Microsoft Claims 360 Growth is Coming at Sony's Expense


New member
Sep 6, 2008
oliveira8 said:
rated pg said:
oliveira8 said:
Now if they can fix the RROD problems for good...

Also didnt know that Final Fantasy was going for the Xbobx 360 to.
It's called 4th generation (Jasper) 360s, you should look into it. Don' worry, you're only about 8 months behind the times.
Yup. If they didnt release a broken console in the first place you would even hear about it the first time now would you?
If PS3 fanboys get to ***** about people being "behind the times" when they call the PS3 a $600 buck monstrocity, you don't get to whine when we point out RROD got fixed.

PS: When we fight over consoles, no one wins but the evil corporations.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
ward. said:
scotth266 said:
Oh whoop dee doo. A basher creeps out already...
Wait, are you actually surprised that someone responded to you?

I wasn't intending to "bash" or anything but the last thing we need is more people just settling for "good enough".


What you described can't be called pushing the envelope with a straight face.

I mean I'm not trying to shit on anyone's choice of consoles here but it really is shocking what some people will call an accomplishment when it comes to the xbox.
I called you a basher cause you seemed like one (with the Halo comment). Sorry if I misfired, but the last week on the Escapist I've been trying to keep the fanboys in line, and it makes me a little paranoid :D

And what the 360 has accomplished is quite amazing really. Look at it in comparison to it's predecessor, and I think you'll see what I mean:
Xbox: People only bought for one game, default controllers were monstrous behemoths, other excellent games were few and far between, was HUGE, had an annoying interface, yadda yadda yadda.
360: Has a nice library of games, slick wireless controllers that were the right size, has a better interface, was just plain cooler.
Sure, other consoles have made huge leaps, but since MS is still a newbie on the console scene, I'm willing to allow them some tentative steps before trying anything massive like Nintendo. Besides, if you wanna get picky, the only console that has actually made a huge accomplishment is the Wii: it introduced an entirely new control scheme, and sacrificed a graphics upgrade, and still rose to be way on top of the console market.

Besides, the PS3 strikes me as being very similar to the 360 in that they are both simply upgrades of previous consoles. One focused on pushing high-tech, the other focused on building a better base for itself. That's the only difference in my mind.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Onmi said:
joystickjunki3 said:
Onmi said:
joystickjunki3 said:
I'm not doing this to be a prick or anything, seriously. But would you have defended the Saturn w/ this kind of devotion?
Yeah actually. Wait haven't you seen me defend the Wii/DS/PSP with this devotion?
No, I have not. And I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not.
No no it was serious, I did the defending back when we had daily Wii/DS is dying/has no good game topics.
Funny how there aren't any more of those threads, huh? Especially since Nintendo is the god of gaming sales right now...

bad rider

The prodigal son of a goat boy
Dec 23, 2007
Microsoft Claims 360 Growth is Coming at Sony's Expense
Wow When I saw this I thought the full title would be Microsoft Claims 360 Growth is Coming Out Of It's Ass

Really does reflect on me as a person. I feel sad.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
And yet I'm unable to afford either ;p lol

Seriously though, i was a PS2 user and now I'm a PC user, but if I was gonna buy a console I would get a 360.......O.K I admit it I Like Achievements! (Don't hurt me )


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Jumplion said:
Johnny Xtreme said:
oliveira8 said:
Now if they can fix the RROD problems for good...

Also didnt know that Final Fantasy was going for the Xbobx 360 to.
Actually as retarded as it sounds... currently the xbox 360 is getting only one of the 3 FFXIII games coming out. The 360 will get Final Fantasy XIII just like the ps3... but the ps3 will get Final Fantasy XIII: Versus (which I guess is the same game from a cloud like emo anti-hero) and then a 3rd one... don't remember what its suppose to be like... but for some reason pokemon like game comes to mind. its gay...
I think it's a PSP game. Though what makes it weirder is that FFXIII is only coming to 360 only in the US and Europe, it's staying a PS3 exclusive in Japan. I don't get hat reasoning, but whatever.
The 360 isn't selling in Japan for jack.
The PS3 isn't selling anywhere else.
The PS3 came out first in Japan.
The 360 came out first everywhere else.

See the pattern?


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
runedeadthA said:
And yet I'm unable to afford either ;p lol

Seriously though, i was a PS2 user and now I'm a PC user, but if I was gonna buy a console I would get a 360.......O.K I admit it I Like Achievements! (Don't hurt me )
It's funny, that's how I've turned out: I started PS2, got a 360, went to college with no TV, so now I'm a PC gamer for the most part. Until I get my TV back that is.
Of course, I'm also gonna grab another PS2. No way am I missing out on all those sweet titles...


New member
Dec 20, 2007
"We're switching people from the PlayStation brand over to the Xbox brand."

Yeah, but how many of those people give a shit? They aren't Sony loyalists, just people looking for a cheap "next/current-gen" console.


New member
May 8, 2008
ElArabDeMagnifico said:
"We're switching people from the PlayStation brand over to the Xbox brand."

Yeah, but how many of those people give a shit? They aren't Sony loyalists, just people looking for a cheap "next/current-gen" console.
So there are two kinds of upgrading PS2 owners? "Real Sony Supporters"(PS2-PS3) and "Fake Sony Supporters"(PS2-Something Else)? Sounds familiar...

I wonder if MSFT's PR is run by the same people that do FOX New's(who else?) "Red Eye".

"How to lose fanbase and alienate competitors".


New member
Aug 6, 2008
scotth266 said:
I called you a basher cause you seemed like one (with the Halo comment). Sorry if I misfired, but the last week on the Escapist I've been trying to keep the fanboys in line, and it makes me a little paranoid :D
Fair enough, I normally am what you'd consider a basher (I even laugh when the older ladies that work in kmart or david jones crack open the display cases and start smacking the PROD'd 360s).

The wii did get a graphics upgrade by the way, just not in-line with other consoles of the same generation.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Omg, I seriously thought only 360 fanboys were douches. Turns out even its employees are. :S
That's just sad.