I started reading this thinking "Oh great, some white guy is going to whine to me about how awful it is to be black." then I realized it's not as big a deal as this guy is making it out to be. In pretty much every game where the character is really ME I can choose skin tone. Fallout 3, Mass Effect, the list goes on. The only exception I can think of is Dragon Age, where my attempts at making a black person turned out to be a VERY sun burned white person. And I've never had a sun burn in my life. Though maybe it's something to say that, despite similar game play mechanics and all following the RPG genre, Fallout 3 and Mass Effect 2 are my two favorite games of all time...while Dragon Age was a huge flop in my eyes. Maybe it's that Red Devil creature I created...or maybe I just didn't like the game? Either way there's no real certain way to tell which is true.
So, is out there? Yeah sure, is it a problem? Not really. I even passed up the chance to play as a black character in Borderlands, because Mordecai's abilities trump Roland's in my opinion. My second character was Roland, but I didn't get far before the feeling of "I've done this before" sunk in, and the game started gathering dust. All other games where I'm forced to play as a white person don't really both me much, since it's not really me, it's Marcus Fenix, or John Marston. And even then that's only in Third Person games, first person it doesn't even really matter, I don't see the character except for cut scenes, when it's REALLY not me.