Recent content by SirDoom

  1. SirDoom

    I.... can't bring myself to play evil?

    I quite enjoy playing evil characters from time to time. Granted, it's usually more of the sarcastic "generally-evil" than the crazy baby-eating type. It's all about roleplaying, and I can certainly roleplay the "self-centered, ignore everyone else, kill those who get in my way" kind of evil...
  2. SirDoom

    Oscar Nominations

    This is pretty much exactly what I was expecting. They got the animated nominees right, but otherwise it's the same as always. A bunch of good movies are on the list, but the action and fantasy genres to do well with audiences are incredibly underrepresented despite having several amazing...
  3. SirDoom

    That underrated, forgotten gem of a game.

    Chromehounds for the 360, before the servers got shut down. There was no multiplayer game I loved more than chromehounds at the time. It not only encouraged teamwork, it forced it. You couldn't just go in treating the game as a deathmatch either. If you go run off on your own without...
  4. SirDoom

    Poll: Can you defeat yourself

    The condition in the original post implies that we are both equally armed, but neither of us has the weapon drawn. In this case, I would likely come out ahead, as I keep my wallet in my left pocket (I hate keeping it in my back pocket, as it is uncomfortable to sit on even when empty). Also in...
  5. SirDoom

    What kind of sex life do you have?

    Let's see... March-April 2010- Hook up or two. Nothing special. Did it 2-3 times. May 2010-February 2011- One long sexless relationship. March 2011- One more quick fling, although only 3rd base this time. Since then- Nothing. It's worth mentioning that in the period of "nothing" I was...
  6. SirDoom

    What's YOUR reputation on the Escapist?

    Meh. I've been inactive for a while, so probably none now. But back in the day, I was the guy who was always in the Politics forum arguing from a center-but-slightly-to-the-right position against the usual people.
  7. SirDoom

    Your standard lottery winning scenario, with a twist!!

    Well, let's see. I'm 20 now, and I'll assume I live to about 90. That's 70 years, which equates to about $68,500 per year for the rest of my life, without having to work. Not bad. However, assuming I can get a job right out of college and work for 30 years... Average starting salary for my...
  8. SirDoom

    Poll: Would you press the button

    I would set up a machine to press the button again and again. Because if you continue to remove 30% of the population repeatedly, eventually the number of remaining people will approach 0. Because, come on. Can't risk leaving even one bad person alive, now can I? It's all or nothing, and I've...
  9. SirDoom

    Why I think the "friend zone" is a load of crap.

    Personally, I think the friendzone does exist, but it's not what the average idea of it is. That's just something I like to call "She's just not that into you". I would describe my last relationship as being in a "friendzone". That being, she said yes to going out with me, and we were...
  10. SirDoom

    So what is making people from the USA so fat?

    There are a lot of factors involved here. One is space. From what I hear, things are far less spaced out in other countries. You can easily walk from your home to the store and back elsewhere. Here, unless you're right in the middle of a big city, it's typically too far to walk anywhere. You...
  11. SirDoom

    Poll: Of these pizza chains which one is your favourite?

    In my area, we have Papa John's, Pizza Hut, and Domino's. Domino's is cardboard, or was in the past. Haven't tried them recently. Papa John's is decent, and since they're the cheapest, they are the most available. Pizza Hut is probably the best tasting of the 3 to me, but the extra cost...
  12. SirDoom

    Cop goes to wrong house, shoots owners dog.

    ...if a man enters my home and shoots my dog, regardless of what uniform he has on, I'll shoot him in return. I personally think that if the police officer had been killed on the spot after shooting, it would have been completely justified. (and that's not just my love of animals over humans...
  13. SirDoom

    Poll: Save One Or Save Many

    Completely depends. If the situation was such that, with no input from me, both the loved one and the group would die, I'd save the loved one for sure. I have relatively few people I even let close to me, and I'll be damned if I let one of them die to save a hundred nameless faces...
  14. SirDoom

    What if you could erase one aspect of mankind?

    All you people trying to change things "for the better" would likely make things worse, just in a less noticeable way. Personally? I'd remove... hmm, what's the word? I want to say altruism, but that's not quite it. Perhaps just a part of altruism- "the feeling that we know what is best for...
  15. SirDoom

    Oklahoma mom shoots and kills intruder

    If an armed person breaks into your house, you have no idea what their intentions are. They may wish to steal from you, rape you, or kill you. You have no way of knowing which it is until it is too late. Therefore, you have reason to believe they are there to hurt you. If that is the case, you...