Microsoft Claims 360 Growth is Coming at Sony's Expense


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Onmi said:
joystickjunki3 said:
Onmi said:
joystickjunki3 said:
He is relentless. Although I do remember Sony doing stuff like this to SEGA a little over 10 years ago, so I guess it's fine.
No other way around again, SEGA was really bitter back then they took pot-shots at everyone.
Sony's doing that too to an extent, but MS is pulling a 1997-Sony right now. And that was my point: what goes around, comes around.
Sega did this a lot during the 1990s: "Genesis does what Nintendon't" and all that. Let's also not forget how a burly black guy mocked us from our television sets about waiting for Nintendo to make a CD gaming system instead of going out and buying the Sega CD. (Because, after all, the Sega CD was so very worth your dollar.)

* Sega even tried it with the Playstation when the ill-fated Sega Saturn was released. Ads for the system and for one of its (very few) killer apps, NiGHTS into Dreams, referred to the Playstation as "Plaything" and included such imagery as a baby with a grown man's head and someone dropping a Playstation console off a building. Sega were really damn bitter.
* Sega was also on the receiving end of a Take That, courtesy of Turbo Technologies, Inc. (makers of the TurboDuo), who ran a series of multi-page advertising comics featuring a superhero called Johnny Turbo taking on the evil goons of faceless corporate monster FEKA. Of course, the comics were so ridiculous (one comic had Johnny melodramatically declare, after discovering a group of FEKA goons were Mecha Mooks, "They're not even human!") and filled with Ho Yay that many speculate that the real Take That was directed towards TTI employee John Brandstetter, who served as the model for Johnny Turbo.
* Surprisingly enough, Nintendo did strike back at Sega with the Donkey Kong Country Tv Ad, announcing it as the "First Fully rendered Video Gamer EVER" which, obviously, was not to be found "on Sega", "on 32X Adaptors" and "on CD-Rom".
o Furthermore, one of the Donkey Kong Country games had a results screen that included a garbage can labeled "No Hopers". Some of the items lying around the bucket included Earthworm Jim's laser and, of course, Sonic the Hedgehog's shoes.
* Though Sega did some more Take Thatting of their own in 2001 ? while Sony was having problems with not having enough Play Station 2's on the shelves, during that year's E3 conference in Los Angeles, Sega drove a truck around the parking lot with a large message printed on the side: "Our condolences to Sony regarding their console shortage problems." This was accompanied by an even bigger picture of a young boy sticking his tongue out (presumably at Sony).
o And speaking of Sony's problems, Microsoft's X Box 360 campaigning during PS 3's launch was pure Take That glory. Highlights were crashing Sony's live broadcast launch party held on a ship by parking another ship in the background with a large X Box 360 poster on the side, and Microsoft employees offering chairs for people queueing up for game stores on launch day, each chair decorated with an advert for a website where you could read Microsoft's sympathies for people having to wait in rain when they could have just played a 360 ages before.

From: TVtropes
I don't think I said that I disagreed w/ you at all. So I'm not sure why you feel the need to post examples to "prove" me wrong when I never said that your assertion was incorrect.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Onmi said:
joystickjunki3 said:

I don't think I said that I disagreed w/ you at all. So I'm not sure why you feel the need to post examples to "prove" me wrong when I never said that your assertion was incorrect.
I wasn't calling you incorrect and I wasn't trying to 'prove you wrong' I just like posting that list.
Oh, fair enough then. My bad.

My whole point was just that this process is cyclical w/ almost every company. SEGA did it to Nintendo, Sony did it to SEGA and now Microsoft is doing it to Sony. Then there's the whole defensive version of it: SEGA did it to Sony, and currently Sony does it a little to Microsoft and Nintendo.

Although I stand by that SEGA was the biggest innovator of all the companies when it came to the industry, so I'm tempted to be more lenient on their antics but that's a thread for another time. And I'll be the first to admit that I'm a bit of a fanboy, but I refuse to submit to the idea that other companies don't offer their own advantages (an idea which the unreasonable fanboys cling to).


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Onmi said:
joystickjunki3 said:
Onmi said:
joystickjunki3 said:

I don't think I said that I disagreed w/ you at all. So I'm not sure why you feel the need to post examples to "prove" me wrong when I never said that your assertion was incorrect.
I wasn't calling you incorrect and I wasn't trying to 'prove you wrong' I just like posting that list.
Oh, fair enough then. My bad.

My whole point was just that this process is cyclical w/ almost every company. SEGA did it to Nintendo, Sony did it to SEGA and now Microsoft is doing it to Sony. Then there's the whole defensive version of it: SEGA did it to Sony, and currently Sony does it a little to Microsoft and Nintendo.

Although I stand by that SEGA was the biggest innovator of all the companies when it came to the industry, so I'm tempted to be more lenient on their antics but that's a thread for another time. And I'll be the first to admit that I'm a bit of a fanboy, but I refuse to submit to the idea that other companies don't offer their own advantages (an idea which the unreasonable fanboys cling to).
I'm a multi-console owner, and are you sure it was SEGA sony did it to? I know they did it to nintendo with the Crash Bandicoot commercials.
Not necessarily w/ commercials, but w/ press releases. Similar to what Greenberg is doing now.

I do remember the Crash adverts, though. Did you ever get that VHS tape that Nintendo sent out about Starfox 64? That was some of the harshest Take Thatting that I'd ever seen. I think you can find it on YouTube or RetroJunk nowadays. I'll see if I can link to it.

EDIT: Here we go:

Johnny Xtreme

New member
Jan 31, 2009
oliveira8 said:
Now if they can fix the RROD problems for good...

Also didnt know that Final Fantasy was going for the Xbobx 360 to.
Actually as retarded as it sounds... currently the xbox 360 is getting only one of the 3 FFXIII games coming out. The 360 will get Final Fantasy XIII just like the ps3... but the ps3 will get Final Fantasy XIII: Versus (which I guess is the same game from a cloud like emo anti-hero) and then a 3rd one... don't remember what its suppose to be like... but for some reason pokemon like game comes to mind. its gay...


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Johnny Xtreme said:
oliveira8 said:
Now if they can fix the RROD problems for good...

Also didnt know that Final Fantasy was going for the Xbobx 360 to.
Actually as retarded as it sounds... currently the xbox 360 is getting only one of the 3 FFXIII games coming out. The 360 will get Final Fantasy XIII just like the ps3... but the ps3 will get Final Fantasy XIII: Versus (which I guess is the same game from a cloud like emo anti-hero) and then a 3rd one... don't remember what its suppose to be like... but for some reason pokemon like game comes to mind. its gay...
I think it's a PSP game. Though what makes it weirder is that FFXIII is only coming to 360 only in the US and Europe, it's staying a PS3 exclusive in Japan. I don't get hat reasoning, but whatever.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
joystickjunki3 said:
EDIT: Here we go:
......okay, I don't care who that was directed to, all I know is that that is fucking hilarious! That made my day, thank you.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Onmi said:
I honestly don't get this because people seem to be making it out like making 'the best' isn't sonys strategy every time.

They introduced proper CD gaming for consoles with the playstation. Then they introduced DVD gaming, now they are introducing Blu-Ray gaming. They always push the bar except this time Kaz opened his mouth and shamed the company and the fans.

Also the year headstart didn't help matters.

Anyway back to what I was saying, Why don't gamers WANT companies to push beyond the limits? Oh no next time make a console thats JUST like the rest, charge us more money for something that is barely an upgrade?

When the PS1 to PS2 happened it was a huge leap, same as PS2 to PS3, there next console will be a huge leap to in my honest opinion.

Also again the console was not made hard to program with, it was just made with a new format for programming. Hence developers have to learn it, just like if you were learning a new language. Some games show us that it will be TOTALLY worth it.
? I didn't say that they didn't try to do their best, just that they made something a little too beastly for this generation :D
The year headstart was a big advantage for MS to be sure. Sony plans on keeping the PS3 for the same lifetime as its predecessor, but I'm not sure that the strategy is a good one at this point.

As for the envelope-pushing, it's a good thing that they tried, but I think that Sony overextended themselves this time around. The PS3 is a little too much, too fast, and the abrubt price jump from 360 to PS3 (100$ is a lot in the average man's mind) puts off consumers looking for a console. Not to mention the initial price difference was much higher. This likely led the avg. Joe to have the image printed on his mind that Sony's box was an expensive waste of time. It's annoying that this would be the case, and I don't know if it is true, but it sure feels like it sometimes talking to people who don't game themselves.


New member
Apr 7, 2008
ya I own a PS2 but I got a 360 over the PS3 when I was searching for a next gen console.


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Aug 6, 2008
scotth266 said:
Consoles need to be more like the Wii and 360: focusing on providing a better gameplay experience and making smaller upgrades over time. The PS3 was a big jump in tech and price, a beast ahead of its time. Hopefully the next round, Sony will realize this and make a console that accomodates that line of thought.
Oh god no.

We need more companies like sony that are willing to bring innovation into the console market, things like free online service, better graphics, disks in general and higher quality games.
As opposed to a remake of the last editions console that's twice as likely to blow up along with re-skinned halos.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Onmi said:
No no, I was saying that people want them to NOT push the envelope, I prefer it when they do. I can see how this causes problems (obviously the console costs so much) I honestly think if 2006 had never happened, people wouldn't be so negative it is after all, what people remember.

Money is always the issue however, Games are no longer up for debate since there is enough on all sides of the spectrum. But at this point I feel that if they dropped the price to 50 bucks and packaged it with 5 games people wouldn't forget 2006.
I feel your pain, as I was one of those faithful Sony worshippers that believed the PS3 would kick SO MUCH ASS when it came out. Truth be told, I was a fanboy.
But now I am reformed, a nuetral element.
Enough about my past though. I think that the 2006 debacle did seal the PS3's sales (grave? searching for a good word that does not imply total death, just a limping sort of defeat).
It's a pity, a real shame. So many missteps.

ward. said:
Oh god no.

We need more companies like sony that are willing to bring innovation into the console market, things like free online service, better graphics, disks in general and higher quality games.
As opposed to a remake of the last editions console that's twice as likely to blow up along with re-skinned halos.
Oh whoop dee doo. A basher creeps out already...
In case you didn't notice: I like that Sony pushed the envelope. But Microsoft and Nintendo did as well, ya fanboyish fool. Nintendo pushed it down the path of casual games and controls, whilst MS pushed their envelope into making a console that wasn't a paperweight when not playing Halo(IE more good games and franchises), providing a sweet online experience, and proving that MS was not in the console market just for shits and giggles. Granted, MS seems to have pushed the envelope least, but in terms of the console industry MS is a baby. It's taking it's first, incredibly big steps towards a brighter future. I can wait till the next console for some big innovations on their part.
And for your halos comment: what about GoW3 and KZ2 on the PS3? Those are also "re-skinned" games... as most sequels are, silly.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Indigo_Dingo said:
They've put more innovation into disembowelling people in God Of War III than Bungie put into innovating the whole of Halo 3.
Dingo, you missed the POINT. Read it again: sticking new tech in your game is what he calls "reskinning". And you happen to be wrong from any veiwpoint. If you want to troll Halo 3, go make a thread in reveiws about how it dosn't live up to your bizzare standards. Don't do so here. He was wrong to start the fire, and you're just continuing it.