6. N

    Warcraft Movie Trailer Features Goldshire's Lion's Pride Inn

    Hopefully not Moonguard's Goldshire inn. Ref:
  7. N

    Games you consider 10/10.

    Xenoblade Chronicles for the wii. I cannot describe how good everything is in this game. Wonderful story,world characters. A fast paced combat system, where playing as different characters feel unique yet smooth. (Having visions about an enemy about to use an attack that will wreck your...
  8. N

    New Warcraft Movie Trailer Shows Off New Footage, Magic

    I am not the most familiar with the first war lore in warcraft, however I am certain that Anduin Lothar had no romantic link to Garona Halforcen (Medivh does in a retconned book). I hope Gul'dan gets a lead role in this movie, he is such a good villain that was forgotten until warlords.
  9. N

    Poll: Would you ever play a "real" Sword Art Online?

    How expensive would the tech be to even get in this system? How strong of the internet would you need? Overall, I just think that completely extracting yourself from the real world would in itself be too dangerous. This would be a good medical tool, however I just can't imagine a world...
  10. N

    What if the last Two Games you played share the same Universe?

    Civilization 5 and Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker. Civilization where you make demons to fight other civilizations...
  11. N

    games where you play as an evil character

    Sonic adventure 2 battle, There is the evil story, although this is kinda just cartoon evil.
  12. N

    The Fastest Show Alive

    This was the best Sonic show ever made, Robotnik was an actual tyrannous villain. If you like this show you should read the Archie comics on Sonic, it spiritually continued the show.
  13. N

    Next Fire Emblem Expanding Casual Options, Dropping Breakable Weapons

    Dropping breakable items could be a good thing, however I hope they balance it by making the better (killer/silver/brave) weapons incredibly expensive so you can afford only 1 without serious money grinding, and maybe having 5 ish by the end of the game. Phoenix mode, meh its pretty much tell...
  14. N

    How is Hyrule warriors?

    The game is not too deep or complicated, however it is a good way to kill a lot of time and have fun. Totally worth getting.