Will Sony Run the LG Blockade?

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Will Sony Run the LG Blockade?

It won't be easy and it won't be cheap, but a legal loophole could allow Sony to bypass LG's injunction against PlayStation 3 shipments to Europe.

Eyebrows went up earlier this week when PlayStation 3 shipments to Europe were halted [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/108101-LG-Suit-Forces-Seizure-of-Thousands-of-PS3s] by an injunction arising from a patent infringement complaint filed against Sony by LG Electronics. Customs officials in the Netherlands seized tens of thousands of the consoles as a result, leaving just two weeks worth of inventory on the continent. The injunction is only good for ten days but Sony imports 100,000 PS3s into Europe every week and LG could very well go back to court and attempt to have the injunction extended. That's some serious bad news.

Which is why Sony might actually consider the "logistical nightmare" of bypassing the injunction by bringing shipments in through ports outside the Netherlands. Currently the PS3 supply for Europe and the U.K. comes in through Rotterdam and Amsterdam but since the injunction is valid only in the Netherlands, Sony could conceivably, and legally, send those shipments elsewhere. There would almost certainly be hassles involved above and beyond the obvious difficulty of rerouting 100,000 PS3s a week to other ports but Sony could at least manage those issues by throwing money at them, something it can't do against a court order from The Hague.

Further complicating the situation is the need to keep everything on the down-low in order to dodge LG action on other fronts for as long as possible. While other European nations may not allow for "prejudgment seizure" as in the Netherlands, an injunction against the sale of infringing devices is always on the table. If Sony is able to run the blockade, so to speak, LG will be forced to go after it country by country if it's serious about cutting off the PS3 supply - although saddling Sony with the expense and aggravation of all this extra dicking around might be enough to keep it happy while the infringement case works its way through the courts.

And you thought international patent law was dull.

Source: The Guardian [http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2011/mar/01/sony-playstation-lg-patent-fight?CMP=twt_iph]



New member
May 21, 2010
Lets hope no LG employees read the escapist aye?

Keeping it very much on the down low... Good job


New member
Aug 9, 2009
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
I love it when Chalk dips into his little bag of fancy-pants legal terms and comes up with pearls like "extra dicking around." Go, Andy!!


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
As I understand it, Sony tried to block LG from selling smartphones or something in the US. So LG basically decided two could play at that game and made multiple patent claims against them. I'll admit I'm not fully versed on the situation though.

To me - considering Sony has 3 weeks worth of supplies of PS3's in most countries - to consider re-routing shipments suggests LG may have a decent case against them.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Calcium said:
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
As I understand it, Sony tried to block LG from selling smartphones or something in the US. So LG basically decided two could play at that game and made multiple patent claims against them. I'll admit I'm not fully versed on the situation though.

To me - considering Sony has 3 weeks worth of supplies of PS3's in most countries - to consider re-routing shipments suggests LG may have a decent case against them.
Actually, that's about correct. Them two's been in an international patent pissing contest for the last two years.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
They make TVs too.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I always found Sony hardware sub-par, and i find it humorous that a company that fights for the protection of its intellectual property so strongly would steal that of another company.
Good times, unless you want a PS3 in Europe.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
They make TVs too.
I know, but I think they're more famous for phones - to me at least.

And wouldn't you expect the patents to at least be on something that both companies actually make?


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Yes, keeping it on the down low will be very easy when it appears inside the most trusted British newspaper.

Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?
I literally said exactly that when i first heard of the lawsuit.

Anyway a little digging on Wikipedia reveals that LG is a founding member of the Blu-ray Disc association. Thier role in the group was the design and production of a reliable blu-ray player after Sony's first attempt reportedly failed.

Because they designed standalone blu-ray players they hold the patent to them however after the lawsuit about LG phones being Sony ripoffs they now claim that the blu-ray player in the PS3 is a ripoff of thier work for payback.

So yes theyre using patent trolling as a means for revenge. Not to mention it will seriously damage Sony if it goes through.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.

emeraldrafael said:
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
They make TVs too.
They make all kinds of stuff, from cell phones to washers and dryers. And it all sucks ass, too.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
they are definitely still making phones [http://www.lg.com/uk/mobile-phones/mobile-phones/LG-android-mobile-phone-GT540.jsp]

but this patent infringement claim basically says that sony is using blu ray technology designed by LG in the ps3, if LG wins the court case they are looking for, they would have to be paid damages for every ps3 sold already and royalties on all future ps3s until sony changes the design...


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Woodsey said:
emeraldrafael said:
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
They make TVs too.
I know, but I think they're more famous for phones - to me at least.
That's possibly just you. I on the other hand know them more for TVs, and the only LG product I've ever owned was a phone. No idea which market they actually have a larger hand in.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
I wonder if either LG's or Sony's patent attorneys are as happy as I am that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Westboro Baptist Church? And, no, my post isn't off-topic. It makes reference to "LG," "Sony," and "patent."

Dorkmaster Flek

New member
Mar 13, 2008
Calcium said:
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
As I understand it, Sony tried to block LG from selling smartphones or something in the US. So LG basically decided two could play at that game and made multiple patent claims against them. I'll admit I'm not fully versed on the situation though.
IP law may not be dull, but it is utterly and completely broken. What you have here is a situation where two huge companies are effectively at a stalemate with each other, because each owns a ton of patents the other "might" be infringing on, so they agree not to sue each other for the time being. So you have kind of a Cold War style mutually assured destruction situation, until somebody cracks and "launches their nukes" first. I find this whole thing very amusing, because I love seeing stupid IP law like this come crashing down like a house of cards. Sucks for the Europeans who wanted to buy PS3s though. Might I recommend not buying any Sony products, since they pretty much suck ass as a company?


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Dorkmaster Flek said:
Calcium said:
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
As I understand it, Sony tried to block LG from selling smartphones or something in the US. So LG basically decided two could play at that game and made multiple patent claims against them. I'll admit I'm not fully versed on the situation though.
IP law may not be dull, but it is utterly and completely broken. What you have here is a situation where two huge companies are effectively at a stalemate with each other, because each owns a ton of patents the other "might" be infringing on, so they agree not to sue each other for the time being. So you have kind of a Cold War style mutually assured destruction situation, until somebody cracks and "launches their nukes" first. I find this whole thing very amusing, because I love seeing stupid IP law like this come crashing down like a house of cards. Sucks for the Europeans who wanted to buy PS3s though. Might I recommend not buying any Sony products, since they pretty much suck ass as a company?
Fucking with each other through litigation is a well-established corporate business strategy and isn't necessarily a product of broken patent laws. If they weren't doing it with patent law, they'd be using some other legal basis. Antitrust, false advertising, unfair trade practice -- take your pick.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
... Den Haag is called "The Hague" in English? What the hell.

OT: What's there to say?
If Sony is indeed using patented LG technology in the PS3, then go LG.
If not, go Sony.

But since it's cool to take sides without knowing anything, I'll stick to LG.
At least LG's monitors have an awesome price/performance ratio.