Thank the Nine that the proper Elder Scrolls games are made by another studio. Losing them would've just been... No, can't really bear the thought.
While we're petitioning things, I'd like to suggest some sort of law or ordnance that effectively protect existing intellectual properties from being made in a MMO format. Every single MMO universe had to be build from the ground up, with the problems and benefits of the format in mind. Not to mention, some fresh IPs are always welcome.
Roofstone said:
This GOT mmo could be i-.. Yeah, no.
Honestly, why does everything need to be an MMO? Isn't like, every MMO but WoW a failure these days? Why do they keep tryng? It never works! We still have WoW after all. Stop trying, you will fail.
There are MMOs out there that are rather healthy on their own. However, they're portrayed as a failure since they haven't been able to reach twelve million subscribers, like World of Warcraft seems to have promised all publishers that every MMO would get.
Of course, the root problem to most failed MMOs are that they've attempted to clone WoW's success by cloning WoW itself, with predictable results. Those that do survive tend to be the ones with their own direction, that focus on a tall player group rather than wide.