15 Things Dead Space Taught Me

Death on Trapezoids

New member
Nov 19, 2009
I agree with most of these, but here are a few I have beef with:

2, 4, 7, 10, and 13.
Most of these put the lives of innocent people at the fingertips of competent hackers. Anyone else see anything wrong with this?

Otherwise, I would like to make several suggestions and modifications:

When you are investigating the cargo hold/any other area of the ship because the power is out, and hear a noise or see anything wet and/or squishy anywhere, you RUN for the door while screaming for backup.

Likewise, the ducts of the air circulation system are never to excede the hight or width of a shoe box, and the grates will be 2 inches thick with centimeter wide slits.

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
spartan231490 said:
Agayek said:
spartan231490 said:
Please tell me you're not serious. Just please. Pretty much everything on this list is wrong for so many humanitarian reasons, or simply logistical reasons.

1) Amazing things come from religion, there are thousands of people who find purpose in life, not to mention comfort, in religion. The problem comes from power-hungry men, and if not religion, they will just become politicians(Hitler). Logistically, you can't ban people from thinking/believing anything, it doesn't work. If I tell you not to think about elephants, what do you do?

Not think about elephants. Its not that hard. I'll just think about something else. Like video games. Also, religion is the future is never good for anyone. Hell, its not even good for the aliens.

People find comfort in lies too, but that stop me from telling them the truth.

2) Logistically, every compartment is there for a reason, and jettisoning it will leave you poorly able to perform that purpose. Ejecting the power generation, life support, or engineering sections will leave you hard pressed to survive. Also, how do you eject a compartment in the middle of a ship, while leaving compartments on either side connected. Possible, but difficult. Also, if the whatever it is spreads too quickly, you might have to split the ship into 3 sections, good, good, and bad. Also, giving every compartment exterior hull grade walls would be expensive as hell. Humanitarianly, it's kinda obvious that ejecting innocent people when there might be a monster or something among them is at best, a last resort.

Expense? Thats what slave/prisoner labor and drones are for.

Also, risk vs. consequence. Do I send more people to check on something that has already proven capable of killing people, or I just jettison the entire block, maybe blow it up, save my self some trouble and replace the crew I lost. I bet you the not-dead-by-aliens people on my ships would thank me, ingrate.

3) Space is the most valuable commodity on any isolated vessel like a space ship, dedicating 45% to power generation would dramatically increase costs and decrease functionality, for something that would only be useful in extreme circumstances. It would also make your power systems, which are almost definitely volatile, easy to hit and cause explosions that could rip your ship apart in ship to ship combat. two, three at most, different power sources, far separated from each other, is more than sufficient.

Again, see slaves/prisoners and robot drones for cost problems. In addition, I could just jettison any damage or infected power plants. And if they explode, killing everyone on board, including the problem, well thats a bonus. Killing the aliens is more important than saving the people; since in the long run you save more people by killing the aliens.

4) Desecrating corpses, horrible for so many humanitarian reasons. Also, what about resuscitation, you would cause so many premature deaths with this idea. Also, any transmissions from said tag would make the person easy for potential enemies to track.

Desecration? They're dead. They don't care, because they are incapable of caring anymore, with the while being dead thing and all.

And so what if I like to know where everyone is at one time or another? Makes it easy for me to tell where the aliens are.

5) Once again, logistics. With navigation, I can agree, but with auto-pilot, every human on the vessel is a level of redundancy. In-system redundancy is a waste of valuable space.

Not if everyone who knows how to fly is dead its not.

6) Military tech will be much, much more effective in 99% of all situations. For the other situations, power tools shouldn't be too hard to find. Industrial tools are also much more bulky, and very heavy.

Against things that cannot be "shocked" or "awed", military technology is startlingly ineffective.

7) From a humanitarian view, this is killing every potential survivor with a "purge" which might not even kill any invaders. If you vent to space, invaders may have suits, if you napalm the vessel, the enemy might not be vulnerable to fire, ect. The human body is extremely fragile, even in terrestrial terms. We have no idea what would or wouldn't harm any alien organisms. Besides, you can already blow up/overload the power system and destroy the vessel and do more harm to anything inside than any purge function.

When they say "purge" they mean fire, venting, etc. When I say "purge", I'm using it as a synonym for "explode with nuclear weapons".

8) Logistically, how could you stop them. An AI would have infinite patience and much more conscious processing power than any human, containing them in almost any system almost impossible, especially if those systems are controlled by individual humans who might not care about the law, or just make a simple mistake. Better off to never create AI.

By limiting their logic, imposing operation restrictions and self-defeating directives, and making sure that anyone who attempts to modify equipment housing AI is killed on the spot, preferably by fire.

9) Soooo many false alarms. Should we have squadrans of fighter jets patrolling the night skies everywhere someone was "abducted by aliens?" We would run out of aircraft before we covered a quarter of the locations, especially if you count seeing strange lights.

There are false alarms. There are warnings, and then shit goes down.

10) I am an engineering student, you would be amazed how stupid a lot of engineers are. I mean, have you seen some of the cities and intersections that engineers designed? Also, this pretty much eliminates all choice for anyone who isn't an engineer, not very humanitarian.

Do I strike you as much of a humanitarian?

11) What if it's an airborne contagion? what if it's a vessel and the predators are equipping their shoulder cannons? Too many variables to do anything but look at it. We should, however, quarantine it immediately and only check it out under the heaviest security possible in a reasonable amount of time.

No. No touch. If acts in anyway hostile or dangerous, cleanse it with fire. Preferably nuclear fire.

12) Just, humanitarian. Humanitarian. You know how many coworkers, or classmates fall in love every day? How many people just chilling at bars? Try to stop it, I dare you. You'd just drive them underground. Also, "interpersonal relationships" can provide just as much motivation as distraction, and are almost always more harm then good.

Exactly. Thank you for agreeing. In emergency or crisis situations, personal relationships do in fact cause more harm than good.

13) Just wow, not have an emergency team of marines on hand to save the children, but explosives rigged to blow them up. HUMANITARIAN NIGHTMARE.

Marines are more valuable than children. Also, I save them the nightmare of being horribly slaughtered by alien monsters.

14) Space, space, and more space. This is impossible, and wouldn't help in a real life situation. Guess what: when you get stabbed with a sword-shaped alien arm, you can't just slap a band-aide on it and move on. As I said before, human beings are fragile creatures, any trauma is much more likely to kill you then leave you able to fix it alone, or even with a surgeon for that matter. Also, most medical supplies would have to be devoted to treating diseases anyway.

You're not putting a band-aid on it; you're filling it with a synthetic biological substance that seals the wound, provides painkilling and restores limited mobility. Also, its a little wall-mounted box; they don't take up much space.

15) Yes, chest/face high walls are useful, but you can't magically deploy any solid walls without wasting a high amount of immensely valuable space.

It comes out the damn floor. The only thing under it would be pipes or vents; I didn't they had to be completely solid either.

Yes really.
When I talk or make a post, it helps to play the Imperial March in the background while you listen.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Paragon Fury said:
13: All places expecting to regularly deal with children must be rigged to explode with several large quantities of explosives in the case alien invasion.
and my night has been officially made.

Kasper Gundersen

New member
Oct 18, 2010
No-Superman10 said:
Kasper Gundersen said:
No-Superman10 said:
16: The "Activate Emergency Protocol" button will automaticall seal ALL doors, air vents, maintenence tunnels and transport elevators. Let's see the buggers get around THEN.
Dead Space 1:
Place: Deck
Door got busted off by big-ass-alien-************, that literary runs through the door, tries to kill you and sh*t on your couch, course that's how he rolls ;)
Maybe so, but if the Infectors can't get around, then no Brutes can be created to begin with. Simple.
True enough, but when Infectors are being made, they begin in some kind of room, and there is a good chance that some would have other people in them. And with the amount of Infectors, there should be a good chance that some would create a Brute ;)

Kasper Gundersen

New member
Oct 18, 2010
pspman45 said:
dead space should only have taught you one thing
1. The basic gun is perfect, don't bother spending a cent elsewhere
Dead Space 2: Final boss: alt fire Javelin at max = owneage!!!

New Vegas Samurai

New member
Dec 12, 2010
Paragon Fury said:
2: Every space-faring ship and space station must be compartmentalized, so that they can be ejected from the larger unit at a moments notice. If there are creepy alien face eater things in the Crew Compartment, I should be able to just blow the Crew Compartment out into space.

3: At least a full 45% of any space vessel or space staton must be dedicated to providing power to said object. There should be a Backup for the Backup for the Backup to the Emergency Power of the 10th Power Generator. The only way for any section of something to lose power should be for the entire damn thing to be blown up.

4: Everyone at birth will now be equipped a radio tag, that, when their heart stops or they suffer massive physical trauma, frys their entire nervous and muscular systems, rendering the body useless and making sure nothing can use it.

5: All ships of any kind must have triple redundant auto-pilot and navigation.

6: Industrial power tools will now be the standard-issue weaponry for all military forces everywhere.

10: Engineers will be put in charge of everything, because they're the only ones with @#$%^&& clue.

11: We will not touch weird alien thingies we find in the ground. We will not touch weird alien thingies we find in the ground. We will not touch.......

12: Deep inter-personal relationships are forbidden in the future. They may only exist for as long as necessary to reproduce, and then must end, with the two participants being separated. This is to prevent these relationships from interfering with people in emergency situations, such as when a genocidal race of alien freaks has decided to take over your space station.

14: Medical stations containing at least several days of medical supplies are required to be placed every 15 feet on-board space stations and space vessels.

15: Devices for deploying chest-high and face-high walls shall be placed every 15 feet in the floor of any station. Research has shown that these are the most effective ways of confusing, slowing and and even stopping alien freaks from tearing off important body parts.
I lol'd hahahah

Paragon Fury said:
9: When someone goes nuts and starts rambling about "alien monstrosities" and weird symbols, they are to be taken completely seriously and several battalions of military forces are to be dispatched to hunt the source down.
may I remind you that in DS 1 a battleship, let me stress BATTLESHIP, was sent to aid the Ishimura but was taken over in LESS than two hours by ONE necromorph. that screams incompetent to me so I think I'll stick to MIT grads with plasma cutters


Lord of Midnless DPS
Mar 17, 2009
47. The needs of the MANY outweigh the needs of the FEW.
48. When in DOUBT on what to do to things that look or are humans, who are trying to kill you, remember the immortal words of Samuel L. Jackson "Yes, God damn it! Waste the motherfuckers!"


New member
Jan 20, 2011
What I learned from Dead Space:
Fire is useless for combat unless it comes from a Ship's Engine.
In which case the invincible become char grilled.


Winter is coming
Jun 13, 2009
AnAngryMoose said:
Naheal said:
Paragon Fury said:
1: In the future, all religion shall be banned. Nothing good ever comes from it. EVER.
The Emperor approves. Worship of him is not a religion, it is the only truth.
Death to the False Emperor!

OT: I loved this list. Reminds me of a user on the City of Heroes forums he did lists similar to this. Make it a regular thing. Now.
Dakka Dakkka dakkka Dakkka Dakka
Death to all da HUMES!!!!

OT: Job of the future that I do not want; Space Repairman. You are either dead or deranged by the end of the inevitable horror that will ensue. That said, I can't wait to live ins some sort of space colony.

Captain Pancake

New member
May 20, 2009
spartan231490 said:
Paragon Fury said:
I like to learn at games as a learning experience, and see what I can glean from all of them. Fortunately, Dead Space has turned out to be one of the more informative games. Here is a list of 15 things I learned while playing Dead Space.

1: In the future, all religion shall be banned. Nothing good ever comes from it. EVER.

2: Every space-faring ship and space station must be compartmentalized, so that they can be ejected from the larger unit at a moments notice. If there are creepy alien face eater things in the Crew Compartment, I should be able to just blow the Crew Compartment out into space.

3: At least a full 45% of any space vessel or space staton must be dedicated to providing power to said object. There should be a Backup for the Backup for the Backup to the Emergency Power of the 10th Power Generator. The only way for any section of something to lose power should be for the entire damn thing to be blown up.

4: Everyone at birth will now be equipped a radio tag, that, when their heart stops or they suffer massive physical trauma, frys their entire nervous and muscular systems, rendering the body useless and making sure nothing can use it.

5: All ships of any kind must have triple redundant auto-pilot and navigation.

6: Industrial power tools will now be the standard-issue weaponry for all military forces everywhere.

7: All space vessels and space stations are required to have a "Purge" function, which destroys all biological material inside within 2 hours, including the person who activates the button.

8: AI are to exist for personal recreational use only, and are not to be put in charge of anything useful or important or dangerous, ever.

9: When someone goes nuts and starts rambling about "alien monstrosities" and weird symbols, they are to be taken completely seriously and several battalions of military forces are to be dispatched to hunt the source down.

10: Engineers will be put in charge of everything, because they're the only ones with @#$%^&& clue.

11: We will not touch weird alien thingies we find in the ground. We will not touch weird alien thingies we find in the ground. We will not touch.......

12: Deep inter-personal relationships are forbidden in the future. They may only exist for as long as necessary to reproduce, and then must end, with the two participants being separated. This is to prevent these relationships from interfering with people in emergency situations, such as when a genocidal race of alien freaks has decided to take over your space station.

13: All places expecting to regularly deal with children must be rigged to explode with several large quantities of explosives in the case alien invasion.

14: Medical stations containing at least several days of medical supplies are required to be placed every 15 feet on-board space stations and space vessels.

15: Devices for deploying chest-high and face-high walls shall be placed every 15 feet in the floor of any station. Research has shown that these are the most effective ways of confusing, slowing and and even stopping alien freaks from tearing off important body parts.
Please tell me you're not serious. Just please. Pretty much everything on this list is wrong for so many humanitarian reasons, or simply logistical reasons.
He's making a funny, just roll with it.

I found that entertaining. Especially the one about rigging all schools with bombs for some odd reason.

New Vegas Samurai said:
Paragon Fury said:
9: When someone goes nuts and starts rambling about "alien monstrosities" and weird symbols, they are to be taken completely seriously and several battalions of military forces are to be dispatched to hunt the source down.
may I remind you that in DS 1 a battleship, let me stress BATTLESHIP, was sent to aid the Ishimura but was taken over in LESS than two hours by ONE necromorph. that screams incompetent to me so I think I'll stick to MIT grads with plasma cutters
Actually, it was sent to blow the shit out of the Ishimura.

Captain Pancake

New member
May 20, 2009
Kasper Gundersen said:
No-Superman10 said:
Kasper Gundersen said:
No-Superman10 said:
16: The "Activate Emergency Protocol" button will automaticall seal ALL doors, air vents, maintenence tunnels and transport elevators. Let's see the buggers get around THEN.
Dead Space 1:
Place: Deck
Door got busted off by big-ass-alien-************, that literary runs through the door, tries to kill you and sh*t on your couch, course that's how he rolls ;)
Maybe so, but if the Infectors can't get around, then no Brutes can be created to begin with. Simple.
True enough, but when Infectors are being made, they begin in some kind of room, and there is a good chance that some would have other people in them. And with the amount of Infectors, there should be a good chance that some would create a Brute ;)
It was Dr Mercer that created the Brute though...


New member
Jun 15, 2010
One thing that Dead Space taught me is that bodyparts fall of rather easily. As Yahtzee mentioned in his Dead Space 2 review, how often will a curb stomp rip of body parts, even though if you are using ice skates, it would still require several stomps to get through the bone. Good one Yahtzee


New member
Apr 9, 2009
15: Devices for deploying chest-high and face-high walls shall be placed every 15 feet in the floor of any station. Research has shown that these are the most effective ways of confusing, slowing and and even stopping alien freaks from tearing off important body parts.
Well, I do believe this guy is on to something.

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
Yeah.. Many points on this list concludes to everyday horror life.. And should be set forth as the 16 commandments right away..

*You made me giggle*


New member
Feb 11, 2011
Please make "15 things about 'xyz' taught me" a regular thing. 'Cause this was awesome.

Kasper Gundersen

New member
Oct 18, 2010
Captain Pancake said:
Kasper Gundersen said:
No-Superman10 said:
Kasper Gundersen said:
No-Superman10 said:
16: The "Activate Emergency Protocol" button will automaticall seal ALL doors, air vents, maintenence tunnels and transport elevators. Let's see the buggers get around THEN.
Dead Space 1:
Place: Deck
Door got busted off by big-ass-alien-************, that literary runs through the door, tries to kill you and sh*t on your couch, course that's how he rolls ;)
Maybe so, but if the Infectors can't get around, then no Brutes can be created to begin with. Simple.
True enough, but when Infectors are being made, they begin in some kind of room, and there is a good chance that some would have other people in them. And with the amount of Infectors, there should be a good chance that some would create a Brute ;)
It was Dr Mercer that created the Brute though...
Actually, Dr Mercer created the Hunter, although it appears that the very first brute was made by the government, so in all fairness, let's just say that sealing the doors and vents will solve the problem :p

Captain Pancake

New member
May 20, 2009
Kasper Gundersen said:
Captain Pancake said:
Kasper Gundersen said:
No-Superman10 said:
Kasper Gundersen said:
No-Superman10 said:
16: The "Activate Emergency Protocol" button will automaticall seal ALL doors, air vents, maintenence tunnels and transport elevators. Let's see the buggers get around THEN.
Dead Space 1:
Place: Deck
Door got busted off by big-ass-alien-************, that literary runs through the door, tries to kill you and sh*t on your couch, course that's how he rolls ;)
Maybe so, but if the Infectors can't get around, then no Brutes can be created to begin with. Simple.
True enough, but when Infectors are being made, they begin in some kind of room, and there is a good chance that some would have other people in them. And with the amount of Infectors, there should be a good chance that some would create a Brute ;)
It was Dr Mercer that created the Brute though...

Actually, Dr Mercer created the Hunter, although it appears that the very first brute was made by the government, so in all fairness, let's just say that sealing the doors and vents will solve the problem :p
ahh right, I was just a little confused. All it would take to make a brute is enough bodies for the infectors to piece together, if you look closely on the larger necromorphs they're just dozens of corpses joined together.