Susan Arendt said:
goestoeleven said:
Can't wait! Great review.
By the way:
"It's a minor complaint, but the game's aesthetic is otherwise so pleasing that it's jarring to hear someone who could just as easily have voiced Nathan Drake or Master Chief standing in as the Prince of Persia."
It is Nathan Drake. Same voice actor.
Well, that would explain why he sounds so much like him, then. And he's a great actor, make no mistake - I adored him as Nate, but Persian he is not.
Not only is he Nathan Drake, but he is also Desmond and Altair, I believe.
Anyway, while I understand the annoyance at the accent, I don't think it bothers me as much as it bothers other people because of one simple thing. I usually hear the game in several languages (because of previews and such). As of right now, even though I don't speak it, I've heard a large section of the game in Korean. And believe you-me, it is done without a Persian accent. So, hearing it in English, with American accents, just makes me think "localization for an area=accents not entirely accurate."