246: Legend of the Drunken Mashter


New member
Oct 3, 2009
Great article, you had me laughing pretty hard.
I tend to find that the more people get involved in a fight, the likelier the mashers are going to win, just because its too much to keep track of. Granted, most fighting games are a 1 on 1 setting, but I've seen plenty of SSB games go to a masher. SSBM Peach's down smash, anybody?


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
I had a friend challenge me years ago on SC3 (ps2). He called me out and said that you can win any fighting game with just button mashing. He did beat me with just random button mashing although I wasn't really that good at the game either.

I like the concept of this tournament though, using a wide variety of games too (I was impressed you brought in karate champ. I was just thinking about that with a bushido blade post from another blog on this forum). Two things I would recommend though, one being that you should allow all characters (because it shouldn't matter, if someone really, truely is skilled they should be able to beat another player, regardless of who they're using). I also feel you should do this across a spread of about 10 unskilled players using only button mashing versus 10 masters (or use a larger control group I mean for this).

cool idea though :)