Graphics Card Drivers To Blame For Rage's PC "Issues"


Mortician of Love
May 25, 2010
Graphics Card Drivers To Blame For Rage's PC "Issues"

Sure, the "issues" make Rage nigh-unplayable, but Bethesda wants you to know these problems aren't the company's fault.

<a href=>Rage just came out today, and gamers are finally getting the chance to play id Software's latest FPS title. Well, some gamers. It turns out that PC fans may have to wait for a while before they can actually play the game, since it turns out the PC port is something between embarrassingly flawed and totally broken. Rest assured, though, the problem isn't id's fault: it's because your graphics card driver is to blame.

As seen in this video, the PC version of the game features a ton of texture pop-in and occasional tearing every time the perspective shifts. <a href=>Our own forums also have reports and screenshots of how bad things look in the game.

Bethesda took to its blog to provide gamers with an update on the situation:

? Yesterday we posted the latest beta drivers for both card manufacturers on our blog. We've learned that <a href=!/DCDeacon/statuses/121281008157995009>AMD is reporting issues with their driver update, and you should not use it.
? Note on the Battlefield 3 beta drivers: CTD is 100% with those drivers. You need to update to the most recent driver. <a href=>Grab it here!
? Nvidia users should try updating RAGE to the <a href=>current beta driver. When this driver is updated, we'll let everyone know.
? Stay tuned for more update [SIC]... and thank you for your patience!

As <a href=>Justin Clouse noted in his review, Rage's primary strength is in its visuals. Unfortunately, it sounds like PC gamers will have to wait to enjoy them.

Source: Joystiq



New member
Apr 30, 2008
Honestly? I call bollocks. Who the fuck releases a game when the drivers dont exist to run it? Why can't players adjust the resolution? In fact, why can't players tinker with any aspect of the graphics? Please, iD, just throw your hands up and accept the fucking flakk that you messed up and fix this shit.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
I enjoyed the part where he tried to change his graphics settings. I haven't seen an options menu so barren since The Force Unleashed came to PC.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Soviet Heavy said:
I enjoyed the part where he tried to change his graphics settings. I haven't seen an options menu so barren since The Force Unleashed came to PC.
Bahahaha! I like that, well done.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Lazy bastards, they should have tested more extensively and not push the blame on not having a magical invisible driver. Video is pretty damn awesome, it has Manah Manah, Nuff said.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Well, that's another reason to stick to the buggy wasteland exploration game I already own and don't much care for to begin with. (Fallout 3, not New Vegas, if you were wondering.)


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Seriously? "If you have one of the two most common brands of video cards, your best hope is to try a beta driver"?

How does a game get released in that state?

...Oh, don't get me wrong, I know some of the more obvious answers. I'm just... Appalled.

It's the sort of thing that makes me paranoid about companies like EA and Sony trying to limit users' legal recourse when the companies manifestly fail to do their jobs... I'm certainly not of a "sue 'em all and let God sort 'em out" mindset, but seriously, who keeps these guys honest?


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Callate said:
How does a game get released in that state?
Apparently we now know the problem, Id is currently trying to find their "giving a shit", it hasn't been seen since 1998, but they're hopeful it can be found in time.

Madd the Sane

New member
Feb 3, 2011
I think it's id that really likes OpenGL, correct me if I'm wrong. The main problem is that most big game developers don't have an OpenGL port unless they're doing cross-platform work. Since nobody is doing any work on it, Graphic Card companies like AMD and NVidia haven't really stressed tested them strongly enough. So people keep not developing games using OpenGL... It's a big catch-22. If the PC port of RAGE is using OpenGL and advanced OpenGL functions, it might be pushing current drivers to their max, and most Graphics Card companies didn't think that would happen.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Madd the Sane said:
I think it's id that really likes OpenGL, correct me if I'm wrong. The main problem is that most big game developers don't have an OpenGL port unless they're doing cross-platform work. Since nobody is doing any work on it, Graphic Card companies like AMD and NVidia haven't really stressed tested them strongly enough. So people keep not developing games using OpenGL... It's a big catch-22. If the PC port of RAGE is using OpenGL and advanced OpenGL functions, it might be pushing current drivers to their max, and most Graphics Card companies didn't think that would happen.
And to add a bonus point to that, AMD is not exactly known for their great OpenGL support (it's actually rather shitty) which explains why AMD users are having more issues.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Hey remember when Bethesta said they sometimes don't remove bugs when they're amusing? Well I think they also let them go by when they're not funny.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Huh. Had no idea there were driver problems. That's a damn shame because the game is incredibly fun and works fine for me.

Probably a console port but it plays well enough. Combat feels great.

Edit: Except for the fucking texture popping, but you stop noticing and it gets better.


New member
Mar 11, 2011
Snotnarok said:
Hey remember when Bethesta said they sometimes don't remove bugs when they're amusing? Well I think they also let them go by when they're not funny.
You are confusing the publisher side of Bethesda with the developer side which made that comment.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Usually the point of preping a game for release is to test that it runs on most technology. What we're they doing if not testing if the most common video cards were compatable?!


New member
May 3, 2011
The laughable "company" responsible for fallout and elder scrolls epic BUGS now blames GRAPHIC CARD DRIVERS on their own lack of SKILL.

Fiend Dragon

New member
Apr 7, 2010
This whole fiasco is a damned shame. I myself haven't had any problems with the game and I can say it's a blast! One of the better games I've played recently.

I'm almost tempted to go on an AMD / ATI card rant, because the troubles seem focused on those cards moreso than NVIDIA cards... but nah

The graphics settings aren't really a big deal.. The settings auto adjust nicely IMO, and any PC Gamer worth the silicon in their rigs can open the INI file and change the settings, which are all there just as expected.

There's nothing apart from the 'gimped video options' ( and maybe the field of view ) that suggests that this is a *crappy* console port, and I've found it pretty PC player friendly so far.

Hopefully these issues can be fixed, the people that are just looking for reasons to be angry can calm down, and we can just enjoy this really well designed game.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
No. No no no goddam no. The whole point of working closely with the GPU manufacturers (AMD and NVIDIA) while in development is to keep problems exactly like these from happening. The fact that the game is having problems this bad means that a LOT of people fell the fuck asleep.
I cannot goddam believe this can happen. I've never been one to shout about the decline of quality-control in games today, but this is nothing short of inexcusable.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
ciasteczkowyp said:
The laughable "company" responsible for fallout and elder scrolls epic BUGS now blames GRAPHIC CARD DRIVERS on their own lack of SKILL.
Whats up with nobody in these forums having heard of Id or knowing what a PUBLISHER is?


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Truth is, I remember my Fallout 3 installs had occasional glitches. Nothing nearly so horrible as taking nearly a second worth of frames to draw textures. Just the part with having the generic surface (usually the ground) but failing to render the rock/dirt/detritus that was supposed to be there.

And making that tie-in to Fallout 3 makes me happy. Because otherwise I would be tempted to suspect that iD games might be responsible for the lapse. I'd be so disappointed that I would have to sit down.

Well, alright, yes! I would have to stand up, and go sit down somewhere else to show my disappointment. But, you know, later. When I have the energy to, like, do something.

Edit: While I will show token sorrow for those folks who spent $60 on a broken game: awww.
I want to thank them for letting me know what a finely engineered product it is.