French Hacker Who Bragged on TV Gets Arrested


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
Ultratwinkie said:
HankMan said:
Also, the French army? Is that really brag worthy?
He hacked the computer of France's only soldier?
Sigh,if you're going to make a joke like that,make it the right stereotype.It's the Swiss army that only has 1 soldier,and the French that has plenty,but waves more white laundry around then a dry cleaner.
OT:Yeah,nothing to see here,that guy was just stupid.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Sigh anon, "freedom of information", yeah well you don't create any of it do you?

In other news, why would you get yourself caught if there's a trail to be found here?

Oh and I thought it was a typo but he sued companies he was selling product too for his own gains lol!


New member
Aug 12, 2008
'Carl said that he was a member of anonymous'

I think he forgot the rules know...anon?
Well thats the French for you.



New member
Feb 8, 2011
This jackass needed to get the book thrown at him. Claiming to fight for "freedom" was just an excuse to destroy peoples lives by stealing and selling their CC info.

Also like others pointed out, how can one claim affiliation with Anonymous yet not be Anonymous at the same time.

I have nothing wrong with the OP or the story but I really think these need to be rewritten and stop giving "credit" to Anonymous because some jackasses can act like absolute idiots and use the "group" as a fallback.

Of course since the "ideals" of Anonymous are amorphous you get every idiot under the sun claiming to be part of it as a way to grasp for attention.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
im still leaning on the Station sold him out :p

they can feign ignorance but i'm sure thats what happened. Getting rid of a national security risk is well worth a bit of integrity (assuming they don't feign ignorance which they did XD)


New member
Mar 2, 2011
You'd wonder how someone smart enough to perpetrate those crimes could be stupid enough to go on national television. I foresee him being released and fined after making false allegations. Also, Anon is huge, it consists of anyone that wants to be a part of it, can hide their online identity and stays anonymous.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Asuka Soryu said:
CM156 said:
Greg Tito said:
But that's exactly what a man called "Carl" did when he appeared on the French show "Complément d'enquête" ("Further Investigation" in English) and demonstrated how he broke into computers controlled by the French Army
Calling Bullshit on this one. The French have an army?

I kid, I kid. My family is part French, and I ran this joke by them.

OT: How can people be so smart and so stupid?
Ego? He basicaly said to everyone listening, "hey, look at me! I'm so great, I make the army look like a joke."
Does that remind you of anyone else we know? *cough george "egohot" hotz cough, cough*


New member
Oct 23, 2010
DTWolfwood said:
im still leaning on the Station sold him out :p

they can feign ignorance but i'm sure thats what happened. Getting rid of a national security risk is well worth a bit of integrity (assuming they don't feign ignorance which they did XD)
Why would the station have to sell him out when he already sold himself out by appearing on national television, stating his real identity, and admitting to what he'd done? Even the bungling Keystone Cops coulda tracked his ass down and arrested him if they had the information he himself was providing.

There's no need for anyone to snitch someone out when they're already snitching themselves out.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Speaking of Anonymouse, it's kinda weird that the Escapist covered the announcement of their planned protests of Sony but failed to cover the fact that those protests flopped (see ). That's shoddy journalism (the flop being more newsworthy than the announcement, if you ask me). Or is it a case of picking sides and playing favorites? Things that make you go, hmmm.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
There was another show about "hackers", where we could see a bunch of kids claiming to be "hakers", dressed in hoodies and their faces blurred. The journalist described, in a dramatic voice, their actions as, armed with their laptops and their "powerful wireless antenna that they bought on internet because they're forbiden in France", drive in front of a local police station, and try to "hack" into the "police network".

Unfortunatly, the "hackers" shortly threw their hand in the air in defeat, as the network was "heavily secured by a powerful WEP key, and they didn't know the password".


Any kid who access the neighboor wifi or used LOIC think he is a hacker. At least OP one did hack sensible networks, but he was still a moron for bragging about it.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Can't believe the guy was dumb enough to admit to breaking the law on National Television and not think he would get caught.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
JDKJ said:
DTWolfwood said:
im still leaning on the Station sold him out :p

they can feign ignorance but i'm sure thats what happened. Getting rid of a national security risk is well worth a bit of integrity (assuming they don't feign ignorance which they did XD)
Why would the station have to sell him out when he already sold himself out by appearing on national television, stating his real identity, and admitting to what he'd done? Even the bungling Keystone Cops coulda tracked his ass down and arrested him if they had the information he himself was providing.

There's no need for anyone to snitch someone out when they're already snitching themselves out.
if you read the article carefully nothing in it says he revealed his true identity other than he is known as "carl" <.<

and as most would assume he would have done it with his face concealed. Hence the whole part about the station saying they had no idea he got arrested. Its a matter of coincidence, that the time of his arrest and the time of this tv appearance was so close. hence my speculation that the station sold him out :p

the man can hack government computers, you'd think he would at least have the wherewithal to only agree to show up on TV concealed. that said, he should have known never to trust a national television station or the common sense to show up at all. XD

of course all of this would be moot if he did show his face on TV.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
DTWolfwood said:
JDKJ said:
DTWolfwood said:
im still leaning on the Station sold him out :p

they can feign ignorance but i'm sure thats what happened. Getting rid of a national security risk is well worth a bit of integrity (assuming they don't feign ignorance which they did XD)
Why would the station have to sell him out when he already sold himself out by appearing on national television, stating his real identity, and admitting to what he'd done? Even the bungling Keystone Cops coulda tracked his ass down and arrested him if they had the information he himself was providing.

There's no need for anyone to snitch someone out when they're already snitching themselves out.
if you read the article carefully nothing in it says he revealed his true identity other than he is known as "carl" <.<

and as most would assume he would have done it with his face concealed. Hence the whole part about the station saying they had no idea he got arrested. Its a matter of coincidence, that the time of his arrest and the time of this tv appearance was so close. hence my speculation that the station sold him out :p

the man can hack government computers, you'd think he would at least have the wherewithal to only agree to show up on TV concealed. that said, he should have known never to trust a national television station or the common sense to show up at all. XD

of course all of this would be moot if he did show his face on TV.
But it does appear that Carl is in fact his real first name. And he did more that just stupidly reveal his first name. If you read the article carefully, you'll see where he also disclosed that he had purchased and sold credit card information online, some of which he used to buy things for himself. You can't see where he sprinkled a bread-crumb trail for the police to follow right up to his front door?

And the fact that his appearance on television and his arrest are in close temporal proximity likely has more to do with the fact that he blabbed his mouth on television than the television station cooperating with the police. If you were the police and had all the information Carl provided plus full investigative powers (.e.g., the ability to subpoena 'net records and fraudulent credit card transaction records), how long would it take you to track his ass down and arrest him? It wouldn't take me 48 hours.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
JDKJ said:
DTWolfwood said:
JDKJ said:
DTWolfwood said:
im still leaning on the Station sold him out :p

they can feign ignorance but i'm sure thats what happened. Getting rid of a national security risk is well worth a bit of integrity (assuming they don't feign ignorance which they did XD)
Why would the station have to sell him out when he already sold himself out by appearing on national television, stating his real identity, and admitting to what he'd done? Even the bungling Keystone Cops coulda tracked his ass down and arrested him if they had the information he himself was providing.

There's no need for anyone to snitch someone out when they're already snitching themselves out.
if you read the article carefully nothing in it says he revealed his true identity other than he is known as "carl" <.<

and as most would assume he would have done it with his face concealed. Hence the whole part about the station saying they had no idea he got arrested. Its a matter of coincidence, that the time of his arrest and the time of this tv appearance was so close. hence my speculation that the station sold him out :p

the man can hack government computers, you'd think he would at least have the wherewithal to only agree to show up on TV concealed. that said, he should have known never to trust a national television station or the common sense to show up at all. XD

of course all of this would be moot if he did show his face on TV.
But it does appear that Carl is in fact his real first name. And he did more that just stupidly reveal his first name. If you read the article carefully, you'll see where he also disclosed that he had purchased and sold credit card information online, some of which he used to buy things for himself. You can't see where he sprinkled a bread-crumb trail for the police to follow right up to his front door?

And the fact that his appearance on television and his arrest are in close temporal proximity likely has more to do with the fact that he blabbed his mouth on television than the television station cooperating with the police. If you were the police and had all the information Carl provided plus full investigative powers (.e.g., the ability to subpoena 'net records and fraudulent credit card transaction records), how long would it take you to track his ass down and arrest him? It wouldn't take me 48 hours.
Carl might not be common in france perhaps. But talking about your exploits and actually revealing the information of your exploits are 2 different things. He claims to have done them but come on, he would not have showed the information behind it on TV. If he did, well that's that and we have nothing else to discuss.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
DTWolfwood said:
JDKJ said:
DTWolfwood said:
JDKJ said:
DTWolfwood said:
im still leaning on the Station sold him out :p

they can feign ignorance but i'm sure thats what happened. Getting rid of a national security risk is well worth a bit of integrity (assuming they don't feign ignorance which they did XD)
Why would the station have to sell him out when he already sold himself out by appearing on national television, stating his real identity, and admitting to what he'd done? Even the bungling Keystone Cops coulda tracked his ass down and arrested him if they had the information he himself was providing.

There's no need for anyone to snitch someone out when they're already snitching themselves out.
if you read the article carefully nothing in it says he revealed his true identity other than he is known as "carl" <.<

and as most would assume he would have done it with his face concealed. Hence the whole part about the station saying they had no idea he got arrested. Its a matter of coincidence, that the time of his arrest and the time of this tv appearance was so close. hence my speculation that the station sold him out :p

the man can hack government computers, you'd think he would at least have the wherewithal to only agree to show up on TV concealed. that said, he should have known never to trust a national television station or the common sense to show up at all. XD

of course all of this would be moot if he did show his face on TV.
But it does appear that Carl is in fact his real first name. And he did more that just stupidly reveal his first name. If you read the article carefully, you'll see where he also disclosed that he had purchased and sold credit card information online, some of which he used to buy things for himself. You can't see where he sprinkled a bread-crumb trail for the police to follow right up to his front door?

And the fact that his appearance on television and his arrest are in close temporal proximity likely has more to do with the fact that he blabbed his mouth on television than the television station cooperating with the police. If you were the police and had all the information Carl provided plus full investigative powers (.e.g., the ability to subpoena 'net records and fraudulent credit card transaction records), how long would it take you to track his ass down and arrest him? It wouldn't take me 48 hours.
Carl might not be common in france perhaps. But talking about your exploits and actually revealing the information of your exploits are 2 different things. He claims to have done them but come on, he would not have showed the information behind it on TV. If he did, well that's that and we have nothing else to discuss.
Well, then, I guess we have nothing to discuss because what appears to be beyond dispute is that the fucking idiot gave all the information needed for anyone to track him down and arrest him. I'm not saying that the television station didn't cooperate with the police. I can't rule out that possibility. But it does appear to be a fact that their cooperation wasn't needed. Carl, without any help from anyone else, made his own noose and then stuck his own neck in it. That much does appear to a fact.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
JDKJ said:
DTWolfwood said:
JDKJ said:
DTWolfwood said:
JDKJ said:
DTWolfwood said:
im still leaning on the Station sold him out :p

they can feign ignorance but i'm sure thats what happened. Getting rid of a national security risk is well worth a bit of integrity (assuming they don't feign ignorance which they did XD)
Why would the station have to sell him out when he already sold himself out by appearing on national television, stating his real identity, and admitting to what he'd done? Even the bungling Keystone Cops coulda tracked his ass down and arrested him if they had the information he himself was providing.

There's no need for anyone to snitch someone out when they're already snitching themselves out.
if you read the article carefully nothing in it says he revealed his true identity other than he is known as "carl" <.<

and as most would assume he would have done it with his face concealed. Hence the whole part about the station saying they had no idea he got arrested. Its a matter of coincidence, that the time of his arrest and the time of this tv appearance was so close. hence my speculation that the station sold him out :p

the man can hack government computers, you'd think he would at least have the wherewithal to only agree to show up on TV concealed. that said, he should have known never to trust a national television station or the common sense to show up at all. XD

of course all of this would be moot if he did show his face on TV.
But it does appear that Carl is in fact his real first name. And he did more that just stupidly reveal his first name. If you read the article carefully, you'll see where he also disclosed that he had purchased and sold credit card information online, some of which he used to buy things for himself. You can't see where he sprinkled a bread-crumb trail for the police to follow right up to his front door?

And the fact that his appearance on television and his arrest are in close temporal proximity likely has more to do with the fact that he blabbed his mouth on television than the television station cooperating with the police. If you were the police and had all the information Carl provided plus full investigative powers (.e.g., the ability to subpoena 'net records and fraudulent credit card transaction records), how long would it take you to track his ass down and arrest him? It wouldn't take me 48 hours.
Carl might not be common in france perhaps. But talking about your exploits and actually revealing the information of your exploits are 2 different things. He claims to have done them but come on, he would not have showed the information behind it on TV. If he did, well that's that and we have nothing else to discuss.
Well, then, I guess we have nothing to discuss because what appears to be beyond dispute is that the fucking idiot gave all the information needed for anyone to track him down and arrest him. I'm not saying that the television station didn't cooperate with the police. I can't rule out that possibility. But it does appear to be a fact that their cooperation wasn't needed. Carl, without any help from anyone else, made his own noose and then stuck his own neck in it. That much does appear to a fact.
If I get on national television and disclose that I am the famed "D.B. Cooper" who hijacked that 727 back in 1971 and my real name is John Smith and my address is 1234 Elm Street where I can be found everyday after 5:30PM, it doesn't matter that I haven't disclosed how I managed to survive a parachute jump over the Washington wilderness in the dead of night. What matters is that the police now know precisely who I am and where I can be found.