Microsoft Claims 360 Growth is Coming at Sony's Expense

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Microsoft Claims 360 Growth is Coming at Sony's Expense

Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg says a large part of the growth of the PlayStation 3 [] when upgrading to the current generation.

Greenberg is well known for being NPD sales figures [] for February once again brought out his attack dog tendencies as he found himself unable to gloat over the 360's rising fortunes without also sticking it to its rival.

Both systems saw sales growth in February but it was the Xbox 360 that came out on top, selling 391,000 units compared to 276,000 PlayStation 3 systems."You can't underestimate that we're half the price of the PS3 at a time when consumers were looking for great value," Greenberg said. "The PS3 was down in February two percent even with the launch of Killzone 2 [] -- that's months of year-over-year declines. Xbox continues to head north while the PS3 is heading south. We're gaining share."

"What we're finding in our research is that a large portion of the volume we're driving with Xbox 360 purchasers is actually PS2 owners choosing Xbox for the next generation," he continued. "We're switching people from the PlayStation brand over to the Xbox brand."

Greenberg claimed that not only is the significantly lower price of the Xbox 360 attracting new customers but so is the fact that many games once strongly associated with the PlayStation are transitioning to the Microsoft platform. The Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy [] is coming -- that have been historically associated with PlayStation."

Source: Gamasutra []



New member
Feb 2, 2009
Now if they can fix the RROD problems for good...

Also didnt know that Final Fantasy was going for the Xbobx 360 to.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I believe FFXII:Versus will be coming to XBox, I was under the impression that FFXIII proper would still remain a ps3 exclusive.

All things considered, for gamers with no real affiliation to either Microsoft or Sony, the price difference is a huge factor. I own neither console, but the Xbox's reputation keeps me from buying one (several of my friends have them, and I hear about their problames) whereas the ps3's price is the biggest drawback in my mind (I can't see, at the moment why it's worth that much more)

I forgot what my point was.

um, go Turbine, March Mayhem, whoo!

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
In related news aaron greenberg says the 360 also gives you magical powers and allows users to bring kittens back to life.

Really Aaron Greenberg is essential a fanboy who gets paid for being a giant fanboy.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
bad rider said:
In related news aaron greenberg says the 360 also gives you magical powers and allows users to bring kittens back to life.

Really Aaron Greenberg is essential a fanboy who gets paid for being a giant fanboy.
finally I can make my army of undead zombie kittens and take over the world!!


Beware of geeks bearing gifs.
Aug 11, 2008
Intoxicain said:
I believe FFXII:Versus will be coming to XBox, I was under the impression that FFXIII proper would still remain a ps3 exclusive.
It was my understanding that it was the other way round, FFXIII would be coming to both but Verses and the other one would stay Sony exclusive. Im not quite sure why only part of the series is going multiplatform if they can see the benifit of porting FFXIII surely there is a bebifit to porting to other two as well.

Indigo_Dingo said:
Intoxicain said:
the ps3's price is the biggest drawback in my mind (I can't see, at the moment why it's worth that much more)
Long and short of it, the idea of bringing to life the 15th longest work of fiction in human history
I agree with the price point, but im not sure what the 15th longest work of fiction in human history is?


New member
Jan 17, 2009
bad rider said:
In related news aaron greenberg says the 360 also gives you magical powers and allows users to bring kittens back to life.

Really Aaron Greenberg is essential a fanboy who gets paid for being a giant fanboy.
he's a PR guy, if he was a PR guy for sony he would do the same thing

you're just jealous :p

this is why i love PC gaming


New member
Nov 2, 2008
He is relentless. Although I do remember Sony doing stuff like this to SEGA a little over 10 years ago, so I guess it's fine.

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
dogstile said:
bad rider said:
In related news aaron greenberg says the 360 also gives you magical powers and allows users to bring kittens back to life.

Really Aaron Greenberg is essential a fanboy who gets paid for being a giant fanboy.
he's a PR guy, if he was a PR guy for sony he would do the same thing

you're just jealous :p

this is why i love PC gaming
Honest to god making wild statments that make little or no sense, or pitching small ideas as the next big thing all the while while being able to casually blow everyone off who hates you sounds like the tits of a job to me.
I envy this guys job like no tommorow, however due to this guys job I want to burn his guts.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
bad rider said:
dogstile said:
bad rider said:
In related news aaron greenberg says the 360 also gives you magical powers and allows users to bring kittens back to life.

Really Aaron Greenberg is essential a fanboy who gets paid for being a giant fanboy.
he's a PR guy, if he was a PR guy for sony he would do the same thing

you're just jealous :p

this is why i love PC gaming
Honest to god making wild statments that make little sensee, or pitching small ideas as the next big thing all the while while being able to casually blow everyone off who hates you sounds like the tits of a job to me. I envy this guys job like no tommorow, however due to this guys job I want to burn his guts.
i'll give you that

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
Indigo_Dingo said:
bad rider said:
In related news aaron greenberg says the 360 also gives you magical powers and allows users to bring kittens back to life.

Really Aaron Greenberg is essential a fanboy who gets paid for being a giant fanboy.
As a fanboy I take offense to that reference.
I came to look at this post instead I can't stop looking at your title, it's so shiny.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Um, this revelation was reveale, like, what, 3 years ago? We all knew that PS2 owners switched over to Xbox when it was first released. I'm not saying that doesn't happen anymore, but come on, way to keep up with the times!

Pitiful attempt t slander Sony, at leat Sony slanders the 360 without trying or wanting. Hell, sometimes the don't even mention the 360, or they just mention one flaw iwth it (the RRoD for instance).(<----obvious biased statement with my fanboyism in the side, but NONTHELESS I think I have a point......somewhat)


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
oliveira8 said:
Now if they can fix the RROD problems for good...

Also didnt know that Final Fantasy was going for the Xbobx 360 to.
Ya that was announced last year during MS's E3 presentation I believe.

In my case he is absolutely right. I was the biggest PS2 fanboy forever. This gen Sony has not put out enough titles to satisfy me personally. Price has nothing to do with it. Sony is a year behind and games seem to take longer to get on the shelves. And for me who is an instant gratification impatient type gamer this doesn't work.

* Yes I am well aware of the titles Sony has out that people hail as OMG BESTEST GAMES EVER but alot of those titles don't appeal to me so save your fingertips and don't list them for my benefit.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Microsoft have got their market locked down, I do believe. A moderately priced console with desireable games that are actually, y'know, in existence.

Sony's not out, of course... they've just lost their footing a bit.
I do wonder if they'll figure out that wearing high-quality, high-price diving boots doesn't help much when you're trying to climb a mountain, though.