Nintendo Wants 3DS and Wii U to Realize the "Impossible"

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Nintendo Wants 3DS and Wii U to Realize the "Impossible"

Iwata hopes to earn back the core gamer love.

With its Wii and DS platforms, said company big boss Satoru Iwata in an investors' briefing in Tokyo [], Nintendo had immensely succeeded at appealing to a new audience beyond the traditional gamer hardcore. However, it had "regrettably" done so at the cost of possibly alienating that very same core audience, who perhaps felt "that the Wii was not a game system for them" despite the release of "compelling" games, he admitted. This, said Iwata, was something that Nintendo was hoping to change with its next generation of hardware.

Once consumers came to believe that a system "is not for us," said Iwata, it was "extremely difficult" to change their minds. It was a balance of consumer "width" - appealing to a wide range of potential customers who may only buy one or two products - and "depth" - appealing to a narrow subsection of customers who will buy many products, he said. With the 3DS and Wii U, Nintendo intended to focus on consumer depth first with games that appealed to the hardcore, and go for consumer width second with the next-generation equivalents of titles like Brain Training, Wii Sports or Wii Fit.

Despite the 3DS' middling success worldwide and a seemingly collective sense of apathy, confusion or possibly both about the prospects of the Wii U, Iwata seemed optimistic about their prospects. The proof would be in the software, he said - just as "not so many people were able to comprehend the potential" of the Wii and DS when Nintendo had merely been talking about their killer apps instead of demonstrating them, the same would hold true for the Wii U and 3DS.

However, Nintendo wasn't ready to play its cards just yet. "[As] people in the industry have observed what we have done in the past, if we prematurely disclose our development information, it is possible that products with similar concepts could be launched before Nintendo itself can finalize and launch the products."

Throughout the investor Q&A, Iwata stressed that Nintendo would be both demonstrating a "richer" 3DS lineup and showing off first-and-third party titles for the Wii U this year at E3.

"[We] have not designed [the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U] to be mere improved versions of their predecessors," he said. "We have designed them so that they can realize what has been impossible."

(Wired [])



New member
Sep 6, 2009
Except the 3DS and WiiU are meant to be improved versions of their predecessors, hence the words DS and Wii still in their name.

And guess what? The "impossible" still won't be achievable Iwata, people are fickle like that.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I believe. I also can't wait to see what Nintendo shows off at E3 this year. Theatrythem and Kingomd Hearts 3D will only keep my attention for so long after all. Can't wait to see if Donkey Kong, Chocobo Racing and, Final Fantasy 3DS will get shown off at this year's show.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Well if the WiiU fails then the last real console will be dead, since its rather likely that both the next 360 and ps3 will have all sorts of weird controls in them, either to kill the used market or to mostly be digital.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Worgen said:
Well if the WiiU fails then the last real console will be dead, since its rather likely that both the next 360 and ps3 will have all sorts of weird controls in them, either to kill the used market or to mostly be digital.
Honestly if Microsoft or Sony are actually arrogant to try locking out used games in their next console I'll immediately move to the WiiU. I'm not going to buy from a company who is trying to take away my right to actually own anything.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
I'll admit that I was skeptical of the Wii until I got my hands on it, and it looks like this is going to be a repeat performance on my part.

The Wii U just doesn't look all that great to me. The big sell so far is portability, but if I wanted something portable I'd buy a DS.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
"the Wii was not a game system for them"

Well nice to see they know it.

The Wii U has to really earn my money... I honestly don't know if Nintendo will do it for me.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
scotth266 said:
...The Wii U just doesn't look all that great to me. The big sell so far is portability, but if I wanted something portable I'd buy a DS.
The Wii U is no more portable than the Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360.


New member
May 2, 2011
Well you gotta admit, he seems to have at least a rough idea of how to do things. I'm not so sure about the whole WiiU thing appealing to hardcore gamers, but at least his in the right frame of mind. Hopefully we see a whole lot more games for the 3DS.

Anyone see the teaser for that new game on the eShop? It's like an RPG or something and looked pretty awesome when I saw it.

I've always held the belief Nintendo could absolutely destroy Microsoft and Sony if they actually woke up to themselves and used those sexy brains of theirs.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I still respect Nintendo for trying to push the boundaries bit by bit rather than make leaps of faith that could bankrupt the company. I might get a 3DS when I need it. (They make an amazing Pokemon game for the 3DS)

Tipsy Giant

New member
May 10, 2010
STARFOX and PIKMIN it's simple really, give me real sequels and I will throw my money at nintendo, otherwise i'm not really getting the point of owning your hardware, you treat your exclusives terribly!

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
At this rate, all Nintendo has to do is this:
*Nintendo guy goes on stage, points at visual of rumors about Nextbox/Ps4. Also visual of PS3/Vita's constant firmware updates, and the 360's advertisements and subscriptions.*

And the WiiU will be the best console by default.

So far they've been doing good with the 3DS. Getting updates to fix issues its had, somewhat decent 3rd Party support (both in retail and digitally), the good titles are coming in, and there are good ones on the horizon. The eShop has a surprising amount of high quality games, and they at least seem to be trying to make the interface better. There are still problems, but there does seem to be some effort to try and fix them, like the recent update that allows them to patch games and reorganize the menu.

If the 3DS is giving any indication at all, I'm optimistic about the WiiU.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
If Nintendo make a full 3D Pokémon game for the Wii U with gym leaders and stuff, I will overlook everything they've done these last few years and love them forever.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Mr. Omega said:
At this rate, all Nintendo has to do is this:
*Nintendo guy goes on stage, points at visual of rumors about Nextbox/Ps4. Also visual of PS3/Vita's constant firmware updates, and the 360's advertisements and subscriptions.*

And the WiiU will be the best console by default.

So far they've been doing good with the 3DS. Getting updates to fix issues its had, somewhat decent 3rd Party support (both in retail and digitally), the good titles are coming in, and there are good ones on the horizon. The eShop has a surprising amount of high quality games, and they at least seem to be trying to make the interface better. There are still problems, but there does seem to be some effort to try and fix them, like the recent update that allows them to patch games and reorganize the menu.

If the 3DS is giving any indication at all, I'm optimistic about the WiiU.
Reggie Fils-Aime already said that the Wii U online capabilities should be at least on the xbox 360 level, if not better and that it will be for free.

Latest news also say that Nintedo will start online distribution for the 3DS and Wii U with first and third party titles. In the same news, Iwata said that he knows that people like to give their games to their friends and it's part of the gaming culture, which means no restriction on used games.

Iwata also said that they know there is a lot to improve on the 3DS shop and they will do it. The current shop is just a foundation and will be improved a lot. While we are at Iwata, he also says that Nintendo will focus on free DLC and DLC that will be completely optional and won't be related to the main story/game. It won't be something that should be part of the game but was cut out. It will be additional content created for the sole purpose of increasing the lifespan of a game.

Many developer say how the WiiU is actually really strong and some even hope that the next PS and Xbox won't be much stronger because the development costs jump exponentially. (Epic Mickey produces even said he fears the next gen if they don't go the same way as Nintendo).

Nintendo also confirmed that they will announce many WiiU and 3DS game coming from them and from many 3rd party developer. Many developer also are really interested in the Wii U and say that they can't wait to show what they have done so far.

I'm rather optimistic for the WiiU. If people just followed some more Nintendo news, they would see that Nintendo realized the mistakes it did and is trying really hard to go back and repair all the damage done.

KeyMaster45 said:
Garbage in garbage out as they say, so long as it revolves around motion controls it's probably going to suck just as hard as the Wii.
The WiiU will support motion controls, but they aren't the focus of the console.
Even Nintendo said they are done with motion controls for this generation, but so that people don't have to trow away their controller and for the shake of backwards compatibility, they added motion support to the WiiU.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Well, well, well. It would seem that Nintendo finally stopped digging their hole long enough to realize they were standing shoulder deep in the fetid bile their former fans had been heaping on them for the last few years.

I honestly don't know what to think about the WiiU anymore. They could do some really cool things with that iPad controller gimmick they've got going on, but the Wii simply existing does not fill me with confidence in the least...Who am I kidding, the only worthwhile games will be the first party ones. Garbage in garbage out as they say, so long as it revolves around motion controls it's probably going to suck just as hard as the Wii.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
80Maxwell08 said:
Worgen said:
Well if the WiiU fails then the last real console will be dead, since its rather likely that both the next 360 and ps3 will have all sorts of weird controls in them, either to kill the used market or to mostly be digital.
Honestly if Microsoft or Sony are actually arrogant to try locking out used games in their next console I'll immediately move to the WiiU. I'm not going to buy from a company who is trying to take away my right to actually own anything.
High Five!

Me too :D

That's the clencher, if they go hardcore closed I'll just not buy their consoles and ignore any games released for them.

Already do that for my 360 (The exclusives aren't for me, not their fault, I doubt I'm a big market).


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Realize the impossible and make games I actually want to play again?


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Nintendo never lost the hardcore handheld market though.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
John Funk said:
However, Nintendo wasn't ready to play its cards just yet. "[As] people in the industry have observed what we have done in the past, if we prematurely disclose our development information, it is possible that products with similar concepts could be launched before Nintendo itself can finalize and launch the products."

I am glad that the big man has realized that us Metroid loving, Zelda playing fanboys, really don't like how the Wii has been saturated by all these "family" games and casual titles. In a business sense, Nintendo has pioneered the casual console market with Wii fit and Wii sports, and they were the first to start gobbling up the casual gamers, a really smart business move. But with all those casual games, people look at the Wii and say "eww, that console is crap" despite such strong games like Metroid Prime 3 or Twilight Princess or Brawl.

I hope there will be a bigger emphasis on pleasing us hardcore Nintendo fans who own every Zelda and have maxed out every game, rather than the parent that wants to buy another ____ Mama game for their childrens, when she is not playing Farmville.
Most of all, I want their next console to be remembered fondly in the future, like how thinking back on the N64 brings warm memories of my childhood, how thinking of the Gamecube reminds me of all the games I wish I had bought back when they were cheap as fuck and easy to find. Not like the Wii and all the silly family friendly casual games. I want the Wii U to be "Remember the Wii U? Man, I wish I could find one. That thing had some fucking awesome games, I played it SOOO much".