Square-Enix Presses Reset with Final Fantasy XIV
Relaunching the Final Fantasy MMO debacle.
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Relaunching the Final Fantasy MMO debacle.
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Wouldn't be too sure about that. Final Fantasy XI is still going strong after 11 years, and is apparently profitable enough on its subscription pay model that Squeenix is still making expansion packs for it(new one coming out this year). If FFXIV can capture that audience(no guarantee of that, naturally) then it should do just fine.NameIsRobertPaulson said:While the improvements may be nice, they lost a lot of good will by treating first release as a sort of paid beta. This will be another MMO World of Warcraft will be dining on, digesting, and pooing down Square's throat. Dead and buried within 2 years.
So what are the cathouse, mithro? To be fair, while the races are pretty much the same appearance wise, it's a new setting and the two different paths have some appearance differences.... So I'm not that concerned about the names and how well the game does post launchSiege_TF said:Did they fix the names along with everything else? Altana as my witness I'm not calling the damned catgirls anything other than 'Mithra'.
fixed that for youNameIsRobertPaulson said:Free to Play within 6 months. Dead and buried within 2 years.
Half the fanbase? I'd like to know where you happened to pull that "fact" from. It was probably your arse. Considering reviews for FFXIII were *actually rather positive* and there just happened to be a *very* vocal minority who shat bricks for some reason. Majority of people completely ignored the horridness of the internet and give a hearty (but silent) "Fuck off."digital warrior said:Rare misstep? RARE? All the bravest, ff13 just all of it (yes i am aware some people liked it but when half your fanbase starts rejecting yes I qualify it as a misstep) the lazy ports, no its not rare anymore just par the course unfortunately.