Nintendo Wants 3DS and Wii U to Realize the "Impossible"


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Pikmin 3 for Wii U, which will be shown at E3.
Im basically getting a Wii U for that game.


New member
Feb 22, 2012

Their third party games will be much better and I am hoping for some original IPs, Iwata will be laughing his way to the bank.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
New Pikmin, SSB, skies of arcadia, and Timesplitters and I'll put my cash where you want it Nintendo.

New Mario, Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Mario, Mario....kart, and I'll throw you to the ground like a free energy drink.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
They alienated the hardcore pandering to casuals who have all jumped ship to the iphone for casual gaming and are now paying the full consequences. Now the hardcore barely acknowledges nintendo and maybe buys their yearly game, when the casuals don't want a gimmicky and stupid 3ds when they could just play the iphone.

And honestly, why WOULD you want a 3ds when the iphone has literally grown into an awesome little piece of gaming machinery? You can play games as casual as Fruit ninja or as hardcore as Chaos Rings, Infinity blade or the quest for a fraction of the price nintendo charges. And you don't even have to put up with the awful 3d gimmick.

So they lost their hardcore fans who made them what they are, and are losing their casual fans in droves because nintendo can no longer offer them a decent product.

Fuck you nintendo for not bringing over Fire emblem or Mother 3. Fuck you to hell. I hope you burn. Burn baby, BURN! (sorry for the last paragraph, I really needed to get that off my chest.)
Jun 11, 2008
Well I am a hell of a lot more likely to buy the Wii U over Microsoft's next console and I doubt Sony's will do much for me either.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
SonOfVoorhees said:
Wont happen. Every one that buys Wiiu/3DS will wait for the 4 games worth buying on the system - Mario, Zelda, Pokemon and Metroid. There 3rd party games are shit. An Nintendo just survive on them 4 franchisees by churning out more games based on them like Mario Cart, Mario Sport aand giving supporting characters games. They need to add more games, new IP, eventually no matter how much people love Mario - if you dont give them something new then they will not buy your console. Especially in today's climate.

Thats the problem with the Wii, it sold a lot of hardware but people didnt buy that many games for it as there was nothing worth buying. It took till the end of its life before they released a Zelda game for it.
Funny, what with Nintendo announcing fat better third-party support for the Wii U, and with EA, Ubisoft, Crytek, Tecmo and THQ being among the publishers/developers saying they plan on supporting the console.

It's almost as if Nintendo realised one of the problems they had with the Wii, and are working to resolve it for the Wii U. But that's silly. After all, everyone knows that Nintendo is made up of idiots who couldn't tell their arse from their elbow.
Nintendo has had the problem with third party support the last 3 generations. So far, they haven't managed to fix it and with the weird controller on the WiiU, they will alienate themselves again.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
[As] people in the industry have observed what we have done in the past, if we prematurely disclose our development information, it is possible that products with similar concepts could be launched before Nintendo itself can finalize and launch the products."
read: we are too slow for current market.
And well if you ever needed a proof that stupidty rules the world - 3ds and wii was profitable.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Strazdas said:
[As] people in the industry have observed what we have done in the past, if we prematurely disclose our development information, it is possible that products with similar concepts could be launched before Nintendo itself can finalize and launch the products."
read: we are too slow for current market.
And well if you ever needed a proof that stupidty rules the world - 3ds and wii was profitable.
Yes, because people who like and buy different video games and systems than the ones you like must be stupid, right?


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Crono1973 said:
Nintendo has had the problem with third party support the last 3 generations. So far, they haven't managed to fix it and with the weird controller on the WiiU, they will alienate themselves again.
It's a bloody touchscreen.

This isn't some arcane, little-known piece of highly dubious technology. It's a touchscreen. The DS had a touchscreen, and that didn't alienate anyone. It became the best-selling handheld in history. The iPhone and iPad have touchscreens, and they've brought gaming apps to millions of people who never played games before. My mum plays games on her iPhone, and she's never been into games in her life.

Touchscreen technology is an established part of the gaming landscape now. Case closed. Any developer who looks at a touchscreen and can't think of any possible way to use it, at a time when Angry Birds, The World Ends With You and Metroid Hunters all exist and are available to play, is not a developer with an especially creative mind in the first place.
The touchscreen on the DS alienated many Zelda fans. Don't say case closed, it makes you seem arrogant.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Crono1973 said:
The touchscreen on the DS alienated many Zelda fans. Don't say case closed, it makes you seem arrogant.
I'm sorry, I just fail to see how using a decade-old piece of technology that has been responsible for bringing handheld gaming ridiculous levels of success is in any way a new or novel thing.

Oh, so some Zelda fans didn't like the controls on the DS? Guess what: a whole load of old-school Zelda fans weren't exactly enamoured with the new-fangled controls for Ocarina Of Time on the N64. Does that mean that analogue sticks are needless gimmicks when compared to the design perfection that is the D-Pad?

If I seem arrogant, it's because it should be patently obvious that touch-screens are no longer new, novel or particularly gimmicky. Both dedicated handheld consoles now use them, mobile phones now come with them as standard, and tablet computers have found a whole new lease of like with them. Acting as if the Wii U's touchscreen controller is somehow still a gimmick is comparable to whining about the next Xbox/PS controller having shoulder buttons. That's where game design has now gone. It's been like this for a while now. The touchscreen party has been going on for years.
I think you'll find that most people used the N64 to play Super Mario 64 long before OoT came out and by then (2 years after the launch of the N64) people were used to analog controls and the PS1 had them by then. Stop pretending the analog control is the same as touch controls.

Touch screens are fine for your phone, not for gaming. Most people would have preferred normal controls on those Zelda DS games. Touch controls for a phone or an iPad are fine, touch controls for games that need precision, not fine.

I never said it was a gimmick, I said the controller is weird and it is. It has all the parts of a standard controller but pick up your 360 controller and try to imagine a big XL size touch screen in the middle of it. Weird controllers is one thing that hurt the Wii. Most people would choose to play most games with the Classic Controller Pro than they would with the Wiimote or Wiimote + Nunchuck.

Also, chill the fuck out unless Nintendo is paying you to be a fanboy.

Look, we've all spent the last half decade using touch screens and motion controls for gaming. If people still prefer the traditional controller, then that should tell you something.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Just because you're conservative Crono1973, doesn't mean that your point of view is that of the world.

If people weren't receptive to new control concepts, the DS and Wii would have bombed back eight and six years ago and not have been record breaking successes, and Kinect wouldn't be selling units approaching that of actual home consoles.

And no, I'm not just saying this because I like Nintendo. This is coming from someone who didn't even play Phantom Hourglass beyond the second dungeon and wasn't even interested in Spirit Tracks in spite of being a huge fan both of Zelda, and of trains.

him over there

New member
Dec 17, 2011
Hazy992 said:
FelixG said:
Hazy992 said:
If Nintendo make a full 3D Pokémon game for the Wii U with gym leaders and stuff, I will overlook everything they've done these last few years and love them forever.
You know, I have been saying for months now that they couldn't pay me to bother with the Wii U, but by god if they released that I may well drop my cash on one...

Particularly if you could travel between regions and collect your favorite pokemon from the different areas.
Pretty much yeah. That and maybe a new Starfox and F-Zero would make that an instant purchase :)
F-zero! Captian Falcon has been absent from my tv screen for far too long. Hope that kid icarus' return is a sign for some of the more underplayed ips.


New member
Mar 4, 2012
Thank you, Nintendo!

This is what's been bugging me! They've been catering to entirely the wrong audience since around the time the Wii came out! They even said so, in the first place! Now, they've realized their mistake and are going back to what has made them so great in the first place.

I wonder if they'll go overboard and make something that'll make us pull our hair out even more than Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels?


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
SuperTrainStationH said:
Strazdas said:
[As] people in the industry have observed what we have done in the past, if we prematurely disclose our development information, it is possible that products with similar concepts could be launched before Nintendo itself can finalize and launch the products."
read: we are too slow for current market.
And well if you ever needed a proof that stupidty rules the world - 3ds and wii was profitable.
Yes, because people who like and buy different video games and systems than the ones you like must be stupid, right?
No, people buying stupid gimmics must be stupid. I dont go raging about people playing, say, call of duty (to pick a popular example). but i do rage when they are trying to tell me that "wii mote is the only way to play now".


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Strazdas said:
SuperTrainStationH said:
Strazdas said:
[As] people in the industry have observed what we have done in the past, if we prematurely disclose our development information, it is possible that products with similar concepts could be launched before Nintendo itself can finalize and launch the products."
read: we are too slow for current market.
And well if you ever needed a proof that stupidty rules the world - 3ds and wii was profitable.
Yes, because people who like and buy different video games and systems than the ones you like must be stupid, right?
No, people buying stupid gimmics must be stupid. I dont go raging about people playing, say, call of duty (to pick a popular example). but i do rage when they are trying to tell me that "wii mote is the only way to play now".
Your opinion that new technologies introduced to games are just "stupid gimmicks" is only your opinion.

The world isn't stupid for disagreeing with you and buying into something they find attractive just because you personally don't like a game or system.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
SuperTrainStationH said:
Strazdas said:
SuperTrainStationH said:
Strazdas said:
[As] people in the industry have observed what we have done in the past, if we prematurely disclose our development information, it is possible that products with similar concepts could be launched before Nintendo itself can finalize and launch the products."
read: we are too slow for current market.
And well if you ever needed a proof that stupidty rules the world - 3ds and wii was profitable.
Yes, because people who like and buy different video games and systems than the ones you like must be stupid, right?
No, people buying stupid gimmics must be stupid. I dont go raging about people playing, say, call of duty (to pick a popular example). but i do rage when they are trying to tell me that "wii mote is the only way to play now".
Your opinion that new technologies introduced to games are just "stupid gimmicks" is only your opinion.

The world isn't stupid for disagreeing with you and buying into something they find attractive just because you personally don't like a game or system.
Neither 3D nor motion sensors are new technologies in gaming. They are stupid gimmics that never worked well. Infact 3d has been deemed useless 3 times already, this is the 4th generation.
And yes, yes it is.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Strazdas said:
SuperTrainStationH said:
Strazdas said:
SuperTrainStationH said:
Strazdas said:
[As] people in the industry have observed what we have done in the past, if we prematurely disclose our development information, it is possible that products with similar concepts could be launched before Nintendo itself can finalize and launch the products."
read: we are too slow for current market.
And well if you ever needed a proof that stupidty rules the world - 3ds and wii was profitable.
Yes, because people who like and buy different video games and systems than the ones you like must be stupid, right?
No, people buying stupid gimmics must be stupid. I dont go raging about people playing, say, call of duty (to pick a popular example). but i do rage when they are trying to tell me that "wii mote is the only way to play now".
Your opinion that new technologies introduced to games are just "stupid gimmicks" is only your opinion.

The world isn't stupid for disagreeing with you and buying into something they find attractive just because you personally don't like a game or system.
Neither 3D nor motion sensors are new technologies in gaming. They are stupid gimmics that never worked well. Infact 3d has been deemed useless 3 times already, this is the 4th generation.
And yes, yes it is.
3D and motion control were never standard features in dedicated game platforms until Nintendo employed them in their systems. Before Nintendo these existed only in failed niche systems that didn't apply them correctly or didn't have the games to get people interested, or cost hundreds of dollars extra in addition to the system that only a handful of games used.

Additionally, repeatedly stating your opinion that 3D is "stupid and useless" won't magically make it an objective fact, especially in the case of the 3DS where so many people who have used the system will attest to the exact opposite.

Also, try spelling "gimmicks" correctly instead of consistently spelling it wrong before you call other people stupid for daring to like games and systems you think they shouldn't.