Recent content by Stabby McRunfast

  1. Stabby McRunfast

    Poll: Do you fear Anonymous?

    I couldn't agree more. Any one who "fears" them is almost as sad as Anonymous itself.
  2. Stabby McRunfast

    Pending Game You Want Most?...or Least.

    Dead Space 2 which should be coming out in January I believe. Can't wait!
  3. Stabby McRunfast

    Your impossible questions?

    I'm very flexible...
  4. Stabby McRunfast

    Your impossible questions?

    How do blind people know when they're done wiping?
  5. Stabby McRunfast

    Poll: What "sells you" on a game?

    My soul mate! I must buy you a drink.
  6. Stabby McRunfast

    Are you a day person or a night person?

    Both. I can never sleep for more than 3 hours at a time for some reason. So I tend to sleep anywhere from 3:30 to 4 or 5 and then get up around 7 or 8. So yeah...
  7. Stabby McRunfast

    Apocalypse Lane: Episode 43: Bullets and Bulldykes

    Best part was NES calling Obama a twat. Jon I love this show. One of the Escapist's best on the website.
  8. Stabby McRunfast

    Apocalypse Lane: Episode 40: Battle of The Bitches This feels appropriate.
  9. Stabby McRunfast

    Apocalypse Lane: Episode 39: Unexpected Guest

    When Hickey stuck his face up and laughed I literally spit my drink out. I need to learn not to drink or eat when I watch these episodes. Just thinking about it makes me giggle. Great job.
  10. Stabby McRunfast

    Apocalypse Lane: Episode 38: Cat Shat Fever

    That was utterly fantastic. I love this show. I need to rewatch the restaurant episode because it's one of my favorites of the series. So friggin' great.
  11. Stabby McRunfast

    what is your serial killing style

    *run run run* *stab* *run run run* Yeah...
  12. Stabby McRunfast

    What is your favorite console controller of all time?

    I would have to say The Power Glove. It's so bad!
  13. Stabby McRunfast

    Rage-Inducing Moments of Ignorance and Stupidity

    Well, I'm from D.C. so all this business about Marion Barry is bringing out the worst Washingtonians I have ever seen or heard. It's sad really. The number of idiots in this city is appalling.
  14. Stabby McRunfast

    Show Us Your Bankai

    You sir, are awesome. I'm trying to figure out what my bankai would be but nothing is coming to mind.
  15. Stabby McRunfast

    The oldest members you know

    Russ Pitts comes to mind.