Signs Point To Imminent Dark Souls PC Port

Earnest Cavalli

New member
Jun 19, 2008
Signs Point To Imminent Dark Souls PC Port

A number of very convincing indicators have cropped up over the last few days that seem to suggest Namco Bandai's masochistic dungeon romp Dark Souls is headed to the PC.

Now keep in mind that none of what I'm about to tell you comes as an official confirmation that Dark Souls is coming to the PC. That said, I leave it to you to judge these intriguing hints for yourself.

First up? An image from PC PowerPlay magazine [], teasing the next issue with the words "You Died" in a font and color combination that should be all too familiar to fans of the notoriously difficult game.

Second? A recent addition to the official Dark Souls Facebook page [] that tasks fans with "Liking" the page in order to break down a virtual wall, behind which lies a mysterious announcement.

Third? Back in January, Dark Souls fans created a petition that garnered over 70,000 virtual signatures. This was enough to catch the eye of Namco Bandai employees [] who have been suspiciously mum on the issue ever since.

Again, this is far from an official confirmation, but feel free to draw your own conclusions. At least until the time comes for someone to confirm our well-founded assumptions.

Oh, and internet? Good job. I know we've had problems lately with your superfluous use of online petitions [], but if this all pans out the way I think it will you guys and girls done good.

Source: PC Gamer []



New member
May 13, 2010
Kasurami said:
Earnest Cavalli said:
Oh, and internet? Good job. I know we've had problems lately with your superfluous use of online petitions [], but if this all pans out the way I think it will you guys and girls done good.
So wait, a petition that, in the end, raises significant money for Child's Play is superfluous but one for a PC port of Dark Souls isn't?

Either that was a misjudged link or what you consider superfluous is seriously warped.
He just thinks he's Jim Sterling, pay it no mind


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Heh, im going to have a field day one one of my friends who predicted doom for the petition.

I got him to swear that if the PC port did come he would buy a copy for himself and me.

So, April 18 is when that issue comes out. I await news of it eagerly.

Kasurami said:
Earnest Cavalli said:
Oh, and internet? Good job. I know we've had problems lately with your superfluous use of online petitions [], but if this all pans out the way I think it will you guys and girls done good.
So wait, a petition that, in the end, raises significant money for Child's Play is superfluous but one for a PC port of Dark Souls isn't?

Either that was a misjudged link or what you consider superfluous is seriously warped.
Ernest is the most... caustic of the Escapist article writers.

Much like Yahtzee or Jim Sterling, pay it no heed because hes not about to stop it.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Fr said:
Kasurami said:
Earnest Cavalli said:
Oh, and internet? Good job. I know we've had problems lately with your superfluous use of online petitions [], but if this all pans out the way I think it will you guys and girls done good.
So wait, a petition that, in the end, raises significant money for Child's Play is superfluous but one for a PC port of Dark Souls isn't?

Either that was a misjudged link or what you consider superfluous is seriously warped.
He just thinks he's Jim Sterling, pay it no mind
Ah yes Jim Sterling, Bastion of Class. His hi-larious antics re: the ME childs play charity are why I won't watch his show or visit Destructiod anymore. Not that I was ever a -huge- fan to begin with, I just thought he was a clever man putting on the act of being a narcisitic bile-bag for the purpose of amusing satire and to add a clever little nudge-wink to his points - even though none of my friends could stand him or his show, i'd tune in every week just to see what he was on about. Apparently, not so much of an act as I thought.

Ernest is the most... caustic of the Escapist article writers.

Much like Yahtzee or Jim Sterling, pay it no heed because hes not about to stop it.
I suppose it's their website, they can say anything they like. No sense getting too bent out of shape...

Even though we could probably come up with some sick escapist burns, why ruin a good relationship? I pay my 20 quid a year to be a PubClub, I do like the site, no sense burning bridges.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
I find it sad that PC gamers were essentially begging for a game that would be beneath them 10 years ago. It was on a console and beneath their notice. Have more pride, you forefathers would not have lowered themselves to begging.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Hm? Could this mean that I might get my hands to it? I don't get the chance of sitting on my this generation consoles for hours upon hours too often. And this game always seemed interesting to me.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
malestrithe said:
I find it sad that PC gamers were essentially begging for a game that would be beneath them 10 years ago. It was on a console and beneath their notice. Have more pride, you forefathers would not have lowered themselves to begging.
:p good for them, they can keep having all the pride they want, they can have a big ol parade if it makes em feel better.

I will be over here, with ever other gamer not blinded by foolish platform elitism enjoying a good game


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Would be cool, never played the game (damn exclusives).

As long as they don't fuck up the port worse than GTA IV.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Well if they actually bring out a release date then I'll buy it. Still have to sell my PS3 copy then since I already bought it but if they do I'll support them.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Mcoffey said:
Kasurami said:
Earnest Cavalli said:
Oh, and internet? Good job. I know we've had problems lately with your superfluous use of online petitions [], but if this all pans out the way I think it will you guys and girls done good.
So wait, a petition that, in the end, raises significant money for Child's Play is superfluous but one for a PC port of Dark Souls isn't?

Either that was a misjudged link or what you consider superfluous is seriously warped.
Just because it's directed towards a good cause, doesn't mean it's not fucking stupid and childish.

I hope there is a PC port as I've heard nothing but good things (Admittedly through gritted teeth) about Dark Souls. Love to give it a try. I also hope it's discounted too. Maybe with the DLC thrown in? Was there DLC for Dark Souls?
Dark Souls didn't have any DLC and has no plans for DLC.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
lRookiel said:
I plan on getting it, and this will be my strategy...

Too bad Iron Flesh was patched. No more easy Four Kings battles.
But yep, pre-patch it was god mode on. Although for a limited time.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
I still don't know how well it would work on PC. I loved demon souls and dark souls but I don't know, they seemed like they were meant to be played on controller, it just had a certain feel to it...much like fighting games I guess.