Remi Savard said:
"Maudit que t'es plate," he'd say.
Oh my goodness, is that even French??
Ils sont fous, ces Québécois!!
Heh, and now that I've made my typical "French sneering at a French Canadian" impression, on to the core of my comment!
I greatly enjoyed reading this article, having grown up myself, with a foot on each side of the fence, or rather on each side of the Atlantic. Of course, I learned English from TV, watching Sesame Street, and playing with the neighbors' kids, but that's another story entirely.
I've lost count of the times in which I've quivered in disgust at the sight of French text in a English video game, or at the sound of the French dubbing. Even the game box in French makes me shiver in horror. And have you ever heard Minsc (from Baldur's Gate for you young whippersnappers) yell out his battle cry in French? I'm still trying to erase that from my memory. It's not just the video games, it's *everything*. The French have this obsessive, compulsive need to dub everything, and I'm mostly referring to movies and series. I've been around a bit, and I know that a lot of other countries use subtitles. In France, however, if you want a movie with subtitles, you'd best be prepared to take a trip to Paris (I'm exaggerating a bit, but beyond Paris and Lyon, the only films showed with subtitles are indie, artsy films). Why is it that French can barely stand the sound of a language other than their own? I've wondered for years, and I still don't have answers.
It's a shame, really, that the young French aren't exposed to English a lot earlier. For starters, it would make learning the language a lot easier, and would spare us ridicule on an international scale when our leaders attempt to speak in
la langue de Shakespeare.
All in all, a very interesting, pertinent article, and one which makes me realize that perhaps I'm not over the "Uncanny" myself. Until then, I'll keep having my videos games shipped in from overseas.
And also... oh gosh, a pétanque video game?? Are you mad, sir??