Nintendo Announces 2DS, Wii U Deluxe Price Cut


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I was very interested in that Wind Waker HD bundle when it was $350, but now it's only $300 I can definitely see myself picking one up in the near future. As for the 2DS, I like the idea of a cheaper version without the 3D but I just wish there could have been a fold-able version to make it more compact.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Hmmm... I like the concept of a 3DS without the 3D, I'm all for it, especially if it's cheaper but... seriously?, that ridiculous design was necessary?.

Also, kudos for the WiiU price drop, definitely there are a few games I'd like to play on it.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Confusingly named, doesn't flip shut so it's not actually very portable. At all.

Well done Nintendo. The only thing they got right was the removal of the 3D.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
TizzytheTormentor said:
SkarKrow said:
Still waiting on SMT x FE are we?
Yes...yes I am...

I got 2 new Wii U games coming this week actually... At any rate the price cut is good news, the system will really benefit from a better value proposition, and the Zelda bundle will likely help shift some units. Less people have played wind waker than you may think, considering how much of a flop the Cube was compared to it's competitors.
I am not really interested in HD WindWaker, I have the original game and Master Quest on my shelf and aside from a few games like Super Mario Bros U and Lego City Undercover, there isn't much that makes me want a Wii-U right now.

Games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros U are great, but MK8 isn't out until Spring next year and I don't think there is a solid release date for SSB-U.

As for the 2DS... um, okay then.
The fact that it doesn't fold makes you wonder how you can carry it around without scratching the screens.
It's too big to put in a sock too, which only compounds the folding issue!

I'm sure SMTxFE will be out in 2014. I am interested in HD Wind Waker because I don't actually have a Gamecube copy of my own, so it's a buy for me, and I meant that in general it will likely help shift some units in the same way that Ocarina helped shift some 3DS's.

I've got Rayman Legends and Super Luigi U coming this week. Otherwise it's a bit dry until the autumn, when Sonic Lost World and Mario 3D World comes out. It really is a shame that MK8 and Smash Bros aren't out until next spring because both of them look absolutely fantastic and damn well worth the asking price.

I think it's worth saying that I think we're looking at another 3DS here and not another Gamecube, it'll find it's legs once games fucking come out for the thing.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
How's the battery life?
If it is way higher than the 3ds, a super cheap, sturdier system that can play ds and 3ds games (why no gba?) might be kinda cool.

Lack of second analog stick yet again is kind of a huge facepalm though.
There's even more room than on the 3ds xl now. No excuse.


New member
Mar 27, 2013
Seems to me R&D has been really hurting with "new ideas" ever since Yokoi died. They were able to look back at the Game & Watch designs when creating the DS/3DS, but now it's kinda sad given the design of the 2DS.

captcha: two hands
Yes, that's how you hold a handheld, captcha. You get a gold star today!


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Seems like Nintendo is getting Serious for a huge Financial Quarter Three this year, after a very disappointing First Quarter and probably disappointing but not as much Second Quarter.

I hope the Price Cut for the WiiU does something good for it, and it's a good thing that it's happening on the Day LoZ:WWHD is released. I also find it odd that they pushed forward Super Mario 3D World and pushed back Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. Still, here's hoping for the best!

Also, I don't see anything wrong with the 2DS, and according to a reviewer who got to hold one, it's actually very nice in the hands. It reminds me of The Gameboy Advanced Ver. 1 (The wide one), which I had fond memories of. I don't need to upgrade though, and I actually prefer to use the 3D effects, so I'm gonna skip it.


New member
May 18, 2013
I guess the 3DS isn't doing as good as people believe. There is no reason for Nintendo to release a cheaper version to directly compete against the 3DS unless they felt they had to.

It needs the clamshell design but other than that, I kinda like it.
Dec 14, 2009
TheNewGuy said:
Really? I've never seen anything posted by him that would lead me to think he was anything but a child.
Hurr hurr, sarcasm, how do? ¬_¬

Just because I'm a brain of a 10 year old, stuck in a jar and connected to the internet, doesn't mean you can make fun of me.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
WeepingAngels said:
I guess the 3DS isn't doing as good as people believe. There is no reason for Nintendo to release a cheaper version to directly compete against the 3DS unless they felt they had to.

It needs the clamshell design but other than that, I kinda like it.
My thoughts exactly.
The sad thing is that the 3DS is what's propping up Nintendo's fiscal reports.
(and the old big pile of Wii money is what is propping the whole company up)

It seems like a poor design choice for a portable system.
The clamshell pioneered by the DS was simple but very effective towards that end, and the 3DS only really lacks a second thumb knob for controlling 3D cameras (in-game cameras, not the parallel 3D cameras on the system itself).

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Nintendo figured one overly big, flat controller wasn't enough it seems.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Hmm, I think I know what this is, it's a tablet!...Only with smaller screens....with 2 of them....completely locked down OS....

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
That thing looks fucking terrible. Even 5 year old me is wanting to puke looking at that thing, bloody hell. Whoever came up with the design of it should be fired.

As with the Wii U price cut, well, it's definitely been needed.