Signs Point To Imminent Dark Souls PC Port


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Waaghpowa said:
alwaysrockon said:
Frostbite3789 said:
alwaysrockon said:
I still don't know how well it would work on PC. I loved demon souls and dark souls but I don't know, they seemed like they were meant to be played on controller, it just had a certain feel to it...much like fighting games I guess.
Man. If only you had the ability to use a controller on the PC. Or even be able to choose from a wide range of different controllers.

Alas you ca-what's this? That's a possibility?! By god man! To the news room!
yes, but I really doubt that everyone who plays it on PC will play it with a gamepad. A keyboard is awesome to play lots of games with but I wouldn't touch a game like street fighter with it even remotely in mind. I know that there is also key remapping, but still.
People have this thing called preference. For every person who prefers using a controller, there's another who prefers not to and figures out how to do it. I for one think that playing any rpg with a controller is ass and hinders my own abilities to react to situations and navigate menus.

Dragon Age: Origins being a good example. Playing that game with a controller is horrendous.
Demon souls plays nothing at all like dragon age or any other RPG that I can really think of. Have you played either one yet? Timing in demon/dead souls literally the base of the fighting. Playing them would probably really change your mind, I love keyboards too but some games really really need gamepads.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
I did my part, I was vote number 13,734(ish).

Hope it's actually happening and whilst I have this on PS3 I'm definitely buying again for PC.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Ickorus said:
I did my part, I was vote number 13,734(ish).
I also did my part and signed the petition, despite already having the game (and despite PC elitism.) I guess that makes this...

Yes I did make this post to say nothing worthwhile, and just to post that image.
Dec 14, 2009
Aeonknight said:
Ickorus said:
I did my part, I was vote number 13,734(ish).
I also did my part and signed the petition, despite already having the game (and despite PC elitism.) I guess that makes this...

Yes I did make this post to say nothing worthwhile, and just to post that image.

Having more Sunbros is always a good thing.

I'm just sad that the multiplayer won't be cross platform.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
I will be interested to see how Dark Souls performs on the PC. I think I will definitely be investing in a new controller for my PC if it does get a port. It's not the sort of game I'd like to be playing with a keyboard and mouse.

I'd love to see some cool weapon and armour mods, but I worry that they will unbalance the game completely. Dark Souls has quite a strict set of rules to adhere to which are so important for fair, balanced online play. In fact seeing as how the online component of the game is seamlessly integrated into the single player I don't understand how mods could be applied to this game without destroying the online component entirely. The grievers on the PS3 and 360 version are bad enough, but on the PC with mods it would be even worse. I guess it would have to be policed quite strictly to prevent people using mods that give them insane advantages over others.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Cool that exclusivity between consoles and PC's are disappearing with Alan Wake and Dark Souls on the PC and Crysis and The Witcher 2 on the consoles.

Now we just have to wait for all the console fanboys and PC elitist to go die from dehydration from crying about loosing their exclusives


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
alwaysrockon said:
Demon souls plays nothing at all like dragon age or any other RPG that I can really think of. Have you played either one yet? Timing in demon/dead souls literally the base of the fighting. Playing them would probably really change your mind, I love keyboards too but some games really really need gamepads.
I have played Demon Souls, but I think you missed the point. My point was the fact that you think a controller was meant to be used when playing game X is irrelevant, it's what people prefer. To which I explain that what I preferred was to not use a controller because I feel that they make RPG's run like ass. In fact, I hate controllers in general.

And no, you don't need gamepads, people probably say the same thing about Super Meat Boy, but I know far more people who cleared that game 100% with their keyboard than people who play with the controller.
Mar 7, 2012
They better not be. They have better things to be working on than a game they already made.

Like King's Field V. Or a new IP. Or anything other than wasting their time on something that PC players will inevitably find to be too consolized and dumb for their tastes.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Waaghpowa said:
alwaysrockon said:
Demon souls plays nothing at all like dragon age or any other RPG that I can really think of. Have you played either one yet? Timing in demon/dead souls literally the base of the fighting. Playing them would probably really change your mind, I love keyboards too but some games really really need gamepads.
I have played Demon Souls, but I think you missed the point. My point was the fact that you think a controller was meant to be used when playing game X is irrelevant, it's what people prefer. To which I explain that what I preferred was to not use a controller because I feel that they make RPG's run like ass. In fact, I hate controllers in general.

And no, you don't need gamepads, people probably say the same thing about Super Meat Boy, but I know far more people who cleared that game 100% with their keyboard than people who play with the controller.
I don't think it was meant to be played with a controller, but I do think that it would be much better with one. And no, I actually liked super meat boy much more with a keyboard, but were not talking about super meat boy. Do you like fighting games with a keyboard?


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
alwaysrockon said:
I don't think it was meant to be played with a controller, but I do think that it would be much better with one. And no, I actually liked super meat boy much more with a keyboard, but were not talking about super meat boy. Do you like fighting games with a keyboard?
alwaysrockon said:
I loved demon souls and dark souls but I don't know, they seemed like they were meant to be played on controller, it just had a certain feel to it...much like fighting games I guess.
Used to play Mortal Kombat on a keyboard, but it's irrelevant because you're trying to argue about what "feels" right versus what people prefer. Again, just because you think it was meant to be, doesn't make it so.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
I will buy it under 2 conditions
1. The porting is good (mouse, keyboard and HUD suiting for PC)
2. If alongside Dark Souls, Demon's Souls is released (I would buy both)


New member
Dec 17, 2009
Das Boot said:
Well actually one is a petition to get developers to port a game to the PC and the other is to change the ending of a game because some people are whiney little bitches.
Try getting informed before you wade into a discussion where you have no business with comments that are disrespectful.

Looking forward to Dark Souls on PC and an adjustment to the plot-hole filled garbage that comprises the ass-pull twist ending to ME3.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
malestrithe said:
I find it sad that PC gamers were essentially begging for a game that would be beneath them 10 years ago. It was on a console and beneath their notice. Have more pride, you forefathers would not have lowered themselves to begging.
Lunar Templar said:
:p good for them, they can keep having all the pride they want, they can have a big ol parade if it makes em feel better.

I will be over here, with ever other gamer not blinded by foolish platform elitism enjoying a good game
It does a disservice to the community as a whole to make sweeping generalisations like that. Particularly when the platform in question is wider than a wide thing and broader than a thing which is broad. Lets just hope they decide to port it so that those of us who wish to play it on a PC, can.

Also, you may want to look up on Severance Blade of Darkness and roguelikes in general. The Souls series has more in common with PC franchises in general than you might think. So yes, Dark Souls has potential to be a good PC title as well.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
And not a single fuck was given that day.

Out of ALL the beatiful console games that are out there we only get the one that in my opinion isn't fun at all :D


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Are you kidding me? Tales fans have to jump through hoops to get just one game and a lousy petition can get a PC port for another game?

This companys full of dumbasses.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Lunar Templar said:
:p good for them, they can keep having all the pride they want, they can have a big ol parade if it makes em feel better.

I will be over here, with ever other gamer not blinded by foolish platform elitism enjoying a good game
It does a disservice to the community as a whole to make sweeping generalisations like that. Particularly when the platform in question is wider than a wide thing and broader than a thing which is broad. Lets just hope they decide to port it so that those of us who wish to play it on a PC, can.

Also, you may want to look up on Severance Blade of Darkness and roguelikes in general. The Souls series has more in common with PC franchises in general than you might think. So yes, Dark Souls has potential to be a good PC title as well.
which has what to do with me pitching him crap for being snobbish? i WANT Dark Souls on the PC, it was one of the games i knew i was going to miss when i got rid of my PS3 (Journey as well :( )

sides, i don't care what ties it has to PC gaming, Demon's Souls was brutal, but great, i expect more of the same from this :D for love of the game, not the platform i say!!


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Given that Namco Bandai has next to no dealings with them (Only Namco Networks America only has like 4 indiesque releases, I would laugh myself to death if they DID make a PC version and chose NOT to include it on steam as I watch as PC gamers try to act like its some sort of invisible dividing line preventing them from playing it because its not on their favorite form of DRM.

Actually crossing my fingers for this one because I can already sense the hilarity that would ensue.