ESRB Rates Mass Effect 2: Big Krogan Sex

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
ESRB Rates Mass Effect 2: Big Krogan Sex

The detailed ESRB rating for Mass Effect 2 [] has revealed that the game will be packed with loads of drugs, violence, alien pole dancers and big Krogan sex!

The ESRB [] rating for Mass Effect 2 doesn't say anything particularly surprising. In fact, aside from a few minor details, it could just as well be describing the original Mass Effect. Still, it's comforting in a way to know that fans of weird yet tastefully depicted inter-species sex will still come away satisfied.

The violence, which includes "run-and-gun" action, pools of blood, melee attacks and "dramatic interrogations in which human characters are threatened, punched, kicked, and shot in the leg," is nothing we haven't seen before. The descriptors of the game's sexual content, on the other hand, are a bit more entertaining.

"Krogan sexual deviants enjoy Salarian flexibility," an unnamed character says at some point in the game, an observation which will no doubt lead to interesting further conversation. Another suggests, "If this is just about sex, maybe you should just f**king say so." Players can, as usual, have "romantic encounters" with their companions, human or alien, and while the big finish sounds like it will be almost identical to that of the first game, it's still hilarious to see it spelled out in horribly awkward text.

"[Romantic encounters] involve watching a guided cutscene in which two characters flirt, kiss, and/or embrace: Clothed alien/human characters may prop a partner on top of a space console, clear away the clutter from a bed-slab, unzip a future-blouse, or just talk it out," the rating says []. "Though an alien/human may gyrate her hips while on top (fleeting - one-to-two seconds), actual sex is never depicted - the camera cuts away to space furniture and ceilings."

Future-blouses, space furniture and "just talking it out." The mind boggles. Mass Effect 2 is scheduled for release on January 26 on the PC and Xbox 360, and for the record is rated M.


Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Bwahaha! I love the ESRB as a rating system, but I also love their unintentionally funny details!
'Future blouses', eh? Remind me to get one of those for my wife! Sounds hot.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I'm just worried about the inclusion of the old characters. I did the romance subplot with Ashley in the first game, and I would like to have her in the sequel to continue that romance. Not sure I'd want to switch romantic interests in the sequel, but she hasn't been shown at all, really.
Apr 28, 2008
Gildan Bladeborn said:
... My brain!

Why oh why would anyone want to imagine Krogans having sex?!
Whenever someone creates something. Someone else will want to have sex with it, or at least watch it have sex in some way.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Gildan Bladeborn said:
... My brain!

Why oh why would anyone want to imagine Krogans having sex?!
*looks around awkwardly*

.... lots of reasons.

Seriously though I think while it is justafiable to complain about violence in games (I disagree with them but still understand their complaints) I see no issue with sex in games. I mean it's just there, it's not done exploititively and it's based more on romance then sexual explicity. I see no problems with a sex scene done tastefully.

Also, as I've said before aliens are sexy so I see no reason why there should even be controversy on the issue of interspecies love.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
Krogan's having sex with something that isn't a Krogan can't possibly end well can it?

Ever since I heard Garrus describe the Krogan's anatomy (and by anatomy I mean their junk) I thought "now I know EXACTLY why we can't have sex with Wrex".

Though apparently, Salarians are flexible enough. I have never seen a female Salarian though.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Krogans?! And sex?!! In the same sentence?!!! DOES NOT COMPU- *head essploades*

Thank you very much for giving me that mental image.

Vrex360 said:
Also, as I've said before aliens are sexy so I see no reason why there should even be controversy on the issue of interspecies love.
When Krogans are involved, it's still NSFS (not safe for sanity).


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Baby Tea said:
Bwahaha! I love the ESRB as a rating system, but I also love their unintentionally funny details!
'Future blouses', eh? Remind me to get one of those for my wife! Sounds hot.
I'm just imagining the little 'Rated M' with the reasons stated next to it:
Blood, Violence, Mature Themes, Future Blouses.
I am very curious about these future blouses in particular. What kind of futuristic zippers or buttons do they have on them? What colours do they come in? Is there a future blouse store nearby? Will future blouses come in the special collector's edition a la Modern Warfare 2 with its goggles?


New member
Oct 20, 2009
now lets hope the australian government agrees with this... otherwise we will have another gay-assed left 4 dead 2 distaster story =(


New member
May 30, 2009
Gildan Bladeborn said:
... My brain!

Why oh why would anyone want to imagine Krogans having sex?!
you sir have not had the misfortune to type mass effect into deviantart.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Irridium said:
Gildan Bladeborn said:
... My brain!

Why oh why would anyone want to imagine Krogans having sex?!
Whenever someone creates something. Someone else will want to have sex with it, or at least watch it have sex in some way.
In that case, there's hope for me yet!

Doc Theta Sigma

New member
Jan 5, 2009
Thaius said:
I'm just worried about the inclusion of the old characters. I did the romance subplot with Ashley in the first game, and I would like to have her in the sequel to continue that romance. Not sure I'd want to switch romantic interests in the sequel, but she hasn't been shown at all, really.
According to a Bioware interview, they said you can continue romances from the first game provided the character didn't die so I assume at some point you'll meet up with Ashley/Kaiden. Then again my character had a romance with Liara so I dunno. You can apparently also switch from the romance from the first game to another character in the second so I assume improvements have been made to the romance system.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
ElArabDeMagnifico said:
Ever since I heard Garrus describe the Krogan's anatomy (and by anatomy I mean their junk) I thought "now I know EXACTLY why we can't have sex with Wrex".
They're reptiles. Something tells me it's internal - no big issue there.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Kollega said:
Krogans?! And sex?!! In the same sentence?!!! DOES NOT COMPU- *head essploades*

Thank you very much for giving me that mental image.

Vrex360 said:
Also, as I've said before aliens are sexy so I see no reason why there should even be controversy on the issue of interspecies love.
When Krogans are involved, it's still NSFS (not safe for sanity).
Depends, I mean I myself find the concept of a Sangheili woman to be kinda.... ahem, won't go into details. All I'm saying is, I'm keen to keep an open mind for whatever kind of future the stars bring us.

ButanicXpandA said:
now lets hope the australian government agrees with this... otherwise we will have another gay-assed left 4 dead 2 distaster story =(
Man I really wouldn't be able to handle ANOTHER major game being censored or banned in my country, not the least one I have been looking forward to. So yeah, amen to what you said brother.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
The ESRB rating for Mass Effect 2 doesn't say anything particularly surprising. In fact, aside from a few minor details, it could just as well be describing the original Mass Effect. Still, it's comforting in a way to know that fans of weird yet tastefully depicted inter-species sex will still come away satisfied.
Well, that's good to hear. Nice to see Bioware's playing it safe and keeping the sequel pretty much the same as the first in terms of M-rated content. [sub]*silently prays for female turian love interest*[/sub]

Andy Chalk said:
"Krogan sexual deviants enjoy Salarian flexibility," an unnamed character says at some point in the game.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
In case anyone doesn't remember Salarians are these guys.

And both species are mostly males. So yeah I really hope the character who said that line is joking.