Recent content by Oliver Pink

  1. Oliver Pink

    Nine Year-Old Builds Astounding Cardboard Arcade

    *Wipes away tears of joy* This film single handedly restored my faith in humanity.
  2. Oliver Pink

    Acknowledging Blackout, Politicians Ditch SOPA

    Well, I for one find this to be encouraging... BUT I'm not going to stop protesting until this thing is dead and LONG buried. I will personally sit on the grave with my picket to make sure it doesn't turn into a zombie.
  3. Oliver Pink

    Watchmen Movie is Terrible

    SPOILER I liked Watchmen the Comic. I liked the movie More. Why? BECAUSE THEY REMOVED THE RIDICULOUS SQUID MONSTER! The attack by Dr Manhattan after his public humiliation was a Lot more plausible than a totally unexplained and unexpected alien attack! And the whole point of...
  4. Oliver Pink

    I just watched suckerpunch...

    I like it. And I don't have to justify it.
  5. Oliver Pink

    Can Haters shut up about Call of Duty?

    I actually don't hate CoD. I loved CoD 4. I'm just saying... if you love something, don't force other people to try it out - see how well it worked out for Religion.
  6. Oliver Pink

    Can Haters shut up about Call of Duty?

    Can CALL OF DUTY shut up about Call of Duty. They're all the same, and people will play them into the ground - congrats, WE DON'T CARE. You don't see me posting everywhere about how great TF2 and the Binding of Isaac are.
  7. Oliver Pink

    Phrases That Make You "Cringe"

    No - it means 'you should add some other random items to make this deal "sweeter"' - ie, a greedy cash-grab.
  8. Oliver Pink

    Phrases That Make You "Cringe"

    It's not so much a phrase, But whenever I hear a TF2 player in mid-trade, and they use the term 'sweeteners' - I want to deck them.
  9. Oliver Pink

    Guys are jerks. But girls...?

    From personal experience, I can tell you that some people won't take the hint unless you openly tell them to fuck off. Being ambiguous and being 'friendly' to their face, but then never actually tell them how you feel is just... Evil.
  10. Oliver Pink

    Casual sex

    To each their own. I think it's logical - but again, people tend to scorn you for it... You've also got to make sure the people you're sleeping with KNOW it's just sex and nothing else... You don't want to risk breaking hearts. Sometimes, it can't be helped.
  11. Oliver Pink

    Regarding pony hate

    Honestly, there's plenty of reasons - but to address you personally Pinka, It's because of the community. Not the show itself. While I do find the show to be tedious and highly over-rated (I'm a firm believer in 'don't knock it till you try it, so I watched three episodes before giving up...
  12. Oliver Pink

    Poll: Your favorite character in Lord of the rings.

    *Slams fist down* WHERE IS BOROMIR!? He's the Best character in that entire story!
  13. Oliver Pink

    Blizzard Surprised by Reaction to Online-Only Diablo 3

    I loved Diablo... I loved Diablo II... They were the first hack'n'slashers I ever played, and I still rate them amongst the best games I've ever played of that genre. I NEVER once played them online. Ever. At all. I played them when my internet was down, and I needed something...
  14. Oliver Pink

    Poll: Origin v Steam with battlelines drawn, where r u?

    Gabe Newell is in charge of steam, that alone buys my loyalty. That man is a king and only a fool would deny it.
  15. Oliver Pink

    Poll: Lovers of Women: Bigger up top is better?

    You'd know ;)