Xbox One Exclusive Ryse Will Feature Microtransactions


Elusive Paragon
Aug 31, 2012
I was indifferent to the news -- like I am with most microtransaction games as they haven't really prevented people from finishing a game or putting them at a huge disadvantage for the most part -- until I read this:

Karloff said:
The booster packs contain "random sets of loot" according to Microsoft, and the tier you purchase - Bronze, Silver or Gold - determines how likely it is you'll get sweet gear, or something less advantageous. Progression is determined by armor sets, and this system ensures that the best sets go to those who are prepared to pay.
And this is where I draw the line with microtransactions. If it doesn't affect the game in any meaningful way and only cures your impatience, then I don't give much thought to it. If it does, or in this case changes the loot drop system based on three tiers of payment, then they've gone over the top. It even sounds like your progress will be hurt if you don't get a higher tier with a higher chance for better loot.

Is there anything MS can't turn into a bad PR event? Honestly...


New member
Jul 22, 2013
Karloff said:
Yep, a game that costs you $59.99 preorder [] - and which presumably won't get any cheaper after launch - wants you to shell out a little extra to buy what amounts to booster packs, either with coin earned in-game or real money, to give you benefits in multiplayer.
At least you're not getting massive price hikes to go with your micro transaction bullshit. In the UK the game is up for pre-order at 50 bloody quid, which is close to $80 - you guys in the US could spend an extra $20 on micro transactions and still be ahead (depending on the exchange rate).

In any case the game looks visually magnificent, but looks terrible in the gameplay department, so I don't think it will be any great loss that it has these micro transactions and that I won't be buying it.


New member
Nov 23, 2011
Cool they are doing exactly what made Mass Effects 3's multiplayer terrible. Random pack micro-transactions!! Well this game looked awful anyways so just another reason to never get this game.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Maybe it's just me, but if the in-came currency you rack up from normal playing time isn't enough to buy the gear you will want in mutiplayer, then that system is purposefully broken to force you to spend real money.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
BrotherRool said:
Now the Xbone has stopped being a complete pile of suck, I'm glad Ryse is still stacking the critical-fails. I want announcements of minigames and armwaggling kinect support. Then make it always online and stick in a giant crab if at all possible
Yea, they're still missing one or two checkboxes on the whole AAA rip-off cliche. The most unique feature in all this is that they fucked up their naming, and made it sound like a LoL champion got his own game.

I feel truly sorry for the ones whose job it is to satirize this.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
If a high profile launch title is working mincrotransactions into its game then i can already see so many others following suit

The future of gaming is going to become microtransaction rubbish... inch by inch by inch. Sigh :(

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
Cecilo said:
RicoADF said:
kajinking said:
Ed130 said:
Oh Gods its spreading!

Quick! grab the flame-thrower and hose down the infected!
No! We must use our heavy flammers and burn the control pannel for the escape pods! It's the only way to keep them from escaping!
I think your underestimating the seriousness of the situation, the quarantine has already been breached. There's only one action left:
Well. If we are escalating things,

For when you have to be absolutely sure everything is dead.
... You just HAD to ninja me with exterminatus, didn't you?

OT: It is quite sad, really. I don't mean situation with this particular game, but in general. I just hope that only the smallest part of companies will continue this scheme, and will drop it in the end.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
This is one of the things I could not forgive Mass Effect 3 for (it's ending doesn't even bother me).

This is the nadir of micro-transactions, it's doing almost everything you shouldn't. Hell, as far as I'm concerned micro-transactions shouldn't even exist in a fucking $60 game, optional or not. DLC is one thing since it can be argued all day what qualifies as cut content, but micro-transactions exist solely as an alternate path to something you could already get anyway. This isn't being done because it will be fun, it's being done for more money and Crytek so freaking knows it.

To me, Ryse represents everything currently wrong with the industry, and how it will be brought into the next-gen. Blowing insane amounts of money to try and impress people with the most advanced graphics, you-can't-lose gameplay like an overprotective mother, and now trying to make up the exorbitant costs by pitting peoples patience against their wallet.

If ever you needed a justification that games aren't art (they are though) then look no further. This isn't being made for some grand creative purpose or because people would enjoy it. This is a game engineered to try and make money first and foremost, and concepts like fun, engagement, or creativity were likely tossed out the window as acceptable sacrifices.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
I was going to say what a bloody stupid this idea is.

It seems I've been beaten to that by pretty much everyone except whichever idiot thought this was sensible.
Well, that will have to be my post.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
I remember when people were so excited for this game.

Ah? good times?

And then it was actually shown, and we've been going downhill ever since.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
It's funny how much I was able to forgive Mass Effect 3 for when it came to this. The combination of fresh, decent multiplayer gameplay in a series I (Used to?) like combined with multiple free content packs and my own willingness to try new tactics out regularly meant the booster-pack system didn't bother me, despite my understanding of people who weren't fans of the setup. After all, it was Mass Effect! Shut up and take my money!

This? This game lost the benefit of the doubt a long time ago.


New member
Feb 14, 2009
By combining the oh-so-beloved "pay-to-win" and "press-x-to-not-die" schools of game design, they have found the way of the future: "press X to waste money".


New member
Dec 24, 2008
It's a button masher... why would you need help with that first off all and who the fuck wants to play god of war online? That would be the most boring thing on earth where we basically flail at each other until an execution button appears. Or it ends up as another horde mode.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Hmm, do any of these packs allow to actually play the game without it being nothing but QTEs that don't even result in any possibility of failure?


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
RJ 17 said:
Is anyone really surprised to hear this considering the news that you'll have to buy fighters for Killer Instinct?
As I understand it, that is one way to get the characters if you want to, but not the only way. I thought it was buy the game, or if you prefer you can play it piecemeal with just the characters you're interested in.

As for the point of this article and RYSE, well I wouldn't have bought that game anyway. But it's still pretty despicable.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
MCerberus said:
Ladies and gentlemen, the Perfect Dark: Zero of this console generation.
Now with monetization schemes!
Last I checked, Perfect Dark Zero actually had some hype and some potential behind it.

Ryse is a laughingstock through and through.