Will Sony Run the LG Blockade?


Nov 11, 2009
goldenheart323 said:
Aurgelmir said:
God I hate it when shit like this happens. Its like with anyone with a patent suing Apple because they came up with the iPhone first.

Sure you have the patent, but after (how many years has the PS3 been on the market? 3? I'll say 3) after three years I would say it's to late to call foul. So stop being greedy bastards already.

PS: Patent laws really need to change...
Wouldn't that basically force everyone with a patent to reverse-engineer EVERY device that could possibly infringe on their patents within just 3 years? I don't want to even imagine how expensive that would be. I think it's far more fair to not limit companies, (and people,) on how long they have to discover they're being cheated.

Now, if you wanted to say they only have 3 years to act once they learn they're being cheated, I could agree with that.
Being cheated means that Sony went in and "stole" the patents and made their BluRay players.
Which I bet they didn't.

I do not know what the patents are for, but it just seems to me that they are after money here.
I have read a few other patents on items that apparently was the idea behind the ipod and other devices, and most of these patents are so thin that its impossible to really deny or confirm that it is a patent for parts of any product.

And that is what I am getting at:
Patent law is so fucked, because it doesn't demand anything from the patent holder.
And it seems to me a lot of people hold patents just so they can sue other companies.

and also Patents inhibit innovation.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
Defense said:
Krion_Vark said:
It isn't a piece of shit in any right BUT it is a piece of shit in that it pales in comparison to how it USED to be. It is no longer backwards compatible. No longer has Linix capabilities.
Ooh, linux again. I'm sure you're one of the tens of people that were outraged because you actually bought a PS3 so you could run Linux on it. A PS2 is $100 anyways. It's not really a huge issue as much as it is a minor inconvenience. This seems more like an excuse to ***** rather than a legitimate reason to *****.
From what I know about the situation (not being a PS3 owner), the real issue isn't that they took away Linux, so much as the way they went about it.

First off, when they took away the linux compatibility thing, they claimed it was for security purposes when it was later found that it was simply because Sony was afraid people could use it to take their intellectual property (probably counts as security for them, but it's not like your personal PS3 would be at risk due to the feature).

Then, once they've been taken to court over it, they start making the most insulting, if legally sound, arguments they possibly can. Stating that they can remove the function even though it was advertised because buried in the fine print was a clause that, after a 1 year warranty, basically lets them remove any function they please. Thanks to this clause, they could potentially remove "ability to play video games," and they'd be legally valid (at least, based on the way they're arguing the case).

Their tone throughout the entire incident has basically been "We're SONY, we can do whatever we want and you can't do a thing to stop us." Even if they do turn out to be legally in the right, the way they're acting leaves a bad taste in many people's mouths, anyone following the case who isn't a diehard Sony fanboy (and didn't care about the Linux thing) would come off with an extremely bad impression of the company.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Defense said:
I think both LG and Sony should drop the charges. This is just causing completely unnecessary problems for everyone now.
Krion_Vark said:
It isn't a piece of shit in any right BUT it is a piece of shit in that it pales in comparison to how it USED to be. It is no longer backwards compatible. No longer has Linix capabilities.
Ooh, linux again. I'm sure you're one of the tens of people that were outraged because you actually bought a PS3 so you could run Linux on it. A PS2 is $100 anyways. It's not really a huge issue as much as it is a minor inconvenience. This seems more like an excuse to ***** rather than a legitimate reason to *****.
Actually I don't really like the PS3 all the "good" games for it are also for the Xbox most of the time and the exclusives aren't really worth it for me I just don't like how they had most of the features cut out of it like its some laboratory monster and that they can just do whatever they want to it even after its in the hands of other people.


Blessed are the righteous
Jun 27, 2009
Iwata said:
I fail to see how any gamer could be happy over this, unless they're some sort of anti-Sony fanboys.
Yes, we should instead support patent infringement out of some misguided sense of brand loyalty.

There is no "gaming obligation" that goes above the law. If some small company had tried this with one of Sony's patents, Sony would ruin them for life. I say let them and LG burn in each other's lawsuits.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Krion_Vark said:
Defense said:
I think both LG and Sony should drop the charges. This is just causing completely unnecessary problems for everyone now.
Krion_Vark said:
It isn't a piece of shit in any right BUT it is a piece of shit in that it pales in comparison to how it USED to be. It is no longer backwards compatible. No longer has Linix capabilities.
Ooh, linux again. I'm sure you're one of the tens of people that were outraged because you actually bought a PS3 so you could run Linux on it. A PS2 is $100 anyways. It's not really a huge issue as much as it is a minor inconvenience. This seems more like an excuse to ***** rather than a legitimate reason to *****.
Actually I don't really like the PS3 all the "good" games for it are also for the Xbox most of the time and the exclusives aren't really worth it for me I just don't like how they had most of the features cut out of it like its some laboratory monster and that they can just do whatever they want to it even after its in the hands of other people.
Really? "Most of the features"? no 2 of the features my friend 2 of them, backwards compatability and linux (which no one cared about anyway)


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Seneschal said:
Iwata said:
I fail to see how any gamer could be happy over this, unless they're some sort of anti-Sony fanboys.
Yes, we should instead support patent infringement out of some misguided sense of brand loyalty.

There is no "gaming obligation" that goes above the law. If some small company had tried this with one of Sony's patents, Sony would ruin them for life. I say let them and LG burn in each other's lawsuits.
Yes but surely its bad for the whole industry if one of the big companies suffers


New member
Oct 23, 2010
goldenheart323 said:
Aurgelmir said:
God I hate it when shit like this happens. Its like with anyone with a patent suing Apple because they came up with the iPhone first.

Sure you have the patent, but after (how many years has the PS3 been on the market? 3? I'll say 3) after three years I would say it's to late to call foul. So stop being greedy bastards already.

PS: Patent laws really need to change...
Wouldn't that basically force everyone with a patent to reverse-engineer EVERY device that could possibly infringe on their patents within just 3 years? I don't want to even imagine how expensive that would be. I think it's far more fair to not limit companies, (and people,) on how long they have to discover they're being cheated.

Now, if you wanted to say they only have 3 years to act once they learn they're being cheated, I could agree with that.
That's what the the Copyright Act says. You've got three years after the date of discovery of the allegedly infringing conduct to bring your lawsuit for copyright infringement. Take any longer than three years and the snooze-you-lose rule will bar you from bringing your claim. There's no similar statute of limitations under the Patent Act, but there is a bar to collecting damages beyond six years after the date of the alleged infringing conduct. Moreover, if the delay has somehow prejudiced the defendant (e.g., they've thrown away evidence that could have helped them defend themselves), then the equitable doctrine of "laches" can be raised as a defense.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
"Sony: You won't steal a car, you won't steal a blue ray...
someone: but Sony you stole the blue ray patent from someone else
Sony: Yar, you won't steal a patent unless you are us, you scrubby land lubber."
Now i understand, Sony wasn't against piracy, they just want it all for themselves.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
They are both on the blu-ray disc association so i don't see how either lawsuit came about. Sony was of course the first company to put out the tech. It must have something to do with how the disc is read but I don't think the ps3 changed much between the first and second addition when it came to disk reading lasers. Egh, I don't know which lawsuit is right.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
is there any evidence that sony is actually considering this? or is it just speculation by someone at the Guardian?


Blessed are the righteous
Jun 27, 2009
Macrobstar said:
Seneschal said:
Iwata said:
I fail to see how any gamer could be happy over this, unless they're some sort of anti-Sony fanboys.
Yes, we should instead support patent infringement out of some misguided sense of brand loyalty.

There is no "gaming obligation" that goes above the law. If some small company had tried this with one of Sony's patents, Sony would ruin them for life. I say let them and LG burn in each other's lawsuits.
Yes but surely its bad for the whole industry if one of the big companies suffers
If one big company suffers, another takes its place. Or are you implying that there are no high-tech corporations wiling to grab a piece of the entertainment market? The "industry" that every gamer is so inexplicably concerned about like they've bought stocks or something, is just as self-regulating as any other. You don't see filmophiles going: "PARAMOUNT PICTURES, NOOOOOOO".


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
TO me it kind of looks like LG is just trying to do enough damage to Sony's business that they roll over and don't fight the infringement case. I think Sony might lose more money in the long run that way though. It's turning into quiet a mess and I'm sure both sides will probability wind up being dicks before its over.


New member
Dec 17, 2009
If Sony hadn't gone patent trolling, it wouldn't have been done to them in kind. I'm only surprised that they went trolling in the first place knowing full well they had LG's technology in the PS3.

I haven't bought anything Sony in years. If they get badly burned, it's just good television to me. Looking forward to it.


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
You've gots to love patent sitters.

I'll bet LG's patent reads something like "A big box that could play multiple forms of digital and disc-based media and connect to the internet."

If LG was in any way relevant, I'd probably boycott them.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Macrobstar said:
Krion_Vark said:
Defense said:
I think both LG and Sony should drop the charges. This is just causing completely unnecessary problems for everyone now.
Krion_Vark said:
It isn't a piece of shit in any right BUT it is a piece of shit in that it pales in comparison to how it USED to be. It is no longer backwards compatible. No longer has Linix capabilities.
Ooh, linux again. I'm sure you're one of the tens of people that were outraged because you actually bought a PS3 so you could run Linux on it. A PS2 is $100 anyways. It's not really a huge issue as much as it is a minor inconvenience. This seems more like an excuse to ***** rather than a legitimate reason to *****.
Actually I don't really like the PS3 all the "good" games for it are also for the Xbox most of the time and the exclusives aren't really worth it for me I just don't like how they had most of the features cut out of it like its some laboratory monster and that they can just do whatever they want to it even after its in the hands of other people.
Really? "Most of the features"? no 2 of the features my friend 2 of them, backwards compatability and linux (which no one cared about anyway)
Also, backwards compatibility was never meant to be on all ps3's, just the 60 gig version. They stopped putting it in because it made the "yellow light of death" (basically sony's red rings) appear more often.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
K, so I read every comment up till this point and man, haters be hating and fanboys be.........like fanboys, all fanboy'n it up and stuff.


Aug 24, 2009
Krion_Vark said:
It is no longer backwards compatible.
Um...When did that happen? Mine's always been backwards compatible. In fact, I just played some PS2 games like a month ago on it. Of course, I have one of the old, fat 80GB ones. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
DJDarque said:
Krion_Vark said:
It is no longer backwards compatible.
Um...When did that happen? Mine's always been backwards compatible. In fact, I just played some PS2 games like a month ago on it. Of course, I have one of the old, fat 80GB ones. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
Basically, people bitched because it cost to much, so they removed a feature to lower the price, causing people to ***** about how they had removed a feature.

You know cause your average air sucking reatard doesn't seem to understand that something can cost a lot of money and still be sold at a loss, PS3's are sold now cheap and at a profit because the technology has become cheaper.

And this is just an apparently mind you, they haven't reimplemented the feature because it's been vocal minority polls show they want other things or some shit like that. Personally I figure they wait until the PS2 is all gone from shelves and then make an add-on/downloadable emulator.

But I can't leave the thread without targeting some venom at someone so eenie meenie minny...


You sound like a 12 year old who only had enough money for one toy and thus vehemently slagged the toy you couldn't buy. If your arguments were at least mature sounding I wouldn't have to call you out on this but the gist of it is "WAAAAAAH SONY IS EVIL MICROSOFT RULES!" They have a forum if you want to do that, it's called the X-box Republic.

And no don't bother responding cause frankly I don't give a shit what you have to say back to me, I will not respond so don't waste your time. You want to prove me wrong, step up your game and grow up, but until then you will always be nothing more than a petulant child.

Now if you will all excuse me those Jegans and ReGZs are not going to blow themselves up.