French Hacker Who Bragged on TV Gets Arrested

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
French Hacker Who Bragged on TV Gets Arrested

A hacker talked about his exploits breaking into Army websites on a French TV show and was subsequently arrested.

It's usually not a good idea to identify yourself as someone who committed a crime - especially not on national television. But that's exactly what a man called "Carl" did when he appeared on the French show "Complément d'enquête" ("Further Investigation" in English) and demonstrated how he broke into computers controlled by the French Army and the Thales Group, an IT company that provides services for aerospace, defense, and security industries in France. Carl also claimed that he had purchased and sold credit card information online, some of which he sued to buy things for himself. After the show aired on February 28th, 2011, Thales filed a formal complaint with French authorities who were able to track down the hacker's real identity and location. Police arrested Carl on April 7th.

The producers of "Complément d'enquête" said that they did not reveal their source, and they were not made aware of any investigation by the police. They only knew about that Carl had been apprehended because they had read reports in the press.

Ironically, the segment on "Complément d'enquête" profiled a new type of hacker - the hacktivist - who only commits such crimes for a purpose. Carl said that he was a member of Anonymous and, although that claim can't be substantiated, a response to the broadcast by the hacker collective was not very positive.

"We are once again disappointed by your willingness to ignore reality. We do not recognize ourselves in this report," the Anonymous statement said about the segment on "Complément d'enquête." "We are disappointed that you did not emphasize more the values we stand for, such as freedom of expression."

"Carl" is charged with organized fraud, unauthorized access and data theft.

Source: Softpedia []

Dec 14, 2009
'Carl said that he was a member of anonymous'

Well of course he did, every other person and their dog claims to be part of Anon.

'We are disappointed that you did not emphasize more the values we stand for, such as freedom of expression'

Really Anon? They're so freakin' schizophrenic with their 'values' that I'm sure that not even they know what they are.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
'Carl said that he was a member of anonymous'

Well of course he did, every other person and their dog claims to be part of anon.
You forgot their cats. And their parakeets. And their Tvs. And their cereal. And their bad movie remakes. And...


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Claiming you're Anon is such old hat nowadays, anyone who does so comes off as a pathetic hack looking for some quick internet cred. One would think someone identifying with a loose collective of people called "Anonymous" wouldn't go out of their way to reveal their identity.

In other somewhat related news, it would seem a civil war has erupted over Encyclopedia Dramatica's closure between Anon and GirlVinyl (the owner of the ED domain name) They've even got a war map and everything.



New member
Jan 1, 2011
Well, natural selection at work, I say. Also, how can he be anonymous, since we already know he is...
HankMan said:


Media Snob
Mar 19, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
'Carl said that he was a member of anonymous'

Well of course he did, every other person and their dog claims to be part of Anon.
And every single one of them is completely missing the point. It's rather amusing in a retarded sort of way.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
When will apparently net savvy sites like the escapist learn that one does not become some sort of initiated member of anonymous? Karl could not be a "member" of anonymous because his name is Karl. Herp dee derp dee doo.

KeyMaster45 said:
Claiming you're Anon is such old hat nowadays, anyone who does so comes off as a pathetic hack looking for some quick internet cred. One would think someone identifying with a loose collective of people called "Anonymous" wouldn't go out of their way to reveal their identity.

In other somewhat related news, it would seem a civil war has erupted over Encyclopedia Dramatica's closure between Anon and GirlVinyl (the owner of the ED domain name) They've even got a war map and everything.

Yeah I liked the bit where some EDiots fed government IP's to a bunch of trigger happy /b/tards on babby's first raid. Leading them to DDOS the FBI with on final poorly spelt all caps cry of "WE R LEEJUN."

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
KeyMaster45 said:
Claiming you're Anon is such old hat nowadays, anyone who does so comes off as a pathetic hack looking for some quick internet cred. One would think someone identifying with a loose collective of people called "Anonymous" wouldn't go out of their way to reveal their identity.

In other somewhat related news, it would seem a civil war has erupted over Encyclopedia Dramatica's closure between Anon and GirlVinyl (the owner of the ED domain name) They've even got a war map and everything.

That is a pretty epic map, and a civil war amongst ED and Anon? My goodness, this is beautiful. May the side with the most "lulz" win.

On topic, he claimed to be Anon? Anon doesn't claim to be anyone. Anyone who gives their name out or shouts they're Anon are not Anon. Anon is everyone who does not wish to be known.

So remember kids: Guy shouting he's Anon is not Anon. Old lady with her old PC smiling through the window is Anon. So don't steal her lawn items or she'll mess you up!


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
Greg Tito said:
But that's exactly what a man called "Carl" did when he appeared on the French show "Complément d'enquête" ("Further Investigation" in English) and demonstrated how he broke into computers controlled by the French Army
Calling Bullshit on this one. The French have an army?

I kid, I kid. My family is part French, and I ran this joke by them.

OT: How can people be so smart and so stupid?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
CM156 said:
Greg Tito said:
But that's exactly what a man called "Carl" did when he appeared on the French show "Complément d'enquête" ("Further Investigation" in English) and demonstrated how he broke into computers controlled by the French Army
Calling Bullshit on this one. The French have an army?

I kid, I kid. My family is part French, and I ran this joke by them.

OT: How can people be so smart and so stupid?


Late Reviewer
Nov 29, 2007
I wasn't aware "activism" involved stealing and selling people's credit card information; this guy deserved to be arrested just for that.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I love when one of Anon's members does something they don't like, they are quick to throw him or her under the bus. And how, exactly, do they keep track of their members? Isn't the whole point of the group to remain, um, anonymous? By that alone, probably half of the world is part of the group in some way, and the other half simply doesn't have the computer skills--or a computer.
Wish more people would be this stupid. It would make catching criminals much easier.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
Sniper Team 4 said:
I love when one of Anon's members does something they don't like, they are quick to throw him or her under the bus. And how, exactly, do they keep track of their members? Isn't the whole point of the group to remain, um, anonymous? By that alone, probably half of the world is part of the group in some way, and the other half simply doesn't have the computer skills--or a computer.
Wish more people would be this stupid. It would make catching criminals much easier.

Anonymous has existed considerably longer than computers have...


Wasting His Title
Oct 4, 2009
Idiot deserved to be arrested. You know, occasionally I agree with Anonymous. They stand for things I can relate to, although they are occasionally a bit over the top, but this is just ridiculous. The man isn't doing anything noble, he is just stealing peoples money.
Although the bit about him hacking the army is kinda funny.
Greg Tito said:
Carl also claimed that he had purchased and sold credit card information online, some of which he sued to buy things for himself.
Also, I assume this should say used?

(There is a joke here about backtracing too but I don't want to make the effort)


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Greg Tito said:
Carl also claimed that he had purchased and sold credit card information online, some of which he sued to buy things for himself.
He sued credit card information so he could buy stuff?

Jesus christ!

(joking aside, I'm assuming you meant to type "Used")