Microsoft Claims 360 Growth is Coming at Sony's Expense


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Indigo_Dingo said:
scotth266 said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
They've put more innovation into disembowelling people in God Of War III than Bungie put into innovating the whole of Halo 3.
Dingo, you missed the POINT. Read it again: sticking new tech in your game is what he calls "reskinning". And you happen to be wrong from any veiwpoint. If you want to troll Halo 3, go make a thread in reveiws about how it dosn't live up to your bizzare standards. Don't do so here. He was wrong to start the fire, and you're just continuing it.
No, he was pretty clear with what he meant by reskinning.
Then why is my point invalid? GoW3 is a sequel with the same theme, same character, same hack-and-slash gameplay. The only things different are the graphics/levels/weapons/story.
Funny thing, that sounds a lot like his "reskinning".... also like the development process behind most sequels!

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
Everyone already knew that, it's not like it's SHOCK HORROR! type news. A few clicks and a scroll-down on Wikipedia would have gained you the same result long beforehand.

It's not that the PS3 is bad, per se, but that it's overpricing (and the current economic downturn) as well as a lack of variety (at least, with exclusives worth my time) make for some pretty bad decisions and sales on the part of Sony.

The reason why the PS2 was so great (and the top of the market) was that it was cheap, reliable, and had a wide variety of great games, especially exclusives. It seems that Sony just didn't get the picture, and botched it this time around. Hence, the Nintendo Wii wins this generation.

Sony, do your research. Your console will be the greatest one there if you do it right.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
joystickjunki3 said:
EDIT: Here we go:
I don't get this. As I recall, the Dualshock was announced around the same time as the Rumble Pak and went on the market at nearly the same time, and yet they were hyping it as some sort of major leap over the other two?

Also, where was this supposed to air?
It wasn't supposed to air, Nintendo sent out VHS tapes to registered owners of its products (for StarFox, Diddy Kong Racing, Pokemon, etc.). And I recall the Rumble Pak coming out about a year or so before the DualShock. I have not researched that, nor do I know any other release dates besides the States.


New member
May 8, 2008
I thought Sony was the only one that liked making really bad publicity stunts that comes back to bite them. MS is going down a terrible path right now. This is going to turn into a PR disaster very soon.

And of course a lot of PS2 owners are going to be adopting the 360--while a ton more adopts the Wii. How many PS2 owners are actually serious gamers? If it's in every single household, of course a bunch of them are going to be the people that got it for Sing Star and Madden, and those guys aren't going to be grabbing a PS3.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Only reason why I have a PS3 is because I won it in a Sydney Morning Herald competition. There was NO WAY I could afford one by any other means. It was like winning the lottery, that's how much of a chance I had, only better because you had to send in a blog post which was judged on merit. At least now I can play Disgaea 3, dood.

I don't know if I'll ever own as many games for my PS3 as I will for my Nintendo DS, that little ice blue handheld wonder is a spoiled brat. Probably once I put some money aside for PSN downloads that will change. By the way, I never had a PS2 but I did have a PS1, my brother switched to N64 and left the PS1 to me, which has paid off because all those PS1 games now work on my PSN patched PS3. Nostalgia is wondrous, until you realise what crappy graphics you put up with as a kid. It's why Nintendo's DS still holds up when it does 2D bit games, but ports of older 3D games suck. Anyway...


Beware of geeks bearing gifs.
Aug 11, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
scarbunny said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Intoxicain said:
the ps3's price is the biggest drawback in my mind (I can't see, at the moment why it's worth that much more)
Long and short of it, the idea of bringing to life the 15th longest work of fiction in human history
I agree with the price point, but im not sure what the 15th longest work of fiction in human history is?
Depends if you're counting words or pages, but its the 2000 page script for Heavy Rain. For comparrison, the longest Australian novel is 1463 pages.

And I'll point out the guys a wretch. Sony is saing they have a major lineup and some damn fantastic games this year, this guy, knowing the 360 has no exclusives worth a damn this year, is saying that consumers aren't smart enough to notice a trend.
That explains it then.

I have to say that while I think the PS3 is too rich for my blood at the minute I'm deffinatly excited about what this year will bring. All though the PS3 controller is always going to feel second rate compaired to the Xbox controller now.

I would say that there is not a huge amount of exclusives on either console that Im overly excited about. For good or ill the games selection is becoming very homogenous


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Onmi said:
scotth266 said:
oliveira8 said:
Now if they can fix the RROD problems for good...

Also didnt know that Final Fantasy was going for the Xbobx 360 to.
The FF thing is old news, but good news for me (as a 360 owner and a fan of FF from my old PS2).

But yeah, this dude is a PR man for MS. Hence the slagging of Sony. Still, what he says is perfectly valid, and is only getting more so now that consumers are being more frugal.
Am I pleased about this? A little. Consoles need to be more like the Wii and 360: focusing on providing a better gameplay experience and making smaller upgrades over time. The PS3 was a big jump in tech and price, a beast ahead of its time. Hopefully the next round, Sony will realize this and make a console that accomodates that line of thought.
I honestly don't get this because people seem to be making it out like making 'the best' isn't sonys strategy every time.

They introduced proper CD gaming for consoles with the playstation. Then they introduced DVD gaming, now they are introducing Blu-Ray gaming. They always push the bar except this time Kaz opened his mouth and shamed the company and the fans.

Also the year headstart didn't help matters.

Anyway back to what I was saying, Why don't gamers WANT companies to push beyond the limits? Oh no next time make a console thats JUST like the rest, charge us more money for something that is barely an upgrade?

When the PS1 to PS2 happened it was a huge leap, same as PS2 to PS3, there next console will be a huge leap to in my honest opinion.

Also again the console was not made hard to program with, it was just made with a new format for programming. Hence developers have to learn it, just like if you were learning a new language. Some games show us that it will be TOTALLY worth it.
I'm not doing this to be a prick or anything, seriously. But would you have defended the Saturn w/ this kind of devotion?


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Onmi said:
joystickjunki3 said:
I'm not doing this to be a prick or anything, seriously. But would you have defended the Saturn w/ this kind of devotion?
Yeah actually. Wait haven't you seen me defend the Wii/DS/PSP with this devotion?
No, I have not. And I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
ToonLink said:
oliveira8 said:
Woe Is You said:
Man, what has Dan got against Blanka?
Blanka having a better hair than him.
I think he's also jealous of Blanka's face structure, just look at Dan's weird chin thing...

dogstile said:
bad rider said:
dogstile said:
bad rider said:
In related news aaron greenberg says the 360 also gives you magical powers and allows users to bring kittens back to life.

Really Aaron Greenberg is essential a fanboy who gets paid for being a giant fanboy.
he's a PR guy, if he was a PR guy for sony he would do the same thing

you're just jealous :p

this is why i love PC gaming
Honest to god making wild statments that make little sensee, or pitching small ideas as the next big thing all the while while being able to casually blow everyone off who hates you sounds like the tits of a job to me. I envy this guys job like no tommorow, however due to this guys job I want to burn his guts.
i'll give you that
I bet Yahtzee would be somewhat curious to meet the professional troll :]


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Lol i love it when Sony fails... I still haven't forgiven them for their cocky attitude as well as there little spawns of satin the Sony Fanboys ughn fucking buy and Xbox already so you can stop bitching about how much you regret your decision


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Malygris said:
user base is coming at the expense of Sony as many PlayStation 2 owners are now opting for the Microsoft console rather than the PlayStation 3 when upgrading to the current generation.
i know that i did exactly that, when i was moving from my Ps2 i went for the xbox 360 with out even really think much about Playstation 3, mostly because i didnt know many people that had one, and the price tag.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Onmi said:
GodsOneMistake said:
Lol i love it when Sony fails... I still haven't forgiven them for their cocky attitude as well as there little spawns of satin the Sony Fanboys ughn fucking buy and Xbox already so you can stop bitching about how much you regret your decision
Wow... the failure of this post is just... so... intense.

Haha i knew i'de get somebody.. In the immortal worlds of Admiral Ackbar its a trap lol


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Onmi said:
GodsOneMistake said:
Onmi said:
GodsOneMistake said:
Lol i love it when Sony fails... I still haven't forgiven them for their cocky attitude as well as there little spawns of satin the Sony Fanboys ughn fucking buy and Xbox already so you can stop bitching about how much you regret your decision
Wow... the failure of this post is just... so... intense.

Haha i knew i'de get somebody.. In the immortal worlds of Admiral Ackbar its a trap lol
0/10, Besides did you just admit to trolling on a forum when thats a moddable offence?

lol honestly no i just really didn't want to sound like a Xbot.. but hey regardless you seem to have outsmarted me good for you


New member
Aug 6, 2008
scotth266 said:
Oh whoop dee doo. A basher creeps out already...
Wait, are you actually surprised that someone responded to you?

I wasn't intending to "bash" or anything but the last thing we need is more people just settling for "good enough".

scotth266 said:
In case you didn't notice: I like that Sony pushed the envelope. But Microsoft and Nintendo did as well, ya fanboyish fool. Nintendo pushed it down the path of casual games and controls, whilst MS pushed their envelope into making a console that wasn't a paperweight when not playing Halo(IE more good games and franchises), providing a sweet online experience, and proving that MS was not in the console market just for shits and giggles.
What you described can't be called pushing the envelope with a straight face.

I mean I'm not trying to shit on anyone's choice of consoles here but it really is shocking what some people will call an accomplishment when it comes to the xbox.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
More and more poeple I know are optiong for the Xbox 360 rather than the PS3.

I think I'd personaly opt for the Xbox 360 too if iw as to buy a console.... but I'm much happier having a gaming PC xD