Recent content by trooper6

  1. T

    Escapist News Now: Xbox One Won't Let Indies Self-Publish

    Is anyone having trouble with audio? When I click on the video, an ad plays--which I can hear no problem--but when the video itself plays, there is no audio. Any insights?
  2. T

    Universal Plans "Edgy" Weird Science Remake

    I never liked Wierd Science--even back in the day. It always made me uncomfortable. One creepy thing was the extreme and literal objectification of Kelly Lebrock. The sex slave with little agency...the leering...all too creepy. Then there was the other side, that these were underage boys...
  3. T

    Recommend me an insanely long book

    My favorite Dickens is Bleak House...which is quite of his longest I think. And it is awesome.
  4. T

    Why the PS4 Doesn't Do PS3 Games

    Well, I'm sure I'm not the only one but, they are losing my potential money. I'm an Xbox gamer--so I don't own any PS games. However, I've been very interested in a couple of the PS3 exclusives (Quantic Dream and Naughty Dog). However, it doesn't make much sense to me to buy a console that is...
  5. T

    Poll: Would you have sex with a robot?

    1. If the robot's "experience" in being good at sex is analyzing porn...then it won't be good at actual sex. Porn is sex staged to look good for the camera rather than feel good for the participants. This is very clear when looking at the embarrassment that is porn cunnilingus. So if the robot...
  6. T

    Poll: Would you have sex with a robot?

    I really can't answer that right now. Mainly because I'd have to see the robot in person and see what kind of vibe I get. If it creeps me out. No. If it doesn't, maybe. Some factors: Is the robot good at sex? If the robot is not a good active partner at sex, then I'm not super interested...
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    Poll: How often do you guys read?

    I'm a Professor, so reading is part of my job. I am always reading some book or journal article. I don't get to read for fun as often as I'd like, though I try to keep a fun book on my night stand.
  8. T

    Doing a survey for a research paper over violence in video games.

    *How long have you been playing video games?* *How old were you when you first started playing video games?* I have been playing games since I was very young. Let me clarify. Before there were video games readily available, I was playing pinball machines. I remember playing pinball as far...
  9. T

    PlayStation 4 Abandons Backwards Compatibility

    Well, I have an Xbox360 and most of the Xbox games I own, in the end, ended up being backwards compatible. The majority of the ones that were never converted were from smaller studios or were smaller releases. But I'm still playing Xbox games on my 360. I do not currently own any generation...
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    Well, I have often seen LGBTQQIAA used and heard it spoken outloud, so I don't think it is universally not included. Side note: there are some Intersex and Transsexuals who don't want to be included in the LGBQP+ grouping because despite the root word, neither intersexuality. Nor transsexualism...
  11. T

    Good movies that depress you

    Requiem for a Dream. Last Exit to Brooklyn. They Shoot Horses Don't They? 21 Grams. Beloved. The Elephant Man. Bless the Beasts and the Children. La Strada. Sophie's Choice. The Killing Fields. Boys Don't Cry. Brokeback Mountain. The Children's Hour. The Innocents. Breaking Glass...
  12. T

    What makes the Empire in Star Wars evil?

    The Empire is evil for all the reasons mentioned...but the old Republic didn't seem much better if you were the common man. The Old Republic had a Senate...full of, it seems, monarchs. Monarchs are not democratically elected (Padme notwithstanding). The Jedi and the Republic seemed to not have...
  13. T

    What is the point of open world games?

    Many people say exploration. I suppose that is true. I'd like to inflect exploration though. Because, for me, exploration by itself isn't enough. I think that in the best open world games, the location itself is also a character. Exploring is not just an end to itself, but a way to learn more...
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    Scrap Desmonds Story? Assassin's Creed

    I really like Desmond's story and the cast of characters (and their voice actors) that surround him. I am caught up in the mystery and would really be sad if it were just dropped. I've only played through the first two games, but I'm looking forward to an entire game (the last one?) entirely...
  15. T

    The Big Picture: Shlocktober 2012: Equinox

    Ah, Equinox! I remember watching that film on TV in the 70s and early 80s! you remember Laser Blast?