Recent content by there is no spoon

  1. there is no spoon

    Skyrim. R.I.P. Companions.

    My god, I haven't laughed that hard in some time. Thank you and well done, my good sir.
  2. there is no spoon

    Phrases That Make You "Cringe"

    The only problem with theories that stand with no evidence and have only peer review to go on is that even a large amount of well educated scientist can be wrong. Reverse the clock a couple hundred years and the scientific agreement was the earth was flat. They had no evidence but it made sense...
  3. there is no spoon

    Phrases That Make You "Cringe"

    Scientific theory or is defined as "A hypothesis that has been substantiated either by observation, or a repeatable test." The wording my change from one text book/website to another but is says roughly the same thing. Now having said that, we can't test evolution in complicated organisms such...
  4. there is no spoon

    Phrases That Make You "Cringe"

    In My opinion people use said phase when someone gets up on their high horse about things like macro evolution. They pass it off as fact. Theory and fact are not the same thing.
  5. there is no spoon

    Best movie licensed game

    Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction, PS2. It's one of the few open world games for the PS2 that I liked more than Spider Man 2.
  6. there is no spoon


    Wow, that was incredibly poetic and one of the best things I have read in quite some time. O.T. Love, in it's simplest form, is a personal experience that only the person experiencing said emotion can actually quantify and explain. Love is different things to different people and thus is...
  7. there is no spoon

    I need some music recomendations

    Give us something to work with. What kind of music do you listen to now? That should help people make suggestions based on what you like.
  8. there is no spoon

    Poll: Think you think straight? Think again...

    Read the earlier statement. "So long as they do not harm others" If I am high and just lying on my couch with a job that supports my casual drug use I am not harming anyone. In that sense I am pursuing my own ends. The clause "So long as they do not harm others" exempts the question from the...
  9. there is no spoon

    So, guys, how's your day been?

    Congratulations, is this your first child?
  10. there is no spoon

    Poll: Gamer Girlfriends

    Five bucks says this appears on FOX news tonight as an actual story quoting you as a source.
  11. there is no spoon

    Find fellow escapists near you...!

    Out of curiosity, How is it there? If you don't mind me asking that is.
  12. there is no spoon

    There is a Spider on your shoulder

    O.O wow, you really took that situation and ran with it. Type A personality award goes to none other than you, good sir.
  13. there is no spoon

    Poll: Would you leave the Escapist if Zero Punctuation was discontinued ?

    I completely agree. O.T. I came here because I saw ZP on X-play but now I stay to read the forums and watch EC. You guys are awesome, and I barely watch ZP now.
  14. there is no spoon

    Most blatant rip offs you've ever seen.

    Interesting, Would you mind expanding on how exactly you came to that opinion?