Will Sony Run the LG Blockade?


New member
Aug 12, 2009
JDKJ said:
They make all kinds of stuff, from cell phones to washers and dryers. And it all sucks ass, too.
My PC monitor isn't THAT bad to be honest, bit shaky but it hasn't failed me yet!


Crumpled Ball of Paper
Oct 11, 2009
I am loving the irony of playing my PS3 on an LG TV right now.
REALLY...I do.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
LG makes sony's blue ray players for the ps3 from what i heard.

and obviously sony blocking some stuff for LG made LG all "wah they blocked my stuff , ill do the same to them to teach them a lesson!" kinda thing .


New member
Oct 23, 2010
RejjeN said:
JDKJ said:
They make all kinds of stuff, from cell phones to washers and dryers. And it all sucks ass, too.
My PC monitor isn't THAT bad to be honest, bit shaky but it hasn't failed me yet!
The only thing Korean I'd ever buy is a Spicy Pork Taco from a Kogi truck. That's some good eatin'.


Salvation a la Mode
Apr 1, 2010
Further complicating the situation is the need to keep everything on the down-low in order to dodge LG action on other fronts for as long as possible.
Think they already kinda messed up here


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
Anyone for an LG boycott? I hate it when companies do this to each other, especaially with something so many people love. Viva Sony! Down with LG!

That's Funny

New member
Jul 20, 2009
Oh god, mentioning a blockade just reminds of the Phantom Menace......

Actually now I've come to think about this.....

Nah, they were blocking a planet.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Fox242 said:
Anyone for an LG boycott? I hate it when companies do this to each other, especaially with something so many people love. Viva Sony! Down with LG!
Works both ways my friend. And Sony did it first with a few patents on phones in the US.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
Krion_Vark said:
Fox242 said:
Anyone for an LG boycott? I hate it when companies do this to each other, especaially with something so many people love. Viva Sony! Down with LG!
Works both ways my friend. And Sony did it first with a few patents on phones in the US.
I know it works both ways. But Sony gave me God of War, Resistance, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Killzone, and inFamous. Therefore, Sony has my support. I don't want LG to take down the Playstation brand.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Fox242 said:
Krion_Vark said:
Fox242 said:
Anyone for an LG boycott? I hate it when companies do this to each other, especaially with something so many people love. Viva Sony! Down with LG!
Works both ways my friend. And Sony did it first with a few patents on phones in the US.
I know it works both ways. But Sony gave me God of War, Resistance, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Killzone, and inFamous. Therefore, Sony has my support. I don't want LG to take down the Playstation brand.
Sony didn't give you any of those
Insomniac gave you Resistance, and Ratchet and Clank.
Naughty Dog gave you Uncharted.
Sucker Punch gave you Infamous.
Guerilla Games gave you Killzone.

The only game you have there that Sony actually gave you is God of War.
Sony Published them but do you really think that those games would have gone unpublished? The only thing Sony has really done is keep Console exclusives on a shit console that has been stripped down to the bare minimum of what it used to be.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
Krion_Vark said:
Fox242 said:
Krion_Vark said:
Fox242 said:
Anyone for an LG boycott? I hate it when companies do this to each other, especaially with something so many people love. Viva Sony! Down with LG!
Works both ways my friend. And Sony did it first with a few patents on phones in the US.
I know it works both ways. But Sony gave me God of War, Resistance, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Killzone, and inFamous. Therefore, Sony has my support. I don't want LG to take down the Playstation brand.
Sony didn't give you any of those
Insomniac gave you Resistance, and Ratchet and Clank.
Naughty Dog gave you Uncharted.
Sucker Punch gave you Infamous.
Guerilla Games gave you Killzone.

The only game you have there that Sony actually gave you is God of War.
Sony Published them but do you really think that those games would have gone unpublished? The only thing Sony has really done is keep Console exclusives on a shit console that has been stripped down to the bare minimum of what it used to be.
Sony gave their support to those companies to develop those games to their true potential on a strong system. I can't imagine any of those games looking as good or running as good as a multi-platform title any more than my personal favorite Xbox series, Gears of War. I know I goofed by not mentioning the actual makers of those games, but I've been sleep deprived for over 24 hours writing papers so forgive my incoherence. Anyway, my main point is that I've been a devoted Playstationer for roughly 14 years now, and I don't want to see the brand disappear. I don't think the Playstation 3 is a piece of shit. It had a very rough start, but it has shown its true potential with those games and I don't want it to end because of LG.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Fox242 said:
Krion_Vark said:
Fox242 said:
Krion_Vark said:
Fox242 said:
Anyone for an LG boycott? I hate it when companies do this to each other, especaially with something so many people love. Viva Sony! Down with LG!
Works both ways my friend. And Sony did it first with a few patents on phones in the US.
I know it works both ways. But Sony gave me God of War, Resistance, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Killzone, and inFamous. Therefore, Sony has my support. I don't want LG to take down the Playstation brand.
Sony didn't give you any of those
Insomniac gave you Resistance, and Ratchet and Clank.
Naughty Dog gave you Uncharted.
Sucker Punch gave you Infamous.
Guerilla Games gave you Killzone.

The only game you have there that Sony actually gave you is God of War.
Sony Published them but do you really think that those games would have gone unpublished? The only thing Sony has really done is keep Console exclusives on a shit console that has been stripped down to the bare minimum of what it used to be.
Sony gave their support to those companies to develop those games to their true potential on a strong system. I can't imagine any of those games looking as good or running as good as a multi-platform title any more than my personal favorite Xbox series, Gears of War. I know I goofed by not mentioning the actual makers of those games, but I've been sleep deprived for over 24 hours writing papers so forgive my incoherence. Anyway, my main point is that I've been a devoted Playstationer for roughly 14 years now, and I don't want to see the brand disappear. I don't think the Playstation 3 is a piece of shit. It had a very rough start, but it has shown its true potential with those games and I don't want it to end because of LG.
All I have to say is SONY HAD IT COMING over this. They are using something that LG made and has patented in something that is ILLEGAL no matter how you try and look at it.
It isn't a piece of shit in any right BUT it is a piece of shit in that it pales in comparison to how it USED to be. It is no longer backwards compatible. No longer has Linix capabilities. If you ask me Sony has been back stepping I really wouldn't doubt that Sony would take out HD capabilities if something came up involving that.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Krion_Vark said:
All I have to say is SONY HAD IT COMING over this.
Agreed, they have racked up some seriously bad karma over the last few years.

Just imagine if Sony's PS3 got booted out of Europe. It would be especially ironic that a few people would experience rather intense schadenfreude if it became so.


Nov 11, 2009
God I hate it when shit like this happens. Its like with anyone with a patent suing Apple because they came up with the iPhone first.

Sure you have the patent, but after (how many years has the PS3 been on the market? 3? I'll say 3) after three years I would say it's to late to call foul. So stop being greedy bastards already.

PS: Patent laws really need to change...


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I think both LG and Sony should drop the charges. This is just causing completely unnecessary problems for everyone now.
Krion_Vark said:
It isn't a piece of shit in any right BUT it is a piece of shit in that it pales in comparison to how it USED to be. It is no longer backwards compatible. No longer has Linix capabilities.
Ooh, linux again. I'm sure you're one of the tens of people that were outraged because you actually bought a PS3 so you could run Linux on it. A PS2 is $100 anyways. It's not really a huge issue as much as it is a minor inconvenience. This seems more like an excuse to ***** rather than a legitimate reason to *****.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I fail to see how any gamer could be happy over this, unless they're some sort of anti-Sony fanboys.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Aurgelmir said:
God I hate it when shit like this happens. Its like with anyone with a patent suing Apple because they came up with the iPhone first.

Sure you have the patent, but after (how many years has the PS3 been on the market? 3? I'll say 3) after three years I would say it's to late to call foul. So stop being greedy bastards already.

PS: Patent laws really need to change...
Wouldn't that basically force everyone with a patent to reverse-engineer EVERY device that could possibly infringe on their patents within just 3 years? I don't want to even imagine how expensive that would be. I think it's far more fair to not limit companies, (and people,) on how long they have to discover they're being cheated.

Now, if you wanted to say they only have 3 years to act once they learn they're being cheated, I could agree with that.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
cynicalsaint1 said:
Further complicating the situation is the need to keep everything on the down-low in order to dodge LG action on other fronts for as long as possible.
Think they already kinda messed up here
I think what they mean by "the need to keep everything on the down-low" is that Sony should try to avoid giving LG additional incentive to try to have an injunction against them in other European territories. Not literally trying to hide the fact that they can re-route where the PS3 are shipped in Europe. I'm pretty sure LG is well aware of that.