Recent content by raemiel

  1. R

    OK Scientists now about that cure for Cancer

    You do realise that just because someone is a 'scientist' then that doesn't automatically mean they can switch between all forms of science don't you? Stop sounding like a spoilt brat who sounds like he feels that 'scientists' are not doing their job well enough according to his own...
  2. R

    Undead: An Aussie Zombie Movie Review

    You watched it on SBS last night after Dead Set (which was AWESOME!!!) didn't you? I must say I tried watching Undead as I remember hearing about it in the cinemas several years ago (it got good review from memory) but had to watch something else after 10-15 minutes because it was just so...
  3. R

    Poll: I...Just...What the hell?!

    Haha nope I have no idea of what you're talking about. I'm just a massive fan of the chili peppers.
  4. R

    Poll: I...Just...What the hell?!

    I agree completely!
  5. R

    Braid Creator Teases New Game, The Witness

    Does Blow seem pretentious to anyone else? Honestly everything this guy says seems to be so full of his own self-worth that I can't stand it. Sure he made a good game but it really strikes me that he's looking down on us all and the game industry.
  6. R

    Help me improve my Vocabulary Please!

    Oussuary - a vessel/place where bodies get cremated and the ashes are stored (a large pot or pit) awesome word
  7. R

    Largest number of enemies you've ever faced at once?

    The Starship Troopers FPS on PC literally throws 300 arachnids at you at once. Unfortunately the SWARM game-engine they developed to do this is not quite up to the task. I'm proud to say that it's probably the worst game in my collection, its AWESOMELY bad.
  8. R

    Bethesda Shooter Goes Musical

    Absolutely awesome advertisment, it seems like something that Josh Whendon would think up (especially since it has a girl from Dollhouse in it). I wish this game were coming out on PC.
  9. R

    Knee-jerk reaction

    Well it could be argued that they are, since the invasion and subsequent war in Afghanistan has caused a massive boost in poppy production. Aside from that (not in the mood get get into an arguement) it does seem a bit silly to ban the patches for people such as policemen since they work in...
  10. R

    New RPG races

  11. R

    Escapism '09 the Second, Sydney

    Yeah I'll come along (as long as I still remember then). If you want to do paintball there is a really good one in penrith which is slightly closer then wollongong (but still ages upon ages away).
  12. R

    Review: Brainpipe: A Plunge to Unhumanity

    A friend of a friend told me yesterday that this game is AWESOME when you're tripping. The massive slowdown of time that happens, along with the mixing up of your senses and crazy visuals and sounds all add up to a great experience. It's especially great (apparently) if you turn off the...
  13. R

    An old symbol... that you use to draw.

    It's a stussy! I remember these from school, to the best of my knowledge it was a symbol for a clothing brand.
  14. R

    Downloadable games

    STALKER: Clear Sky. If you liked the first then get this as it improves on it in every way and gets one step closer to being the perfect expression of its concept (looks like the next one continues the trend). Also, it's nowhere near as buggy as everyone makes it out to be, I only had as many...
  15. R

    Games you wish people were still playing online.

    Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Had so much potential but got released at the same time as COD4.