Will Sony Run the LG Blockade?


New member
Oct 21, 2009
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.

emeraldrafael said:
Woodsey said:
The console's been out for 4 years, and they've only just now filed a patent infringement? And what the fuck do LG have to do with anything anyway?

I haven't even seen a phone from them in a year.
They make TVs too.
They make all kinds of stuff, from cell phones to washers and dryers. And it all sucks ass, too.
Hardly. LG are like Mitsubishi, you use their stuff all the time without ever knowing it it's pretty much omnipresent and used by many companies, even those that seem to be direct competitors.

LG produce screen technology that everyone (well, barring Philips and Sony) puts in just about every monitor or TV you can buy. They are major players in the optical market as this case shows. They are HUGE in the white goods industry too, mostly washers driers and fridges. Not to mention industrial electronics. The phones and laptops are utter crap mind.

as an anecdote;
My LG washing machine is just about the best engineered such device I have ever seen. Opening it up when it broke (hard water area) was a surprise, most washing machines are running on pretty crappy mechanical technology. This was a doddle to repair thanks to some very elegantly designed components. I hope who ever designed that in-pipe magnet driven pump got a big fat cheque.

As to this story, Sony deserve it; they've been stamping their boots all over the industry like a spoilt brat for the past few years, seems to have been fashionable since the economy dried up a little as all the big players have been giving it a go. Putting in ridiculously broad patents and then trying to sue everyone is not good business and now they get to feel the cost of their actions.
Patents are meant to be a way to 'protect specific solutions to engineering problems' not 'idea protection'.

Aurgelmir said:
God I hate it when shit like this happens. Its like with anyone with a patent suing Apple because they came up with the iPhone first.
Hate to burst your bubble but apple started that one, instead of targeting the fortress of googles legal team they started sue all the smaller companies using android. Even before that they went for anyone small using any form of touch technolgy despite it being a lot older than the iphone so it's hardly surprising everyone is counter sueing them

Edit: Is anyone else having problems with the captcha system? I just had to switch browsers as the captcha box is missing when using chrome


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Karma is a *****, isn't it, Sony?

I'm sure the lawyers are doing their usual victory dance in either of the companies, though.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Low Key said:
Corporate greed. Gotta love it.

This is but one form of capitalism. You can either outperform your competition by producing a superior product/service, or you can sabotage them by lowering their ability to compete, making your existing product/service more appealing in the long run.

This injunction is a temporary setback for Sony. While financially painful, 10 days is NOTHING compared to being banished from a market forever.