Sony Explains Why Controller-Free Gaming Won't Work

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Sony Explains Why Controller-Free Gaming Won't Work

Sony [] would like to take this entirely coincidental moment to remind gamers everywhere that it has conducted extensive research into hands-free motion controls and determined beyond a shadow of a doubt that it just doesn't work very well.

"With EyeToy we really wanted to explore new gaming possibilities, so we tried different things where you use your body in different ways, some things using your head, some things using your hand, lots of kind of moving your arms about," Sony Senior Research Richard Marks said in a video posted today on the PlayStation Blog []. "We really looked at a lot of different avenues of what people might like."

"It seemed that we kept running into kind of a limit of the kind of game experiences you could do with just your body," he continued. "We had some really fun things you could do, but they tended to be shallow and kind of mini-game-like. [With] EyeToy we had the ability to select buttons with just your hand and that was kind of neat and magical, but it actually got pretty tiresome."

Fortunately, Sony was able to develop a more flexible and precise motion control system using a handheld "wand," which opened up a far greater range of gameplay opportunities. Even better, it turned out that gamers actually like having something in their hand while they play!

"Unlike trying to track somebody's body, everybody's body is different, the Move is exactly the same in every way," Marks explained. "It also works in the dark perfectly, and we have sensors inside the Move which gives us even more responsiveness and precision. You have the buttons that you're holding in your hands, so not only can you do these spatial things by moving the Move around, but you can actually select things very quickly."

Marks' look at the pros and cons of controller-free gaming is interesting and informative, and will no doubt be of great use to anyone thinking about investing in a motion control setup. I'm also quite certain that it has absolutely nothing at all to do with the fact that Microsoft's Kinect is mere hours away from being unleashed at midnight launch events across the country. Nope, nothing at all.



New member
Mar 19, 2008
I must admit, I love how Sony are resorting to this childish slating of the other platforms.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Well I don't personally think they're wrong I like pressing buttons but they're being just a little juvenile here...
Feb 13, 2008
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that all the gaming companies have never really left the playground. If it's not "We've got one billion girlfriends ready to buy our stuff", it's "they've got no sales because they're a virgin" or "We didn't want to develop alongside your staff so we're taking our ball in".

Honestly, if the companies act like that, how do you expect the fans to behave?

(Oh, and politicians are worse. FAR worse.)

Maybe we'd trust you guys a bit more if you grew up a little?
Feb 13, 2008
SomethingAmazing said:
''Even better, it turned out that gamers actually like having something in their hand while they play!''

Of course they do.
There's another joke waiting to be made there.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
I have EyeToy: Antigrav, it was fun when I played it as a kid :D

As for the video, while he didn't explicitly mention Kinect, it's obvious that it's being referenced.

I think that we really need to concentrate on regular motion controls for now since we can barely get those to work half the time to begin with. While I do want Kinect to succeed in some points (and the other half of me wants it to fail so that Microsoft will shut the hell up), it's probably best to work the kinks out of regular motion controls for now.

Though the Move, for as much flak as it's getting for being a "ripoff" of the Wii (which, in essence, it is), it is sort of an intermediate between the Wii and Kinect in that is has both a controller and a camera, effectively doubling it's possibilities.

I for one can't wait to see what either of these controllers will put out. Maybe it'll be crap, maybe it'll be gold, but I'm always optimistic with new technologies.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
What they fail to take into account is that the Eye Toy was cool but it just wasn't ready for it's time. They developed most of the games for it (which looked like mini-games), when a developer gets a hold of an experimental idea they could make something of such great value and a true work of art that it could become the next Halo for that branch of technology.

If my statement made any sense please contact your government about not putting me in jail.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
Kinect can recognize objects to use in place of controllers so you don't need a standard controller. Thinking that Kinect is controller free is a mistake.
For example take a bowl and using it as a steering wheel in a racing game.
or a stick as a sword for a fantasy game.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
While this is an entirely transparent attempt to rail on Kinect and I doubt they did as much research as they claim (if any), I can't help but agree that controller-less gameplay needs be shallow.

The biggest stumbling block that keeps pooping up when talking about Kinect is that there is no way to (irony) move. Being able to have your character mimic your movements 1 to 1 is great, but how do you tell your character to walk ahead, or turn left, or run? How do you control the camera.

Being more of a fan of the 360 than the PS3, this is a bitter pill to swallow, but i really think that Move has more potential for hard core games than Kinect.

Or at least it would if it had included an analog stick. Turns out, it doesn't, which means that Move will suffer the same problems that Kinect does. At least until they release a Move want with an Analog stick.

Fail, Microsoft and Sony. Fail.

Edit: wait. I just found a picture of the "Navigation Controller." It has an analog. Touche.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Controller shmontroller... whichever platform makes good games for their motion control thingy will be the winner.


New member
Apr 12, 2009
Lame marketing department which is over paid spring into action at the last second. Though the actual content I agree with the eye toy was limited.

Flamma Man

New member
Jul 23, 2009
Well, they do have a point. Not having any controller is going to be a pain to play most genres.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I think there's no sense saying they're right, of course they're right, everyone was already thinking of this, so what was the point of saying it and making yourself look like children?

I'm still interested in Kinect, less so with the move (still interested, but Kinect seems more unique). I feel like Sony are ready to fling crap (subtly) because they have fears that Kinect will fare better than the Move. The Move has more possibilities but price wise Kinect has a much better chance of coming off on top.

They all need to stop this nonsense. Don't they know they have millions of fans to say all this for them? Let your controllers do the walking.

I'll be honest, I'd only buy Kinect to pretend I'm in Minority Report.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Vanguard_Ex said:
I must admit, I love how Sony are resorting to this childish slating of the other platforms.
Aaron Greenberg from MS is famous for it. Both MS and Sony are guilty of it but you could just put greenberg in the escapist forum search and you'd have a hard time finding an article where he isn't throwing dirt in Sony's face.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Summary: "Microsoft is just copying us, so that's why we're copying Nintendo."


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Baldr said:
Kinect can recognize objects to use in place of controllers so you don't need a standard controller. Thinking that Kinect is controller free is a mistake.
For example take a bowl and using it as a steering wheel in a racing game.
or a stick as a sword for a fantasy game.

Kinect can't register a person moving forwards and backwards. This makes weaving and dodging in boxing games better on the Move by default. And thinking of Kinect as controller free isn't a mistake. Using a bowl or a stick to help control a game is more of an extension of the person. The same has been said about operating a car.

Dr Megadeth

New member
May 23, 2010
In other words, "HAH, TAKE THAT MICROSOFT!!!" *kicks sand in eyes, then runs away like a little girl*