Xbox One Exclusive Ryse Will Feature Microtransactions


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Xbox One Exclusive Ryse Will Feature Microtransactions

So you pay $59.99 to preorder Crytek's latest, and then extra for multiplayer armor kits?

Here's a fun one: Crytek's $59.99 preorder [] - and which presumably won't get any cheaper after launch - wants you to shell out a little extra to buy what amounts to booster packs, either with coin earned in-game or real money, to give you benefits in multiplayer.

The announcement comes courtesy of Gamescom 2013. The booster packs contain "random sets of loot" according to Microsoft, and the tier you purchase - Bronze, Silver or Gold - determines how likely it is you'll get sweet gear, or something less advantageous. Progression is determined by armor sets, and this system ensures that the best sets go to those who are prepared to pay. Microsoft describes this as a benefit for customers who can't quite afford the really good stuff with the currency they earn in-game. "Say for instance a gold pack costs 15,000 gold, [and] you've only got 12,500 you can actually buy the difference and only spend a little bit to make it go to a Gold Pack," says Microsoft. "So we offer some variety there."

Variety on offer to the ones with cash to pay for it. Sounds like fun.

Source: VideoGamer []



New member
Mar 7, 2008
Oh, look! It's the same bullshit booster pack system in Mass Effect 3 multiplayer that made it suck too!

Yeah, because I want my progression to be determined by RANDOM LOOT. Interested in this game even less now...


Renegade Interrupt
May 5, 2011
Wow, another pay-for-chance scheme like Mass Effect and SWTOR, though at least in TOR you can think of it as legitimized RMT since you can sell the stuff on the player market. Isn't this kind of thing considered gambling in some places?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Could the news about this game get any worse?

First its a quick time event marathon, now its a quick time event marathon with multiplayer (which one has to assume can't use QTE's or will be a question of "Who presses the button fastest" instead of gameplay) and micro-transactions.

Dose Crytek need to do a Tax write-off and want an excuse or something?

Also, I see we are still using that Captcha that requires me to guess which betting shop dose a special offer... ..classy.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Microtransactions have no place in full-priced games. I hope that this game will fail hard for this stupidity.

Quiotu said:
Oh, look! It's the same bullshit booster pack system in Mass Effect 3 multiplayer that made it suck too!

Yeah, because I want my progression to be determined by RANDOM LOOT. Interested in this game even less now...
I agree, but random loot could work if players are actually allowed to trade items.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
Let's not split hairs.

They are introducing Real money gambling into a full price title videogame.

That is despicable. It is one of the worst practices I have ever seen from developers. There is no defense for this, there is no advantage of this. They should be absolutely ashamed of themselves, and there should be an outcry of criticism against this practice.

If ever there was a malpractice for gamers to get outraged about righteously, this is it.


New member
Jan 28, 2013
They clearly need to include a QTE challenge when attempting to open booster packs.

Can have some sort of slow mo of a Roman soldier reaching into a sack and then face palming when he realises he wasted his denarius.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Quiotu said:
Oh, look! It's the same bullshit booster pack system in Mass Effect 3 multiplayer that made it suck too!

Yeah, because I want my progression to be determined by RANDOM LOOT. Interested in this game even less now...
ME3 loot wasn't too bad, because even though it was random, any repeat items would actually boost their existing counterparts. Not perfect, but enjoyable enough. Heck, the ME3 multiplayer co-op is actually considered one of the best things to come out of that game. Even most of the flamers thought so, especially with how well the devs supported it with free patches and updates.

Ryse is not going to get the same benefit. While objectively the way they are handling cost reduction is really neat, including this in a AAA game already being pre-emptively hated for its over use of QTE is a recipe for consumer anger. The more this game is touted as XOne's flagship new IP, the more people will laugh at the system. Microsoft needs to just cut ties now and ask them to ship it quietly.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Oh look, I will not be buying this game.

I refuse to reward things like microtransactions in a game. Pay to win means no pay and no play for me.

I understand the business model, but this is a thin-edge of the wedge situation. Next up, parting out games (even more than day one DLC)


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
Well this is going to go down like a fart in a spacesuit.

It's not even like you know what you'd be getting for your money. Pay for the game, then pay for random loot - so good luck not getting some wank that you're not interested in, or already have..

ron1n said:
They clearly need to include a QTE challenge when attempting to open booster packs.

Can have some sort of slow mo of a Roman soldier reaching into a sack and then face palming when he realises he wasted his denarius.
Brilliant. Needs sadtrombone for full effect.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
Pay money for "random sets of loot"?!?! What is this magic the gathering now? Thank you for doing this Crytek. This officially ends my purchasing of any of your products.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
carpathic said:
Next up, parting out games (even more than day one DLC)
Careful now. When I said that, some idiot corporate apologist came in screaming "SLIPPERY SLOPE!!!"

Some people just don't seem to have a grasp of the obvious. Publishers will try to get away with anything. It's our job not to let them, by simply refusing to buy their shit.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Ed130 said:
Oh Gods its spreading!

Quick! grab the flame-thrower and hose down the infected!
No! We must use our heavy flammers and burn the control pannel for the escape pods! It's the only way to keep them from escaping!

Dominic Crossman

New member
Apr 15, 2013

WHY on God's earth did they not keep this quiet, the only reason me3 and ds3 didn't get burned for this tactic is because they were part of a well established, popular series. Ryse does not have this luxury will likely suffer for it.


New member
Oct 10, 2012
How many layers of "I will never own this" can they pile on?

Exclusive to a system I won't buy? Check.
Hack-and-slash fest? Check.
QTE's for hacking, slashing, and, well, everything? Check.
Micro-transactions? Check.

The only thing they could add is for it to be made by EA.

inb4 "well, see, I only pay a few hundred dollars a month and do that instead of going out to a bar, so it's OK!"