Recent content by Sabin Felea

  1. S

    Triple-A Ain't What it Used to Be

    "ut I think the larger problem is that the internet has ensured that we receive a constant stream of news about companies being terrible, and then it just becomes white noise. We can't get angry about all of it, so we just accept that this is what they do" Fucking nailed it!! I think the...
  2. S

    LoadingReadyRun: The Bitcoin Conspiracy

    What did I just see/hear? xD
  3. S

    Jimquisition: Fee-to-Pay and the Death of Dignity

    Jim - you should have discussed what happened to THQ, cause I don't watch the industry as closely as you do and I would have liked to know your POV. Thanx mate :)
  4. S

    Zero Punctuation: Dark

    I enjoyed Yahtzee's review for 'Dark' and so will YOU :D
  5. S

    The Big Picture: The New Originals

    Why are all the episodes of this series ('The Big Picture') so good?! :'D
  6. S

    Killing is Too Easy

    BAM!! This article nails it on the head! You chose your words carefully sir, but you did the subject matter justice :D And no, I don't believe you're overly-serious and condescending about the subject matter.
  7. S

    The Tale of M and S

    I realised quite late who Mr S and Mr M are, after the 9th paragraph in the story, then had to go back and read it again xD Oh Yahtzee, why do you think console manufacturers have dumb marketing strategies, when actually they're just evil fcuks! :D
  8. S

    Jim & Yahtzee's Rhymedown Spectacular: Because I Could Not Stop For Loading Times

    When the big reveal came at the end of Yahtzee's poem, I stood there smiling for a few minutes thinking: "No f*_king way" the whole time! Genius! Brilliant! Illegally fun! :D
  9. S

    Escape to the Movies: Oblivion

    Oh my f-ing Goodness! A reviewer that actually spoils the movie he's reviewing... I am literally unsubscribing to all the other twats I've been listening to and... oke, maybe that's a bit too much. But I've been waiting for a guy that is funny, relevant and is not afraid to spoil the movie if he...
  10. S

    Zero Punctuation: Lego City Undercover

    Yahtzee asking where is the multi-player component within a game? Now I have heard them all... :))
  11. S

    Zero Punctuation: BioShock: Infinite

    "Don't you mean 2nd sequel, Yahtzee? - GET OUT !" xDD I did like the vibe of Bioshock 2. Sure it was just more of the same and a butchery in the story department (and all other Yahtzee points that he mentioned in that review are relevant), but I liked BEEING a Big Daddy and moving around...
  12. S

    Zero Punctuation: Aliens: Colonial Marines

    This was SOO worth it! And it includes a shout-out to the AWESOME correspondents that have been barely containing their excitement since the game was launched and heard it was sh*t :D