Sony Explains Why Controller-Free Gaming Won't Work

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Vanguard_Ex said:
I must admit, I love how Sony are resorting to this childish slating of the other platforms.
Sony's Head is in reality a wise japanese man...

and has a sidekick secret weapon...



New member
Mar 2, 2010
Everyone seems to be complaining, but i have no doubt they researched THEIR OWN EYETOY. lol


New member
Apr 15, 2009
well i see this as a apology for the eyetoy which i bought, and i accept the apology sony, but i still wont buy the move.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
I think I enjoy the narrative experience that games provide much more than the controller I use to play it.

While gameplay is definitely a big part of a game, I think that a game that can combine great and seemingly non-repetitive gameplay, great narrative story, great control scheme for whatever task you're doing, and add in great visuals and great sound, will be the best game ever made.

Until they invent the holodeck, of course.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Obvious, petty mudslinging aside, it goes without saying that a control-system like Kinect or the Eyetoy are going to be limited to shallow gameplay. They simply lack the fundamentals to input complex directions that a controller with buttons provides. Even Move suffers because it still compromises on the number of buttons or analog sticks for input in exchange for the motion control.

The potential control applications with motion-based systems hit a wall when movement alone cannot allow for an easy enough transfer of detailed information based on the limitations of being confined to the camera or motion controller restrictions. One cannot accurately have a simple control scheme to double jump, roundhouse kick an enemy across the room, and land sword-tip down on a second opponent using a camera tracking device. The Wii-mote and the sexSony Wand have buttons to allow some more leeway for the user's limitations, it still is going to feel weird trying to mix both motion-control and button-pressing in some scenarios.

While I am no fan of either Microsoft's or Sony's motion peripherals, I give credit to Sony for at least maintaining a growing base of games not strictly reliant on Move. As an owner of both systems, I feel as though Microsoft is neglecting any other facet of gaming besides Kinect and its launch titles while riding on the scant remainder of "AAA" titles it has to offer. I do not pay for Live, making Halo Reach a rental, and I found Fable III to be worse than its former title[footnote]I enjoyed Fable II for what it is and had a decent enough time with it.[/footnote], so I am left with the impression that Microsoft is laser-targeting most of its resources on its gamble on Kinect.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Thank you sony for telling me why I shouldn't buy your competitions product I respect you more now.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Awesome Sony, because they're selling a hell of a lot more kinects than your silly eyetoy you're going to get jealous :p

On a serious note, I really want them to let us use kinect for RTS games. That would make consoles a really viable target for those.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
didn't sony try and pull the same crap when they trashed talked the Nintendo 3ds and said some BS about 3D glasses being the best way to have 3d? seems they are being childish really. although in THIS case i kind of have to agree to a point


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Vanguard_Ex said:
I must admit, I love how Sony are resorting to this childish slating of the other platforms.
Sony's the worst about it, it makes me almost ashamed that admit that I buy their products. :p

OT: The eyetoy could have been wonderful, but it was ahead of its time as far as I'm concerned. I enjoyed it for what it was and found it to be quite innovative.

Comparatively to the Wii and Move's motion controls, Kinect seems very different. Being able to use your entire body for a controller could be great, if done correctly. I don't know TOO much about Kinect so I don't know if they've done controller-free gaming right, or if they've at least set it on the right track.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
I do love how one of the "sample games" at 0:55 was named "Kinetic". That's totally just coincidence. Totally.


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
AzrealMaximillion said:
Baldr said:
Kinect can recognize objects to use in place of controllers so you don't need a standard controller. Thinking that Kinect is controller free is a mistake.
For example take a bowl and using it as a steering wheel in a racing game.
or a stick as a sword for a fantasy game.

Kinect can't register a person moving forwards and backwards. This makes weaving and dodging in boxing games better on the Move by default. And thinking of Kinect as controller free isn't a mistake. Using a bowl or a stick to help control a game is more of an extension of the person. The same has been said about operating a car.
where are you getting your information? because it is wrong. It does recognize back and forth through the IR signature gets darker when further away from the IR projector.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
It sounds to me that they are saying, we think controller free gaming won't work, because ours didn't work. But don't worry, we made this other thing that isn't copied from Nintendo at all...

The Bandit

New member
Feb 5, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that all the gaming companies have never really left the playground. If it's not "We've got one billion girlfriends ready to buy our stuff", it's "they've got no sales because they're a virgin" or "We didn't want to develop alongside your staff so we're taking our ball in".

Honestly, if the companies act like that, how do you expect the fans to behave?

(Oh, and politicians are worse. FAR worse.)

Maybe we'd trust you guys a bit more if you grew up a little?
No one left the playground. They're all immature. Businessman, politicians, rock stars. They're all little dipshits.

And, yeah, you're a little dipshit too. So am I. We all are. At least we don't have the opportunity to act like dipshits where everyone can point and laugh at us.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
At this phase of controller-less or motion controlled gaming I'm still not satisfied. It's all way too gimmicky. I play my Mario Kart using a classic controller. And the only other Wii game I play, New Super Mario Bros., uses the Remote like an even more classic controller. As for the Eye Toy, I completely agree with the video... unsatisfying by itself. And with Move... meh. More comfortable than Wii but still not worth unrelaxing myself from the couch for. Not saying that one day I might not "get into" the hype, but as for now none of the choices give enough actual gaming to make this gamer happy.

Move, Kinect, just two more drunken party favorites. Still can't beat out the band games though. Especially if a video camera is involved!


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Okay that's it. Aaron Greenberg, you sit in this corner over here, and Richard Marks, you get the opposite corner. You are both going to sit there for 10 minutes, and when I let you both get up to go play again, I expect you to be nice to each other or I'm going to go fetch the paddle.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
We won't be getting really got controller free interfaces until we can get a direct neural interface.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Sorry Sony, until you can develop something that lets me swing that life sized master sword replica I have hanging on my wall to lop the heads off of my virtual enemies Microsoft has you beat. (that is once developers can get away from BS Wii sports clones)