Recent content by Possum TheGreat

  1. Possum TheGreat

    Poll: Question regarding the Mass Effect Trilogy

    I think that all of the important points have already been said, but there are two that I would like to reiterate: 1. The story of the first one, especially at the end, is *really* good. It's really exciting to have everything come to a head at this point, and... it's difficult to describe...
  2. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    "Ha!" Tostundir was surprised by the way Evangeline had phrased her words. The way she'd said "if you want me to take you to the airdocks first, I'll do that" made him sound like a child. Of course, his sudden outburst was not meant as an insult to her combat abilities: in fact, as a Sky Pirate...
  3. Possum TheGreat

    Things in gaming that will never happen

    There will never be a Firefly/Serenity game.
  4. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    "Fair enough Tostundir. My name is Evangeline. And you can know the rest once we make it through this." Tostundir returned Evangeline's smile. "Very well then, Evangeline". "I need to go rejoin my people, but what about you? Do you have any plans?" He considered this question for a moment...
  5. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    After a few minutes, Tostundir descended the stairs again. Now with his leather chestpiece under his waistcoat, he felt much more secure, even if it would only mitigate a bullet head-on. He'd also loaded up with all six bolts for his miniature wrist-mounted ballista (which he had now carefully...
  6. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    Tostundir smiled in relief. The situation was not as dire as he had thought, and now that she was coming to her senses, the woman had some interesting input indeed. "It's a shock attack", she said. "Attack a large defense area in a small spot. Fast for maximum disruption of defenses...
  7. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    Of course, thought Tostundir. Of course this would happen. He had been getting ahead of himself (or, rather more accurately, his companion). His plan was sensible, given the current information, and it would have worked perfectly if the woman had agreed to it and had been able to move. He was...
  8. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    Tostundir, it seemed, had struck a nerve. The expression of the woman in front of him clearly was not one of joy. As she approached him, her rage exploded - no, wait, that was an actual explosion. A very large one indeed, he saw in his peripheral vision. Suddenly, time slowed down. He looked...
  9. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    "Sorry, wrong there."... "It's called a job, though I understand if you don't know the concept. Don't expect you got that fancy coat through such an alien thing." Tostundir smiled. Once again, she had thrown another insult at him: this woman seemed to be very defensive. Maybe she even had a...
  10. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    "Well, at the moment, my trouble is that some darkly dressed, possibly imaginary, toff won't leave me alone. Think you might be able to help me with that?" Tostundir was hurt. He didn't let on, but he was a little. He was only offering help, and she was acting towards him with quite a lot of...
  11. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    So she did hear him, after all. Tostundir breathed a sigh of relief. He would have hated to repeat himself. "Don't think I need your service for much anything right now thank you very much," she replied to him. He gave a warm smile, in spite of her irritated manner, and stood up straight...
  12. Possum TheGreat

    The Last Rose of May. (Closed, Started)

    Tostundir always disliked running. Too undignified, he thought. Useful, though. He kept on through the streets, and just as he was about to reach the skydocks, he saw her again. Just sitting there, on a crate. That's her, the woman from the bar. He was sure it was her. He knew that he wanted a...
  13. Possum TheGreat

    FTL: Faster Than Light is pretty awesome

    Yeah. If you could somehow record what you found at certain places and then apply the knowledge to future playthroughs, it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining or as replayable. Of course, the number of events where you have to make choices is somewhat limited (as are the outcomes, at times), but...
  14. Possum TheGreat

    FTL: Faster Than Light is pretty awesome

    That's a difficult question. I see that you've now bought it, but for the benefit of others I will answer the question anyway: It really depends on how good you are at it, and also on how lucky you are. One playthrough, from finish to end, can take as short an amount of time as oe or two...
  15. Possum TheGreat

    FTL: Faster Than Light is pretty awesome

    Great game. I finished it not one hour ago for the first time, with only three crew members. I was pretty impressed. A word of advice: Cloaking devices are really useful against the final boss, as you can just activate it as soon as he launches his missiles (which I found to be one of the...