Nintendo Announces 2DS, Wii U Deluxe Price Cut


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Nintendo Announces 2DS, Wii U Deluxe Price Cut

While it may not be for you, Nintendo is covering its bases.

The 3DS without the 3D, the Nintendo 2DS plays both 3DS and DS games in 2D, Nintendo announced today. The Nintendo 2DS will be released Oct. 12. It still includes many of the 3DS features such as WiFi, even the AR games and 3D camera. These functions just won't be displayed in 3D unless transferred to a 3DS. On the appearance, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime described the 2DS as "a standard 3DS laid all the way flat, and with the depth slider all the way down. Everything else is there in the system."

Nintendo made it clear to parents that the 3DS is recommended for children seven years old and up, leading them to market the 2DS to five- and six-year-olds as their first handheld gaming device.

The 2DS will be $129.99 and launch in red and blue models. Because the handheld is flat, instead of closing it like the 3DS to put it in sleep mode, the 2DS's sleep mode is activated via a slider. The 2DS is also thicker at the top than at the bottom, making the screens angled for better visibility when placed on a flat surface.

While the 2DS may not appeal to everyone, Nintendo is doing its best to appeal to other consumers who may be uncomfortable with the 3DS. Fils-Aime said, "That's just an example of how we're always thinking about, 'how do we get more people playing games? How do we get more people playing Nintendo games?'"

In addition, Nintendo announced a price cut for the Wii U Deluxe at $299, matching the price for the Wind Waker HD bundle. Fils-Aime told IGN the price cut was straightforward and "the focus on heightening the value for Wii U is now that we are in position where we've got a regular pace of great software." The price cut begins Sept. 20.

Source: IGN []


New Frontiersman

New member
Feb 2, 2010
This would have made an excellent April Fools Day prank on Nintendo's part.

I have to admit I find this fairly silly. But hey, a lower priced 3DS without the 3D, no doubt this is what a lot of people wanted from the start. So I guess this is a good an idea as any. Plus it sort of a similar design to an old Game Boy, but with two screens, so that's kinda cool.
I enjoy my 3DS pretty well as it is, so I don't think I'll get this.

Actually, I first heard about this from this video here []. and my favorite line from the ad has to be:
"A handheld gaming system from Nintendo like you've never seen before"
Yes. Yes we have. It was called the "DS."

roseofbattle said:
In addition, Nintendo announced a price cut for the Wii U Deluxe at $299, matching the price for the Wind Waker HD bundle. Fils-Aime told IGN the price cut was straightforward and "the focus on heightening the value for Wii U is now that we are in position where we've got a regular pace of great software." The price cut begins Sept. 20.
Also goddamn it; I just bought a Wii U not 10 days ago and they're just now announcing the price cut. Goddamnit.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
But... But ever since the Advance SP the flipping has been my favorite part of the Nintendo handhelds!

I'll pass on this one and not just because I'm a poor student this time...


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Now if only they can release a version that can be carried in peoples pockets.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
The lack of hinge will be great for children, who seem to be good at breaking DS hinges. The lack of 3D and lower price means I will probably get this for my mom, who has been hotly anticipating Pokémon X and Y, but doesn't have a 3DS to play them on (and doesn't even want 3D, because she tried mine and it gave her a headache).

P.S. Thanks
Dec 14, 2009
I've always wanted a portable console I couldn't carry in my pocket! And look! 2 screens to get scratched to hell because it doesn't fold away?!

[HEADING=1]Nintendo R&D is the besterest![/HEADING]

While I really like the idea, it's presented in such a way that makes it very unlikely that I'd buy one.

[sub]inb4 Jeffers says this is the best move Nintendo ever made, ever.[/sub]


Get out while you still can
Sep 22, 2011
I think this is great, when kids want to play the new Pokémon games the clerk will recommend getting this too and also saves money. Without the 3D the parent doesn't have to worry about it hurting the child's eyes as much and without the hinge it's less likely to break when it gets dropped.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
So now the "handheld" is massive, unable to fit in any pockets at all, along with looking absolutely ludicrous and being a complete waste of time and effort on anyone's part. I don't know about you, but I have a little more faith in kids than this.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
You know, seeing a lot of the reaction to this, and the amount of people who dislike 3D, I expected more people to be on board with this.

I mean, I guess the design isn't very good (Not being able to fold your DS seems like more of a downgrade than not including 3D) and I hope they at some point fix that, but I'm game. Now I can buy a 3DS and play Pokemon X and Y at a cheaper price and without the eyesore of 3D. I know you can turn off the 3D, but I'm never gonna use it, so it might as well not be there, especially if it makes it cheaper.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
TizzytheTormentor said:
Is this really necessary? I mean, you can turn the 3D on or off at your leisure and some things look pretty cool in 3D sometimes. Regardless, that is a very cheap handheld and the system has some stellar games.

As for the Wii-U, sweet, but unless there are any good games for it, I probably won't get one soon.
Still waiting on SMT x FE are we?

I got 2 new Wii U games coming this week actually... At any rate the price cut is good news, the system will really benefit from a better value proposition, and the Zelda bundle will likely help shift some units. Less people have played wind waker than you may think, considering how much of a flop the Cube was compared to it's competitors.

As for the 2DS... um, okay then.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I guess it's a good idea to release a cheaper version of the 3DS without the 3D... however the design makes it bulkier than he DS or the 3DS. Heck, that's bulkier than a 3DS XL since you can't flip it.

Honestly this just seems like a bad idea.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Can't say I see the appeal of a handheld with 2 screens that doesn't fold. But hey I'm sure someone will buy it. It's not like you need to turn on any of the 3D for most of the 3DS functions anyway.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
How I imagine holding a 2DS feels like:-

(Yes I still own a Neo Geo Pocket Colour)


[Insert Witty Remark Here]
Apr 6, 2010
What a piece of junk! I thought this was some kind of joke, but that is one ugly, impractical piece of hardware.


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
Sorry folks while not for me I think this is a pretty savvy idea. A lot of folk will be turned off by the 3D aspect of the 3DS and the price point, but want to play the games - this device solves both those issues. Granted it brings in a massive issue of scratched screens by not being clam-shell, but does anyone level that point against the Vita, their Kindle or other tablet? Or do they just get a case and take care of the device? Also granted it's ugly as sin.. I have no answer for that.

Point is the 3DS is there for those that want it and this will be there to scoop up some more sales that Nintendo might not otherwise have gotten.

Also, OH LOOK doesn't this release on the same day as Pokemon X & Y? Nintendo, you clever bastards.

[sub][sub]I'm not a member of NDF honest I'm not, so don't lump me in with them. Just because I'm not hating, doesn't make me a raging fanboi.[/sub][/sub]


New member
Jul 24, 2009
This is kinda strange... and it isn't even April 1st... is there maybe an end of August joke day in Japan or something?

[email protected]

New member
Jun 18, 2012
I don't hate the 3d aspect of the 3ds, I just felt like I would have no use for it outside of a gimmick.
A 2d version of the 3ds made cheaper is awesome for me, but the lack of folding? That's confusing to me, since the DS has always been about portability and folding allowed the screens to be protected.

Now it looks like a WII U pad with an extra screen.

I sense a protective cover coming soon to be sold separately.