Recent content by Ogargd

  1. Ogargd

    Andriasang Shuts Down

    I'm sure others will take his place....
  2. Ogargd

    Financial Wizards Call World of Warcraft Activision's "Achilles' Heel"

    If WoWs subscriptions drop won't they just devote less resources to it, meaning they won't need as much money?
  3. Ogargd

    Question for anti-gun:

    I know this is about America and I'd just like to say whilst most murders in America are caused by blunt weapons America still has the highest gun related crime rate, they also have the worlds highest percentage of their own people in prison, I'm not saying that it is all to do with guns but I...
  4. Ogargd

    The "R" Word

    I saw this joke right after reading the portal speed run so I instantly thought it was a joke about how going backwards in games makes you go fast =P then I the name and I realized it was about back pedaling.
  5. Ogargd

    The last thing killed, or that you beat, in a game is now right next to you.

    Chicken in minecraft, yeah I have it pretty easy =P
  6. Ogargd

    Poll: Are you a feminist?

    It depresses me that it's only at 50/50 (luckily with the yes feminist side winning) I assume it's due to the misconception that feminism advocates that women have more rights than men or that somehow the process of equal wages/rights is unfair...
  7. Ogargd

    What are your favorite really old games?

    The original three Spyro dragon games =D
  8. Ogargd

    Two LulzSec Members Plead Guilty To DDOS Attacks

    Putting it like that makes it sounds a bit more acceptable to do =P but due to his mental illness and possible mental fragility I hope they just let him stay in England, ethically speaking.
  9. Ogargd

    Two LulzSec Members Plead Guilty To DDOS Attacks

    US prisons are notorious around the world for their poor treatment of prisoners and often harsh sentencing, and the fact that in the US friends and family won't be able to visit him.
  10. Ogargd

    Valve Unleashes the Potato Sack Reunion

    I don't get why you said the portal 2 arg made everyone mad, everyone I know loved it...
  11. Ogargd

    Knight Errant

    He has a soul patch, lets face it somebody was going to punch him anyway....
  12. Ogargd

    Hitman Studio Apologizes For Nun Massacre

    I find it slightly disappointing that it was mentioned that people could think "Oh what if he was killing real nuns" - not to mention its the same as killing anyone else - if anyone were to ever get offended by that aspect I suggest their opinion is one not worth listening too.
  13. Ogargd

    Escape to the Movies: Men in Black 3

    Shame people are using this space to bag Scott Pilgrim (which I think was good but that is irrelevant to this review) - I liked the first two men in black, as a child, now I think (like this one) they are simple and not really worth the time....
  14. Ogargd

    Capcom Faces Bullying Accusation

    Sorry if someone has already replied, but in Japan they don't have Juries I'm pretty sure (unless things have changed since I was last there). OT: Personally I think this is horrible and sadly typical in large companies.
  15. Ogargd

    Poll: Is shakespeare great?

    I think the main reasons people don't appreciate Shakespeare is because they don't see how out there his ideas, metaphors and writing was for the time period, personally I think he was amazing.