2012, Mayan end date.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
bullshit it's all bullshit. there will be no climate change, no planet X nothing it Y2K all over again and look how that turned out.


$20 a year for this message
Nov 20, 2008
cathou said:
Come on, every know it the reawakening of the magic. there suppose a computer virus soon too that will crash the internet...
Magic has already been reawoken. we just call it science


New member
Oct 31, 2007
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Given the calendar has changed at least once (Gregorian->Julian) and there are at least three separate ones in existence, which particular 2012?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this "2012" prediction has been translated into the Gregorian calender.

Rajin Cajun

New member
Sep 12, 2008
Yeah because a bunch of savage Jungle Dwellers could predict the end of the world...if you believe that I have a ocean in Canada I can sell you.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
0110100110 said:
When scholars first began to study the ancient Mayan culture, which flourished in Latin America during the first millennium, they were surprised to discover how highly developed Mayan knowledge of astronomy was. The Mayans were able to predict astronomical events such as eclipses with perfect accuracy far into the future. But something else struck the scholars too : for some reason the Mayan calendar came to an abrupt end on December 21 2012. What did this mean?
It means that the Mayans didn't survive long enough to institute the next edition of their calendar. Or it means that you also believe the world began August 13, 3114 BC, if the beginning of the Great Cycle on the Long Count Calendar is accurate. Since I haven't seen any calendars printed for 2012 yet, I guess western civilization is predicting the end of the world on Dec. 31 2011.

DerpyDerpyDerp said:
All the planets align. That is the significance of that date. The effects of that are undetermined.
No, they won't. Quit reading astrology books and start reading astronomy books. Planetary alignment is a virtual impossibility in our solar system. Even planetary configurations (not alignment, only when the planets are in the same quadrant) of the five 'classical' planets with the sun and moon only happen about every 40 years. The last time was in May 2000 and next is in 2040.

The worst part about doomsday predictions is that someday some morons prediction will be right through nothing more than sheer, dumb luck.