Sony Announces Female Spider-Man Spin-Off


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Sony Announces Female Spider-Man Spin-Off

"Quick - what haven't we tried yet?"

Two of Summer 2014's big ongoing movie stories - Sony's ongoing attempts to make the anemic Amazing Spider-Man series work as a sustainable franchise and big box-office takes for female-led genre movies - came together today as the studio announced a female-centric spin-off from it's so-called "Spider-Man Universe."

Exactly which character the film will be built around is unknown. Thus far, only two female characters who've appeared in the series have had super-powered alternate identities in the original comics: Felicity Jones' Felicia Hardy from ASM2 is also The Golden Oldie [] (it's probably not going to be that second one.) The speculation is complicated by the fact that Sony is only allowed to use characters considered primarily a part of the Spider-Man franchise, so Spider-Woman (who has no relation to Spidey besides the name) is out. Silver Sable, Firestar and (possibly) Peter Parker's possible future daughter Spider-Girl may be available, alternately.

The move comes on the heels of Paul Feig's female-led Ghostbusters [] rumor, but also on the heels of continued troubles for Sony's beleaguered superhero franchise: Despite (eventually) starting to turn a profit overseas, the poor box-office performance of the expensive ASM2 seemingly prompted its sequel to be shoved off to 2018. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, two of the architects of the rebooted franchise, have been separately quoted as having "no idea" where the series was going at this point.

Source: Deadline []



New member
Mar 1, 2010
Yeah....the answer is making good movies. The amazing spiderman movies are so obviously teen bait it hurts both eyes and brain to watch. Its possible to make a teen movie that is enjoyable for everyone. Try to do that Sony...have an idea, a direction...maybe assign some talented people before you try to squeeze milk out of stones...

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Jesus, they really are lost with this franchise aren't they and are just desperately shooting in the dark hoping they hit a bulls eye.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Sony's actually going to make a female-fronted super hero movie?

Your move, Marvel.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Sony, please, for the love of all that's holy sell the rights back to Marvel/Disney. NO ONE at Sony has any idea where the hell they're going with the series, they're literally just spinning their tires...just throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks. Time to cut your losses and sell off the rights, at least then you can make some money off the franchise.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
I could go for some Black Cat. Just as long as it's not the Spider-Man equivalent of the Catwoman movie.

On Firestar, though, I would think she would fall under Fox's ownership of everything mutant unless she was explicitly negotiated to Sony (or, since she's been an Avenger, explicitly still Marvel's under a license I doubt would have covered her at the time). I can't see her as an option.

Promethax said:
Sony's actually going to make a female-fronted super hero movie?

Your move, Marvel.
RJ 17 said:
Sony, please, for the love of all that's holy sell the rights back to Marvel/Disney. NO ONE at Sony has any idea where the hell they're going with the series, they're literally just spinning their tires...just throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks. Time to cut your losses and sell off the rights, at least then you can make some money off the franchise.
It's just weird that these responses are back to back.


Turtle king
Apr 7, 2012
You know what why not? I always liked that particular design for Spider-Girl that Bob used in the post so why not. At this point why not experiment. I don't want a black cat movie though. They made catwoman already, it sucked. I've moved on. Yes I know they're different characters, and I still stand by that statement.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:
Promethax said:
Sony's actually going to make a female-fronted super hero movie?

Your move, Marvel.
RJ 17 said:
Sony, please, for the love of all that's holy sell the rights back to Marvel/Disney. NO ONE at Sony has any idea where the hell they're going with the series, they're literally just spinning their tires...just throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks. Time to cut your losses and sell off the rights, at least then you can make some money off the franchise.
It's just weird that these responses are back to back.
I'm just saying what everyone's thinking. :p

Well, not everyone...but I'd imagine quite a few. As for Marvel's "Next Move" in terms of getting a female-led movie, there was that article a couple days ago that touched on it. I do believe one will come, but to be fair to Marvel/Disney: they do already have quite a bit on their plate. My bet is that they'll get something in the works after Captain America 3, since I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the actor that plays Cap said that that's going to be his last movie in that role. If that's the case then it'd be a good time to put Cap'n on hiatus for a bit and bust out with a new female-starring series.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I don't think America is ready for the level of latex that Felicia Hardy would be bringing with her XD

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
While i dont care one way or the other about this. My thoughts are, why make it a female spider man? There are a lot of female characters they could just make movies about. And heres the thing, I dont think people will see this movie. Because its not the Spider Man they know, so it has no foothold, if that makes any sense.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Maybe you should hand the rights to Spider-man back to Marvel/Disney because you clearly have no idea what you're doing. Giving the protagonist a pair of tits is not going to solve the problems of bad writing, bad directing, and all around bad everything. (apologies for my crude way of phrasing that)


New member
Apr 23, 2013
I... would LOVE to see a Spider-Girl movie based on Mayday Parker.
I'd also like for it not to suck, but hey, one thing at a time.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Eh, why not. They're not going to sell it back to Disney/Marvel, so might as well as do the next best thing rather than delay the next Spider-Man film further. The whole superhero films really kicked into high high gear with the original Spider-Man, so who knows, might be just the thing to get more female supers out there. Hopefully they learned from lukewarm reception to the last amazing Spider-Man, doubtful though.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
RJ 17 said:
As for Marvel's "Next Move" in terms of getting a female-led movie, there was that article a couple days ago that touched on it. I do believe one will come, but to be fair to Marvel/Disney: they do already have quite a bit on their plate. My bet is that they'll get something in the works after Captain America 3, since I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the actor that plays Cap said that that's going to be his last movie in that role. If that's the case then it'd be a good time to put Cap'n on hiatus for a bit and bust out with a new female-starring series.
One movie studio is getting one done, the other is making excuses for why it would have to be "done right," a consideration they really don't seem to have for the male heroes.

I know people will complain about quality, but I'm not all that likely to care. I didn't like the first three Spider-Man movies, so I didn't watch Amazing with the same hate boner 99% of the fans seemed to.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Well Sony has to do SOMETHING with the series since the newest one is delayed to 2018. What with the company as a whole struggling they need some kind of cash cow to slow down the damaged ship.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Brad Shepard said:
While i dont care one way or the other about this. My thoughts are, why make it a female spider man? There are a lot of female characters they could just make movies about. And heres the thing, I dont think people will see this movie. Because its not the Spider Man they know, so it has no foothold, if that makes any sense.
Erm, there was a comic series about a female spiderman. She was Peter's daughter. It was really good and a lot of people liked this. They could totally do this.

That's her picture in the article.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I just love the instant sarcasm mode Bob goes into whenever we get a non-Marvel newsflash regarding superheroes. Apparently Marvel can gender-swap Thor in a desperate PC move and give half-assed explanations why a Black Widow movie is "hard", but when Sony says they're making a female Spider-Man movie then chortle chortle, "What haven't they tried yet?". All due respect, but can we lose the favoritism and get a little more objectivity in our news reports please? I get it, Bob likes Marvel. He doesn't have to mock every single little thing Sony or Warner do just because they're not Marvel.

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
erttheking said:
Brad Shepard said:
While i dont care one way or the other about this. My thoughts are, why make it a female spider man? There are a lot of female characters they could just make movies about. And heres the thing, I dont think people will see this movie. Because its not the Spider Man they know, so it has no foothold, if that makes any sense.
Erm, there was a comic series about a female spiderman. She was Peter's daughter. It was really good and a lot of people liked this. They could totally do this.

That's her picture in the article.
I remember that, but the thing is, EVERYONE knows spider man, only hardcore fans know of Spider Girl, thats what i was getting at.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Johnny Novgorod said:
I just love the instant sarcasm mode Bob goes into whenever we get a non-Marvel newsflash regarding superheroes. Apparently Marvel can gender-swap Thor in a desperate PC move and give half-assed explanations why a Black Widow movie is "hard", but when Sony says they're making a female Spider-Man movie then chortle chortle, "What haven't they tried yet?". All due respect, but can we lose the favoritism and get a little more objectivity in our news reports please? I get it, Bob likes Marvel. He doesn't have to mock every single little thing Sony or Warner do just because they're not Marvel.
Just a small nitpick. Marvel did indeed say that making a Black Widow movie would be hard. Not because it was a female character movie though, because they had so many other movies planned that they had to get through first.

Also they didn't genderswap Thor. Thor is apparently more of a title given to the wielder of Mjolnir than a name. Like the saying on Mjolnir goes "If he who lifts the hammer shall be worthy, he shall posses the power of Thor" The old Thor did something that hasn't been revealed yet to disgrace himself, meaning he is no longer fit to wield Mjolnir. Now the new female Thor has taken up the hammer in his absence. The old Thor will still be present in the storyline, fighting with his old axe Jarnbjorn.

I can't deny a certain amount of bias though. You're pretty much right there.