Recent content by UnhallowedDeceit

  1. UnhallowedDeceit

    Poll: Do you have a girlfriend?

    Used to three years ago. Haven't had one since and not exactly looking for one at the moment.
  2. UnhallowedDeceit

    Poll: The "Better" RTS Resourse System?

    It depends on the game really on how the game implements the resource gathering. Both have advantages and disadvantages but that's where tactics play a huge role in what you do. Personally, out of all the RTS games I've played, I prefer Sins of a Solar Empires approach. While wholly intrinsic...
  3. UnhallowedDeceit

    What made you want to join The Escapist?

    I was originally introduced to the site when my roommate was watching ZP. Got addicted to various other things (LRR, ENN, Unskippable, Escape to the Movies, etc) and decided it was about time to break down and register with the sight. Now I'm lurking the forums for a good portion of the day and...
  4. UnhallowedDeceit

    Poll: How much have you spent...

    Roughly between $100-$150. Roughly 50% of which I regret buying because most of it was trash (a.k.a map packs for World at War and the first AC2 dlc).
  5. UnhallowedDeceit

    Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing

    It wasn't too bad, reminded me too much of Mario Kart. I actually enjoyed it a little more then Mario Kart but it's not a game that I'd buy.
  6. UnhallowedDeceit

    Poll: Whats your favourite Star Trek series?

    It's a hard choice really. Next Gen had Patrick Stewart and a great list of eps to back it up. Voyager was fun and interesting, if a little put offish with it's tech heavy dialog. Enterprise was good for the first season and stretched a little too much with where it wanted to go. The original is...
  7. UnhallowedDeceit

    Who lives with a Roomate?

    When I first started attending the school I go to now I roomed with 3 other people in a small two bedroom apartment. Generally it was ok except for the one I shared a room with who decided the whole entire room was his dirty laundry basket and decided normal sleeping hours were during the day...
  8. UnhallowedDeceit

    People with ridiculously awesome voices when they talk.

    Morgan Freeman Sean Connery Liam Neeson James Earl Jones Patrick Stewart
  9. UnhallowedDeceit

    What Gender do you play as?

    Either or. I generally play through as a female first though but I always make it a point to play through as both.
  10. UnhallowedDeceit

    Poll: Male or Female singers?

    No real preference but the majority of the music I listen to is female fronted.
  11. UnhallowedDeceit

    Zero Punctuation: Mass Effect 2

    Great stuff as always. It's a great game but it fell into a few problem areas sadly (the planet surveyings were annoying, I almost wished they brought back that bounce rocket the Mako).
  12. UnhallowedDeceit

    Poll: Do you make your bed?

    I never make my bed. I spend a good portion of my day in my bed when I'm not at work, class, or out with friends so it's counterproductive.
  13. UnhallowedDeceit

    Is This the Finest Lego Gundam Ever Made?

    That was beyond awesome. I'd totally buy one of those if it was an actual kit (that has to be a specially ordered kit because a lot of those parts aren't available in normal lego sets (I should know, I have a huge collection of lego's in storage)).
  14. UnhallowedDeceit

    Thoughts on snow

    After living in it for 22 years and then moving to a place that doesn't get snow for 2 years I actually miss snow. I still somewhat hate it and I don't miss shoveling or driving in it but some part of me likes looking at snow more then desert during the winter months.
  15. UnhallowedDeceit

    Poll: Morality And You

    I generally play both sides of the coin just to see if anything is different overall through the gameplay. Pending on the game I usually go evil first (only exceptions have been KoToR and Fable) just because its so much more enjoyable.