A Winner Is You


New member
Dec 31, 2008
A Winner Is You

MovieBob doesn't think credit should be handed to anyone else but the consumers over Microsoft's recent revision of the Xbox One's features.

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New member
May 29, 2008
We won a battle, but probably not the war.

Microsoft will probably just slip this stuff back in as an update after they've sold millions of Xbones. At that point it will be too late to say no.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
call me paranoid, but i smell manipulation all over this

it was so forward and blatant and now retracted because 'we love you gamers'

big picture time, when all's said and done.. seems to me that microsoft is simply selling the same product they always have, but managed to twist the market and play mind games with people so well that they don't know what they want anymore

I mean, damn it's a masterstroke but i still don't buy it.

shame others will really

Arslan Aladeen

New member
Oct 9, 2012
Don't let Cliff Bleszinski hear you saying the consumers made this happen. Apparently we're the devil and the cause of everything bad that happens in the industry.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
*strong, slow clap*

I didn't think about it that way, but you're right Bob. I think that the gaming community is too quick to rally behind Sony as the winner, the champion, the hero...but this is, and most importantly it should be recognized as, a win for consumer rights and freedoms; it's a message that corporations (particularly those that produce non-necessities) need US, and not the other way around.

I hope that consumers and corporate leaders remember that.


This is a...!
Apr 8, 2009
BostonBob, can I have you read this to me while we are in a locker room at half-time?


New member
Apr 29, 2013
Nobody "won" anything and anyone who says otherwise isn't looking a the big picture. We've just entered the age of microsoft, sony and nintendo becoming political parties.

I'm disgusted at all this back patting silliness. Anyone who sees the events of the last week as a positive thing, well, I'll tell you I told you so, just saying.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
Thank God someone else gets it that Sony weren't the heroes here.

Make no mistake, It's good that they took a pro-consumer stance, but it's still a reactionary one. One born of their previously anti-consumer stance just a few short years ago. They didn't go pro-consumer because they wanted a hug, they did it because they got slapped down in a similar fashion with the PS3 after making remarks like "We can charge whatever we want, our fans will buy it". The PS3 was so anti-consumer that it took them from industry leader to punch line virtually overnight. I'm glad they wised up, and I plan to support "new Sony". But it's important to remember how we got here. That way it hopefully won't happen again.


New member
May 18, 2011
I agree that this isn't a "win", it's an "objective accomplished". There's no time to sleep on one's laurels, there's no time to grow complacent with the feelgood of this "win".

If anything, we need to keep an even stricter, more vigilant eye on the industry now. Make them realize we're watching them, and that we will stir up another mess if they think it's been long enough to try and screw us again.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
I would buy new hardware that ran older games as better res with some filtering, hands down I would. But just for new games? No never I have to wait 2-3 years till prices are low enough for me to afford them. ANd thus none of my money is spent on possible online media and games offered. They are losing money by not putting in BWC, PERIOD.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
I don't feel particularly jubilant as I had decided not to enter the next console generation at all, instead upgrading my video card and settling in for a long continuance of my stint as a P.C gamer. However I don't really feel that I'm neutral in this either, really it's not as though I sit on the sidelines of this as consoles, for the most part, dictate what games come too P.C and the quality of those games, as almost all games are made for consoles first and then ported too P.C

So, in that state of mind, I was feeling rather concerned about the Kinect specifically. If this is going too be anything like the Wii, where too develop for the console you MUST put in a tiny token feature that exploits the motion controls, that's going to be annoying. I don't want too have to buy a... P.C Kinect or whatever, too play games that were developed for the Xbox One, to take advantage of core features. Too that, I am still hoping that the requirement for Kinect too always be on is dropped before release as well.

The only reason in my mind that they included that requirement too begin with is because they knew no developer in their right mind would waste time and money developing extra little bits of a game too take advantage of the Kinect if they didn't -HAVE- too, and that concerns me.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Sony isn't the hero here...
I would like to interject that I consider Sony a hero for standing up for gamers. Allow me to explain: MS showed their hand early. Sony could have just as easily gone along with it. Why not? It's good business. Walk the trail MS blazed. Regardless of how self serving Sony's intentions ultimately are in the end (to gain the customers MS lost), I consider them a hero. An "anti-hero?" Perhaps. But:

"A hero. Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed."

Johnson McGee

New member
Nov 16, 2009
The only video I can find of Jimmy Fallon and the Xbox is him drooling all over it like a tool. Where is this infamous reaction clip I keep hearing about?


New member
Mar 26, 2009
While I applaud the positive appraisal to the consumers' win, I don't think we would have stood a chance if we did not have alternative choices to console gaming from both Sony and Nintendo. Microsoft backed down because of the spectre of losing sales of Xbox ONE to PS4 and Wii U this coming Holiday season, not because they are really concerned about what the consumers want. Once you have a poor initial consumer base for your console, there is little chance you will ever recuperate.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
ZippyDSMlee said:
They are losing money by not putting in BWC, PERIOD.
I think to them it's a necessary loss. Backward compatibility means that games from previous generations are still being bought. But, because it's from a previous generation, those sales are usually used games. Meaning they're not getting anything out of it. The are PSX games that I'm still trying to buy in order to play on my BWC PS2.

Sony had BWC on the PS3 as a selling point. Then they realized "we remove BWC and all these people just getting introduced now that want to go back and play PS2 games will have to buy PS2 consoles." Sony was still selling new PS2 consoles well into the PS3 cycle. Instead of selling a single PS3 that allowed you to play PS3 and PS2 games, you had to buy a console for each. That's why there is no BWC. It's to stimulate the sale of consoles.

That's why MS won't allow the 180 to be BWC with 360 games, even the ones you downloaded via XBLA. Why allow you to continue to play them for the price you paid, when they can goad you into buying them again on the 180? I downloaded Perfect Dark (the N64 port) on XBLA. Are you ****ting me when they say "Sorry, it's just not compatible with the 180?" Bull ****! They just want me to buy it again.

Joke's on them cuz I'd have to buy a 180 first, and that **** ain't happening.


New member
May 19, 2011
I somewhat disagree. This is certainly a victory for consumers and not corporations, but had Sony revealed much the same requirements for the PS4 during E3, we would certainly not see the same turnaround from Microsoft right now. It would remain to be seen whether such a scenario would result in a mass exodus from Xbox/PS4 to WiiU/PC once the new consoles went on the market, but given consumer history, I remain highly skeptical.

Of course, had we not shown such outrage/dissatisfaction/etc/etc, Sony's rejection the XBOne's requirements, by itself, probably wouldn't have made Microsoft relent, either.

In short, while we are the winners, I don't think that we can claim all the credit. Microsoft took a risk, and Sony made them backtrack.


New member
Mar 22, 2012
I think you're right Bob. On the other hand, prior to this it seems like Microsoft was content to push ahead and count people buying the grudgingly buy the console anyway. I don't think they predicted that Sony would turn this to their advantage the way they did and then giving them such a sound beat down as a result. It would explain the suddenness of this reversal. Still, I think it's thanks to the massive consumer response that Sony came down on the side it did so in the end it is still a victory for us.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
We won only because sony was smart enough to do nothing new. And when the mainstream media finally caught on (only took them a week after E3) for them to take back their scheme.

Now all they need to do is to force every game to use cloud processing and BOOM we are back to where we started. Games that do not work without internet, vis-a-vis SIMCITY.

Microsoft will not get any money from me. Not this generation. If that means i'll miss out on some great games, so be it.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
tdylan said:
ZippyDSMlee said:
They are losing money by not putting in BWC, PERIOD.
I think to them it's a necessary loss. Backward compatibility means that games from previous generations are still being bought. But, because it's from a previous generation, those sales are usually used games. Meaning they're not getting anything out of it. The are PSX games that I'm still trying to buy in order to play on my BWC PS2.

Sony had BWC on the PS3 as a selling point. Then they realized "we remove BWC and all these people just getting introduced now that want to go back and play PS2 games will have to buy PS2 consoles." Sony was still selling new PS2 consoles well into the PS3 cycle. Instead of selling a single PS3 that allowed you to play PS3 and PS2 games, you had to buy a console for each. That's why there is no BWC. It's to stimulate the sale of consoles.

That's why MS won't allow the 180 to be BWC with 360 games, even the ones you downloaded via XBLA. Why allow you to continue to play them for the price you paid, when they can goad you into buying them again on the 180? I downloaded Perfect Dark (the N64 port) on XBLA. Are you ****ting me when they say "Sorry, it's just not compatible with the 180?" Bull ****! They just want me to buy it again.

Joke's on them cuz I'd have to buy a 180 first, and that **** ain't happening.
Ture, but one of things they can do with BWC is sell a game digitally with the unit making it look like something worth getting. It took me forever to get a PS3 due to the game droughts it had.

There is just so much positive potential in BWC they should not scoff at it. Hell release system documentation or whatever to emulator groups under GNU licensing. That way the world can work on emulation and you can more easily do BWC going forward. Tho I think the PS3 is more a one off kind of thing as far as compatibility goes.

There is no real excuse for the Xbox one tho.....