Lionhead Website Begins a Countdown

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Lionhead Website Begins a Countdown

The countdown is on at Fable maker Lionhead Studios!

Go to the Lionhead Studios website [] and you'll notice that things have changed a bit. "Thanks for visiting," the site now says. "It's time for a fresh look and feel for our website. Who knows what other surprises are coming..." And there's a countdown! And a red button, not particularly shiny or candy-like, and the sort you'd use to button your shirt, not to erase history.

What could it possibly mean? I have no idea but as looking [] for a lead engine programmer for Lionhead with a knowledge of the Unreal Engine and Direct3D 11, something the current generation of consoles doesn't support but the next generation presumably will.

Lionhead is currently working on Fable: The Journey and in June 2011 he revealed that the studio also has a "super secret second project" on the go. Since the new Fable game is already on the radar, the obvious hope is that the countdown will end in a reveal of the second project - and, since we're casting wishes into the wind, that it'll be a new Magic Carpet.

Unless my calculations are wrong [which is always a risk] the Lionhead countdown will hit zero 7 pm EST on March 5.


Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
At least one thing is consistent in this increasingly-backwards world: Lionhead-Hype and marketing.

Though considering how much I didn't like the previous two Fable titles, my faith in Lionhead Studios' ability to produce fun games is more than shaken. Though their search for someone experienced with tech besides DX9.0 intrigues me. Far more than the countdown gimmick.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
In related notes : Sun is rising in the east, reports indicate high chances of sunset to the west.

But along with this piece of information ( I wouldn't call it news ) not a single damn was given this day.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Oh boy, it's a countdown!
And to be perfectly honest I have no idea whether I'm excited about whatever or not, I think I just like the suspense of a soon to be solved mystery.

Lionhead Studios makes some fun games now and then, and I'm a real fan of Molyneux's enthusiasm, so whatever it is I'll probably pay attention to it.

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
After Fable 3 being so crap I'm not interested at all.
Maybe they're revealing some new features in Fable 4 that will make it even easier?


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Hammeroj said:
I seriously hope they have an actually competent sequel to Black&White in development. That thing has huge potential.
Same. But with the way Peter's been going about things? I doubt it will be all that good. Watch you have to take over your villagers to do anything productive or something doofy.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
It will be the new fable im guessing. Peter cant keep his mouth shut so would have spoken about his new projects...if any. If not then it will be a case of him ignoring fans, not changing the crap we hated in his last games and him adding stuff we never asked for or wanted.

I bet if he had his way he would have the dog farting in Fable 4.


King of Okay
Jun 27, 2008
As a heads up, this actually ends on the first day of GDC, so it's pretty likely we'll be seeing something there about whatever this might be.

You know Lionhead, if you wanted to cancel Fable: The Journey and make solid action adventure RPG thing, people would probably be on board with that.


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
..that it'll be a new Magic Carpet.
WHOA WHOA WHOA, HOLD UP. Are you telling me Lionhead developed Magic Carpet? *Quickly googles* Oh wait, it was Peter Molyneux that was the lead designer. Man, I loved those games when I was younger. I couldn't play them for toffee but they were damn fun. We even still have the discs and everything. Too bad we don't have a computer crappy enough to play them. :(

It's funny that I found out about Fable: The Journey whilst pursuing Amazon for ME3 and Persona 4. But all the same I love Lionhead's games and I will be eager to see what they 'big secret project' is.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Waaghpowa said:
Omnific One said:
Great, Fable 4. I really needed another game to ignore.
What game would you ignore?
Mirrors my thoughts exactly...

And I was about to say 'anyone else feel like ____'

should've known better


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
Unless my calculations are wrong [which is always a risk] the Lionhead countdown will hit zero 7 pm EST on March 5.
And if I'm wrong (and I'm never wrong) their heading directly into the fire swamp!

But seriously does anyone really care after the bag of dog poo that was Fable 3?


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Black & White 3 please. It's been a while since I've been able to to teach my evil turtle to decimate the opposing god's villages with bolts of lightning.

I woonder what the significance of the button on the site is. I hope it's not a button-making sim. Set in Albion, obviously. Why explore Albion when you can stay in a shop all day, making buttons!?