Recent content by ScarletRider

  1. ScarletRider

    You're out on the street one day isolated...

    I see a group of neo-nazi punks attacking someone, anyone, my first instinct would be to rush up, take down the biggest one with a steel-toe to the head, and rush the others before they realize they've got trouble. If I start to get overwhelmed, I always keep a pen handy. It is mightier than...
  2. ScarletRider

    Top 3 Favorite Disney Movies

    I LOVED GARGOYLES! Xanatos has to be the best antagonist on TV. Very well written show. I still enjoy watching it from time to time. :)
  3. ScarletRider

    Top 3 Favorite Disney Movies

    I can get that, yea. I rather feel the same way though I live in a major metropolitan area. Still, Belle's arrogance isn't as visible as say Gaston's because she's something of an introvert. Who does she take the initiative in interacting with? The bookshop keeper, perhaps, (I'm really just...
  4. ScarletRider

    Top 3 Favorite Disney Movies

    Belle has always bugged me a bit. I love her character design, but she always struck me as more than a little stuck up. Especially in that first song, she seems the sort to look down on the "little people". Although I suppose the behavior of the townsfolk later on kind of justifies it... but it...
  5. ScarletRider

    Top 3 Favorite Disney Movies

    Aladdin is my top pick, I can definitely relate to Al the most of all the Disney protagonist. And then there's The Great Mouse Detective. I love Sherlock Holmes and Philip Marlowe, and Basil is an excellent pastiche of the former, and like Jafar, Ratigan is just oh-so hammy, it's brilliant! As...
  6. ScarletRider

    If you could pick anyone from history to fight, who would it be?

    Pope Alexander VI. Didn't put up much of a fight in Assassin's Creed II, at least. <_<
  7. ScarletRider

    The only option is to lose

    In the beginning of Zone Of The Enders 2, I knew I wasn't going to win. Granted, during the battle itself, I was able to hold my own, even whittle him down steadily. IT WAS WINNABLE! Until the cutscene. X_X
  8. ScarletRider

    Poll: So I just felt some compassion for a random NPC...

    The first time I felt compassion for an NPC, it was when I was playing Battlezone for the PC by Activision. It's rare to find a decent strategy game that puts you on the front lines with your units, and I always had a wingman handy when surveying the area. While I knew my turrets wouldn't hold...
  9. ScarletRider

    i need a new murder mystery book or books

    The Long Goodbye. Although if you're new to Chandler, try The Big Sleep first.
  10. ScarletRider

    Story Writing Advice

    Fan project, eh? If nothing else, try to stay true to the inspiration. Keep the characters true to themselves, and try not to force any changes that don't mesh with the established characterization, at least not without prior build up in your story. Just my two bits.
  11. ScarletRider

    Poll: Story writers, how do you write?

    I normally jot down a few notes in my pocket notebook, but if it starts to take off as more than just a few notes, I whip out my ipod and start keying it into there until I can get to my computer later. And I mix and match with whatever is on hand at the time. An ipod touch is very...
  12. ScarletRider

    If You Were a Themed Serial Killer

    If I were a serial killer, I'd strip those stickers from the ball caps of my victims and stuff them in their throats along with a note. Should've got a real hat, skippy...
  13. ScarletRider

    The name of your weapon.

    Hand-and-a-half sword. I shall call her Nadia. And a pair of knives called Lancers.
  14. ScarletRider

    Most hated fashion trend

    Are we talking real fedoras, or those fake stingy brim things you find at Target or Wal-Mart? If the former, I'll have to disagree, but if you mean the latter, I couldn't agree more. O-o
  15. ScarletRider


    Grandmother said this: Even in a world full of only enemies, there will always be someone you must protect. If I would protect her, at all costs, that to me is love.