Recent content by Skotavus

  1. S

    Funniest spin-off of a skyrim meme

    Right, so the odds of him making a reference to Skyrim are pretty low...
  2. S

    Funniest spin-off of a skyrim meme

    Isn't Mitch Hedburg dead?
  3. S

    Amazon and Steam Dismember Dead Space Prices

    In the Australian store, Dead Space is $3.75, Dead Space 2 is $17.50 and the two-pack is $21.24 (all $USD)...
  4. S

    If You Were Admin of the Entire Internet ...

    I would run a sweep of all YouTube comments, and any that contained the phrase "thumbs up" would be immediately returned to ±0. I'd ban a certain someone from ever accessing the internet again, but I won't bore you with details. I'd probably make it so that if someone downloads a file that...
  5. S

    So I just realized I have 100 games on Steam...

    211, and I'm sure I'll keep increasing that with each Steam sale ^^
  6. S

    That Moment You Realised You're Old

    The day my iPod ran out of charge in the car (I have one of those headphone-jack-to-cassette adaptors for my car stereo), had to listen to the radio for the first time in years, and realised that modern music is terrible. Seriously, I like certain auto-tuned songs (I can even stomach Ke$ha...
  7. S

    The Setting Of The Last Game You Were In Is Your New Home

    The Mojave Wasteland? Huge shoulder-mounted energy weapons and salvage-strewn post-apocalyptic ruins where I can over-use hyphens to my heart's-content? Awesome-------------
  8. S

    Scariest sounds in games

    You want creepy? Play Eversion.
  9. S

    Saddest Cutscenes (HUGE spoilers!)

    It's been mentioned plenty of times before in other threads, but: In a game where you can jump out of an airplane unassisted and not die (assuming you'd done the parachuting minigame beforehand, of course) this was a pretty jarring shift of tone to me.
  10. S

    Poll: Are you getting skyrim?

    Nope, I'm not really interested in it.
  11. S

    The protagonist of the last game you played wants too have sex with you.

    The Beat Hazard spaceship? I'm not much of a mecha-fetishist, but if it's got the right adaptor ports I'd at least have a go...
  12. S

    Games you regret to have bought ?

    Bionic Commando remake. The swinging mechanic was at least tolerable and fairly fun at times, but the environments were just so restrictive and filled with radiation (read: invisible walls) that it was never really fun. Plus, the story is just retarded.
  13. S

    Poll: Best Evil A.I.

    Mr. New Vegas, for forcing me to listen to Johnny Guitar 40 million times in an hour of wandering the Mojave desert.
  14. S

    Your Most Regretted Game Purchase

    Bionic Commando remake. WHY IS YOUR WIFE AN ARM!?!?!?
  15. S

    Cheapest game you've ever bought

    The absolute lowest was when Steam accidentally priced some 3D mini-golf game for $0.99 rather than the price it went up to a day later, which was something like $9.99. Of course, I bought it alongside Bionic Commando at 10% off of retail price, which was conversely about the worst Steam...